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But if you boost the variety of fruits and vegetables that you eat, you may be able to lower those odds a bit.
但如果你食用种类丰富的蔬果,可能患癌风险能稍微降低。Celery. This delicious vegetable is usually sprayed with high amounts of pesticide, much more so than other fruits and vegetables.
芹菜–因为芹菜比较容易被害虫侵蚀,所以它们需要的杀虫剂份量比其他蔬果还要高。The researchers recorded the kinds and amounts of fruit and vegetables eaten by the children before and after the program.
活动前和活动后,研究人员都记录下了这些孩子食入的蔬果的种类和数量。if chemical thinning is not sufficiently effective , hand thinning would involve a great deal of labour.
在化学蔬果效果不大好的时候,人工疏果又牵涉到大量用工。Also, if you have not properly washed the fruits and vegetables, some of the residual chemicals on the surface can irritate the bowels.
又,如果蔬果没有经过清洗,表面残留的化学物质会刺激到肠胃。Where, during the summer, I buy groceries at the Farmer's Market, inhaling the scent of strawberries while being softened under the sun.
夏日期间,我可以从农贸市场内买所有需用的蔬果杂货,闻到草莓的美香味,在阳光照耀下放松享受。She plans to do more gardening for her family's daily food and to sell to villagers.
她打算多种一些蔬果,既可以给家人吃,也可以卖给村民。The letter included a brief statement of the benefits of fruits and vegetables, a Five-A-Day sticker and a Five-a-Day refrigerator magnet.
随信附有一份有关蔬果有益健康的简短说明,还各送一个宣传“一天5份蔬果”的标签和冰箱磁吸。Leaves and stems of bananas, pineapples and other fruit with tough skins areputtingput into a device similar to a pressure cooker.