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1. 差 [chà]2. 差 [chā]3. 差 [chāi]4. 差 [cī]差 [chà]错误:话说~了。不相当,不相合:~不多。缺欠:还~十元钱。不好,不够标准:~等。成绩~。差 [chā]不同,不同之点:~别。~距。~额。~价。大致……
1. 价 [jià]2. 价 [jiè]价 [jià]商品所值的钱数:~钱。~格。涨~。调~。待~而沽。商品之间相互比较和交换的基础:~值。代~。化学名词:“原子~”。价 [jiè]旧时称派遣传递东西或传达事情的人:“走~驰书来诣”。……
汉语拼音:chā jià
BHP and Rio reckon this is unfair and that they should be awarded a bigger piece of the "freight differential" between them and Vale.
必和必拓与力拓认为这不公平,它们应该从与淡水河谷之间的“运费差价”中得到更多好处。How much the tire is to the brand or the price of the ordinary post to several hundred dollars to ah?
轮胎多大的是要品牌的还是要普通的价格差价要几百元啊?When the manager arrives, Gault asks her to at least meet her halfway.
当经理到来时,高尔特要求她至少便宜一半的差价。But it's not just a question of marking up the price in between.
但这并不只是一个提高差价的问题。To hedge against the widening of the spread, the company could purchase a put option with a strike at the current level of spread.
为了避免差价扩大导致的损失,公司可以购买一份执行价为现行差价的卖出期权。Apple has previously said the difference in prices for certain markets is due to currency valuation and government taxes.
之前苹果官方称这样的差价是因为不同市场的货币价值差异和政府税收差异造成的。The magnitude of difference between the price of a house and a toaster would skew the "total spend" numbers in favor of your argument.
对于你关心的问题,房价与土司间的差价将很大程度上影响总支出数字的结构。How about 50. 00 dollars for shipping and if it does not total up to this amount I will refund the balance to you.
50美元用作运输可以吗,如果这个数量不是总数的话,我会将差价退还给你。Now, though, caught in a war over the cost of trading shares, the NYSE quite rightly is looking at other markets with fatter spreads.