


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 拘 [jū]2. 拘 [gōu]拘 [jū]逮捕或扣押:~捕。~系。~留。~拿。~囚。~禁。~押。限,限制:~束。~谨。不~小节。固执,不变通:~泥。~礼。~迂。拘 [gōu]遮蔽:“凡为长者粪之礼,必加帚于箕上,以袂~而退”。……



汉语拼音:bù jū








  1. 不拘泥;不计较;不限制。

    《庄子·渔父》:“故圣人法天贵真,不拘於俗。” 成玄英 疏:“不拘束於俗礼也。” 宋 苏轼 《放榜后论贡举合行事宜》:“欲乞特赐指挥,今后差试官,不拘经义诗赋,专务选择有词学之人。” 清 严有禧 《漱华随笔·殿试》:“旧制殿试,皆有黜落,临时请旨,不拘数目。” 冰心 《寄小读者》二一:“去国后在学校中,病院里,与同伴谈笑,也有极不拘之时,只是终不能痴傻到绝不用点思想的地步。”

  2. 不论;不管。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷五:“想夫人处必有佳饌,烦汝敬謁,不拘多寡,以疗宿飢,可乎?”《红楼梦》第十回:“他可心细,不拘听见什么话儿,都要忖量个三日五夜才算。” 冰心 《寄小读者》六:“又如我们觉得偌大的 中国 ,不拘谁做总统,只要他老老实实,治抚得大家平平安安的,不妨碍我们的游戏,我们就心满意足了。”

  3. 不夺取。

    《庄子·天地》:“不拘一世之利以为己私分。” 章炳麟 解故:“拘与鉤同。《天运篇》:‘一君无所鉤用。’《释文》云:鉤,取也。此‘鉤’亦训‘取’。”



  1. When you make a loan of any kind to your neighbor, do not go into his house to get what he is offering as a pledge.


  2. If you could and would like to, but don't have anyone you're that informal with, it's high time you looked for some of those people.


  3. He sat down on a bench, unceremoniously, doggedly, like a man in trouble.


  4. I would like to have had the uniform off although I did not care much about the outward forms.


  5. Informal on the surface polish of his work, efforts to embody the essence of traditional Chinese painting freehand.


  6. This, together with its multiracial society, informal lifestyle and agreeable climate, attracts foreigners to its shores .


  7. I want you to be able to use the power of your knowledge without sticking to brands.


  8. Purposes and demands differ between an informal essay and a formal one, and between the sports page in a newspaper and a chemistry textbook.


  9. This together with a multiracial society, informal lifestyle and agreeable climate, lures foreigners to its shores.


  1. 字数不拘。

    No limit is set on the length.

  2. 不拘形式的集会

    an informal gathering

  3. 不拘礼节的谈话语气

    a casual and conversational tone

  4. 他行为豪放不拘。

    He is impulsive in character.

  5. 不拘泥于原文的翻译

    a liberal translation of the text

  6. 她不拘礼节,让人耳目一新。

    She is refreshingly informal.

  7. 在这里吃饭可以不拘礼节。

    There was no ceremony about dining.

  8. 文章内容不拘, 你可任选

    There is no constraint on your choice of subject for the essay.

  9. 我和他是不拘礼节的。

    I do not stand on scruple with him.

  10. 他们受到不拘礼节的欢迎。

    They were received without ceremony, ie informally.

  11. 不拘什么人,他都以礼相待。

    Regardless of who someone is, he is always polite.

  12. 自然的不拘谨的自然的和真诚的

    Not selfconscious natural and genuine.

  13. 战争时期,贫富交往不拘礼节。

    In time of war the rich and poor rub shoulders together.

  14. 文章内容不拘,你可任选题目。

    There is no constraint on your choice of subject for the essay.

  15. 她对任何人都不拘礼仪。

    She's informal with everyone.

  16. 我们必须不拘形式再试一次。

    We must set aside all formality another try.

  17. 她的举止一点也不拘谨。

    She was anything but puritanical in her behavior.

  18. 是一种随便不拘礼节的词吗?

    Isguy an informal sort of word.

  19. 美国人往往不拘礼节, 讲话毫无拘束。

    They tend to be informal and speak freely.

  20. 他敢想敢干,从不拘囿于成规。

    He thinks big and dares to take action, never confined by rules.

  21. 他敢想敢干,从不拘囿于成规。

    He thinks big and dares to take action, never confined by rules.

  22. 友好地不拘礼节地提及成长中的女子。

    A friendly informal reference to a grown woman.

  23. 不要让属下对你这样不拘礼仪。

    Try to discourage such familiarities from your subordinates.

  24. 因为没有时间, 我们只好不拘礼仪了。

    It is because of the lack of time that there has been informality.

  25. 我恨的就是不拘世俗,恶心的就是不抱世俗。

    I hate and loathe Bohemianism.

  26. 一片薄荷醇咳嗽糖, 气味不拘。

    One mentholated cough drop, any flavor.

  27. 她以不拘礼节的友好态度款待他。

    She treated him with unceremonious friendliness.

  28. 它可以不拘于城镇广场的形式

    It would have the informality of the town square.

  29. 师生关系中一种不拘礼节的气氛。

    An atmosphere of informality in the relationship between staff and pupils.

  30. 我们随时欢迎来客, 可以不拘时候来看看我们。

    We keep open house, so come and see us any time.


  1. 问:不拘拼音怎么拼?不拘的读音是什么?不拘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不拘的读音是bùjū,不拘翻译成英文是 not confine oneself; regardless of

  2. 问:不拘一格拼音怎么拼?不拘一格的读音是什么?不拘一格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不拘一格的读音是bùjūyìgé,不拘一格翻译成英文是 not be limited to one type

  3. 问:不拘小节拼音怎么拼?不拘小节的读音是什么?不拘小节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不拘小节的读音是bùjūxiǎojié,不拘小节翻译成英文是 generous; not be punctilious

  4. 问:不拘束拼音怎么拼?不拘束的读音是什么?不拘束翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不拘束的读音是,不拘束翻译成英文是 unbending

  5. 问:不拘泥拼音怎么拼?不拘泥的读音是什么?不拘泥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不拘泥的读音是,不拘泥翻译成英文是 freeness

  6. 问:不拘礼的拼音怎么拼?不拘礼的的读音是什么?不拘礼的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不拘礼的的读音是,不拘礼的翻译成英文是 informal

  7. 问:不拘仪式的拼音怎么拼?不拘仪式的的读音是什么?不拘仪式的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不拘仪式的的读音是,不拘仪式的翻译成英文是 unceremonious

  8. 问:不拘泥于教义拼音怎么拼?不拘泥于教义的读音是什么?不拘泥于教义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不拘泥于教义的读音是,不拘泥于教义翻译成英文是 latitudinarian

  9. 问:不拘损失率大小照付拼音怎么拼?不拘损失率大小照付的读音是什么?不拘损失率大小照付翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不拘损失率大小照付的读音是bù jū sǔn shī lǜ dà xiǎo zhào fù,不拘损失率大小照付翻译成英文是 payable irrespective of percentage



1、不拘泥;不受限制:例如:不拘一格降人才。 2、不论;不管。连词。例如:不拘多少都使得。 3、不夺取。