


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……


末了(liǎo ),完了(liǎo),与“始”相对:年~。~场(末了一场)。~极。~审(司法部门对案件的最后判决)。~端。靡不有初,鲜克有~(人们做事无不有开头,而很少能坚持到底)。从开始到末了:~年。~生。饱食~日。人死:临~。送~。到底……



汉语拼音:cóng yī ér zhōng








  • 【解释】:丈夫死了不再嫁人,这时旧时束缚妇女的封建礼教。
  • 【出自】:《周易·恒》:“曰妇人贞洁,从一而终也。”
  • 【示例】:同一个人,怎的女子就该~,男子便许大妻大妾?
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语;指不事二主


  1. The saying "Be faithful to your husband" was praised since the time of Confucius and is still present in the minds of every Chinese woman.


  2. Deliver Consistent Value: Being unique is great, but if it is not backed up by consistent value, your visitors won't stick.


  3. The players will now be more complex movements would no longer have the original, as the simple act of a single-mindedness.


  4. In the absence of external conditions for the intervention, a pigeon life would be only one partner, they are " one" the revealer.


  5. Of any positive things, never the principle of single faith.


  6. Knavery may serve for a turn, but honesty is best in the long run.


  7. Single-mindedness of the strict demands on themselves, pragmatic attitude towards work, honest customer service.


  8. I am not a good girl, I am not a single good woman, I was not that he think of me.


  9. She is a devoted wife , holding the belief that she should be loyal to her husband.


  1. 我问她现在的情形, 她说她得找到他, 她得从一而终。

    I asked her what she was going to do now. She said she had to find him, that they were mated for life.

  2. 没有人可以重新长出手指,骨头的使用也是从一而终。

    Nobody can outgrow a cutted finger, so are our bones.

  3. 没有人可以重新长出手指,骨头得使用也是从一而终。

    Nobody can outgrow a cutted finger, so are our bones.

  4. 虽然悲哀终将从人们心头抹去。

    Though the waefu may cease frae their greetin.

  5. 这就终将会允许印度从美国已经用尽的燃料中提取出钚。

    This will eventually allow India to extract plutonium from spent reactor fuel of American origin.

  6. 这就终将会允许印度从美国已经用尽得燃料中提取出钚。

    This will eventually allow India to extract plutonium from spent reactor fuel of American origin.

  7. 你知道这种鹅的伴侣是从一而终的。

    They mate for life, you know.

  8. 她是一位忠实的妻子,坚信从一而终的信念。

    She is a devoted wife, holding the belief that she should be loyal to her husband.

  9. 一项从始至终的电视转播

    gavel to gavel television coverage.

  10. 生命从始至终, 基因永伴左右。

    GENES are acquired at conception and carried to the grave.

  11. 太阳在下午终於从云层後面钻出来了。

    The sun broke through at last in the afternoon.

  12. 他们从始至终都在背单词和学语法基础。

    From start to finish he's learning vocabulary and fundamentals of grammar.

  13. 而奥特却从始至终都在绞尽脑汁地孤军奋战。

    All the while, she was huffing and puffing to resolve the problem herself.

  14. 你会发现, 或许我是错的, 但我从始至终都是一致的。

    You will find that I may be wrong but I am consistent.

  15. 直至终有一天, 我们不得不接受巴蒂从球场退役得事实。

    Untill we have to accept the fact that Batistuta retired from football field one day.

  16. 直至终有一天,我们不得不接受巴蒂从球场退役的事实。

    Untill we have to accept the fact that Batistuta retired from football field one day.

  17. 终点直道从最末弯道到终点线之间的那段跑道

    the portion of a racetrack from the last turn to the finish line

  18. 从始至终,黑巫师对过去的每一秒钟了然于心。

    All the while, the dark mage kept track of each passing second.

  19. 他们眼望上苍是一部从始至终流淌这诗意的作品。

    Their Eyes Were Watching God is a work of poesy of trickling from start to finish.

  20. 从始至终造成中日关系难以突破瓶颈的因素是什么。

    From beginning to end to break the bottleneck caused sinojapanese relations what are the factors.

  21. 她从最低的位置干起,通过努力终於当上了公司的经理。

    She started at the bottom and worked her way up to become manager of the company.

  22. 你在这里所停留的时间的从使至终, 这个身体都是属于你的。

    The body you are given will be yours for the duration of time here.

  23. 这个顾客不可理喻,但是店员从始至终都保持礼貌耐心的态度。

    This customer was unreasonable, but the shop assistant remained polite and patient throughout.


  1. 问:从一而终拼音怎么拼?从一而终的读音是什么?从一而终翻译成英文是什么?

    答:从一而终的读音是cóngyī'érzhōng,从一而终翻译成英文是 not remarry after one's husband dies; be fa...



“从一而终”是个多义词,它可以指从一而终(2009年理查德·隆克瑞恩执导电影), 从一而终(李瑞波演唱歌曲), 从一而终(汉语词语)。