


胸:胸~(心里,多指心里的话或想法,如“直抒~~”)。主观地,缺乏客观依据的:~造。~测。~度(duó )。~断。~见。……





汉语拼音:yì cè








  1. 主观地推测。

    清 陈廷焯 《白雨斋词话》卷六:“《风诗》三百,用意各有所在,仁者见之谓之仁,智者见之谓之智,故能感发人之性情。后人强事臆测,繫以比、兴、赋之名,而诗义转晦。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷十三:“二臣皆身歷戎行,晓洞贼情,故动中窽会,非书生臆测所及。”《“五四”爱国运动资料·学生终止罢课之宣言》:“外界不察,妄肆臆测,或谓排外,或谓热中。” 鲁迅 《坟·文化偏至论》:“若夫影响,则眇眇来世,臆测殊难。”

  2. 主观的测度。

    刘复 《<四声实验录>序赘》:“最要紧的是求之于科学的实验,而不求之于一二人的臆测。” 鲁迅 《<朝花夕拾>后记》:“这不过是我一时的臆测,此外也并无什么坚实的凭证。” 夏衍 《观剧偶感》:“我没有眼福看到这个剧本的上演,所以我的臆测只根据了散在 沪 港 各报的批评。”



  1. Yogi Chen did not seem scared in the least, and I can only guess that he must have been silently praying.


  2. The price would affect the cost of every decision we make; it would take away the guesswork.


  3. Chronology protection is still just a conjecture, so time travel remains a possibility.


  4. And ask yourself how much of that bold prediction is based on reliable numbers and how much is outright guesswork.


  5. And when I tracked that received wisdom back to its source, I found that everything I had learned was just a poor educated guess .


  6. There has been a great deal of speculation about the Prime Minister's resignation.


  7. Sony spokeswoman Mami Imada said the loss figure was speculation and declined to comment further. Similar reports appeared in other media.


  8. Speculation is focused on additional easing measures by the Bank of Japan, including expanding a funding scheme for short-term loans.


  9. Such conjectures intensified after the death of Howard Carter in 1939, when a number of artifacts were found to be part of his estate.


  1. 这纯属臆测。

    This is pure surmise.

  2. 好作臆测的思想

    a hypothetical mind

  3. 大量的假设和臆测。

    A world of hypothesis and speculation.

  4. 关于这个问题不可臆测。

    No conjecture can be offered on the subject.

  5. 臆测的影响毋须讨论。

    Speculative impacts need not be discussed.

  6. 我对结果无法做臆测。

    I can make no conjectures about the outcome.

  7. 臆测得影响毋须讨论。

    Speculative impacts need not be discussed.

  8. 他的臆测没有很好的根据。

    His conjecture is not well founded.

  9. 你的理论纯粹是主观臆测。

    Your theory is pure conjecture.

  10. 这些担忧纯粹是臆测出来的。

    These fears are purely theoretical.

  11. 基于几分有灵感的臆测的教学。

    Teaching based on a kind of inspired guesswork.

  12. 我们切不可全凭臆测指责他。

    We mustnt condemn him on mere suppositions.

  13. 我们不可全凭臆测来指责他。

    We mustn't condemn him on mere suppositions.

  14. 换句话说, 这种威胁不再是臆测了。

    The threat, in other words, is no longer hypothetical.

  15. 我们不能单凭臆测而谴责她。

    We must not condemn her on pure supposition.

  16. 最近有关首相辞职的臆测颇多。

    There has been a great deal of speculation about the Prime Ministers resignation.

  17. 这引发了一些离题甚远的臆测。

    This fueled rampant speculation far from the intended mark.

  18. 这段话也是达尔文一时的臆测。

    This, too, was guesswork.

  19. 这篇文章中凭空臆测的东西太多。

    The article has too many false presumptions.

  20. 这篇文章中凭空臆测得东西太多。

    The article has too many false presumptions.

  21. 这篇文章中凭空臆测的成分太多。

    The article makes too many false presumptions.

  22. 这篇文章中凭空臆测得成分太多。

    The article makes too many false presumptions.

  23. 我想我是对的,只不过这纯属我的臆测。

    I think I am right, only this is pure surmise on my part.

  24. 那你还给我带来了谣言和臆测。

    And you bring me rumors and conjecture.

  25. 任何主观的臆测或猜想, 都是不科学的。

    Any subjective conjecture or guess, it is unscientific.

  26. 这类声明中有些东西绝对是凭空臆测。

    There is something undeniably conjectural about such claims.

  27. 这是尽我所能对我的目标所进行的臆测。

    That surmises my goal as best as I can imagine.

  28. 我们需要的是准确的观察, 而不是主观臆测。

    Accurate observation, and not subjective assumption, is what we need.

  29. 但美国人仍臆测着这一选择的意图。

    But Americans are nonetheless obsessed by divining the meaning of the choice.

  30. 未来的事情很难臆测,大家都心中无数。

    The future is so uncertain that one man's guess is as good as another's.


  1. 问:臆测拼音怎么拼?臆测的读音是什么?臆测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:臆测的读音是yìcè,臆测翻译成英文是 conjecture



主观地推测、猜测、凭想象揣测。清 陈廷焯 《白雨斋词话》卷六:“《风诗》三百,用意各有所在,仁者见之谓之仁,智者见之谓之智,故能感发人之性情。后人强事臆测,系以比、兴、赋之名,而诗义转晦。”