




1. 任 [rèn]2. 任 [rén]任 [rèn]相信,信赖:信~。使用,给予职务:~命。~人唯贤。负担,担当:担~。~课。职务:就~。到~。~重道远。由着,听凭:~凭。~性。~意。~从。~随。听~。放~自流。听之~之。不论,无论:~何……



汉语拼音:hòu rèn







  1. 后方事宜。

    《宋书·王华传》:“ 太祖 从之,留 华 总后任。”

  2. 继任某一职务的人。




  1. To this the candidate responds cheerfully, showing that whatever his other faults may be, obstinacy does not seem to be one of them.


  2. Roy Williams [then a North Carolina assistant] spent so much time down here, we thought he was working at Laney.


  3. Zhou was, after Mao, one of the defining figures of the revolution; while Mao led the country, Zhou was premier.


  4. 3-date Kunshan City sima Co. , Ltd. Renren business assistant, served as the personnel so far.


  5. Had long served in the research units of Ministry of Power Industry, and later appointed as the director of State Information Center .


  6. and that it would set poor precedence for subsequent priests.


  7. Why not leave this insider information for your replacement?


  8. The same could not be said of his successor, President Lyndon B.


  9. Wireless artists in 1982, into the training study, graduation he served as the wireless television actor.


  1. 他毕业后任地方行政长官。

    He worked as a magistrate after graduation.

  2. 后任宾馆娱乐部副经理,负责部门的日常管理工作。

    Afterwards, being as the deputy manager of the entertainment department of the hotel and responsible for the daily management of the department.

  3. 请让我发言,我说完后,任你们笑骂。

    Suffer me, and I will speak, and after, if you please, laugh at my words.

  4. 法国大使上星期在他任期满后离开了莫斯科。

    The French ambassador left Moscow at the end of his tour of duty last week.

  5. 期满后续任者在任期满后被留下来继续担任职务的人。

    One that is held over,especially an officeholder who is retained after an expired term of office.

  6. 科尔内利乌斯。西庇阿在西班牙阵亡后不久,尼禄继任。

    After Publius Cornelius Scipio was killed in Spain, Nero took over not that long afterwards.

  7. 因家境贫寒,住日升昌票号苏州分号,后移住北京任分号经理。

    Due to poor family living Rishengchang Vote Xuzhou No.semicolon after semicolon emigration Beijing office manager.

  8. 毕业后, 他选择留校任教。

    After graduation, he elected to teach in the university.

  9. 电缆任一端接地后,接地端电缆感应电流都会增大。

    When the cable is grounded at one end the current at theend will increase.

  10. 我们在推选汤姆为第一任帮派头目后就各自回家去了。

    Then we elected Tom Sawyer first captain of the gang and we all went home.

  11. 正统十四年土木堡之变后,召回京师,任大理寺右寺丞。

    Orthodox fourteen years Civil Fort change after the recall of the capital, he served as supreme court the right Sicheng.

  12. 谁在第一任首席部长辞职后接任?

    Who succeeded the first Chief Minister when he resigned ?

  13. 轻舟短棹任横斜, 醒后不知何处。

    Little boat with short oar drifts, where he doesn't know after wake.

  14. 那位老师执教满任后便退休了。

    The teacher retired at the completion of the school year.

  15. 任教15年后,他被调到教育部协助制定教育规划。

    After fifteen years of teaching, he was seconded to the Ministry of Education to advise them on school planning.

  16. 杰夫小时候最喜爱的亲戚波普·吉斯曾在新墨西哥州的原子能委员会任高级经理,退休后来到科图拉牧常

    Little Jeff's favorite relative, Pop Gise worked in New Mexico as a senior manager in the Atomic Energy Commission before retiring to the Cotulla ranch.

  17. 前任MLBAll-StarChan-hopark在19个赛季后退休了。

    Former MLB All-Star Chan-ho Park retires after 19 seasons.

  18. 弘治十一年任户部主事,后任郎中。

    Koji eleven years as the principal household Department, he served as doctor.

  19. 辞任公司主席后, 他会留下来作顾问。

    After standing down as the chairman of the company, he will stay as an advisor.

  20. 使用后令人神志不清任人使唤, 问啥答啥!

    Unconsciousness after being handle it, ask A what what!

  21. 国民党后方任守备的兵力仅有二十一个旅。

    In the Kuomintang rear areas there are only 21 brigades on garrison duty.

  22. 自1974年后,对每一个郡都单独地发出治安委任。

    Since1974 there are separate commissions of the peace for each county.

  23. 拖到任一时间线上后,可以标记当前日期。

    Drag onto any timeline to mark the current date.

  24. 内战爆发后加入国会派,任约克郡骑兵司令。

    His tactical skill and courage helped bring about many Parliamentary victories, including the Battle of Marston Moor.

  25. 摘要普京就任俄总统后进行了外交大调整。

    Since inauguration President Putin has initiated a grand dipiomatic adjustment.

  26. 十二年后,她果真如愿成为拳王的第四任妻子。

    Twelve years later, she did, becoming the boxers fourth wife.

  27. 调补督任法治疗中风后尿失禁80例临床观察

    A Clinical Study of80 Patients on Regulating Du And Ren Channel Acupuncture Therapy of Urinary Incontinence After Apoplexy

  28. 张若是秦灭蜀后的第一任蜀守, 功勋卓著却不见经传。

    Zhang Ruo was the first senior officer of Shu after Qin destroyed Shu.

  29. 后在黎巴嫩建立圣母大学,并亲任校长六年。

    Rai founded Notre Dame University in Louaize, Lebanon, and was its president for six years.

  30. 三十年后这位早慧的年轻人成了美国的第一任总统。

    Thirty years later, this precocious youth was to be the first President of the United States.


  1. 问:后任拼音怎么拼?后任的读音是什么?后任翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后任的读音是hòurèn,后任翻译成英文是 successor

  2. 问:后任遗产管理拼音怎么拼?后任遗产管理的读音是什么?后任遗产管理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后任遗产管理的读音是hòu rèn yí chǎn guǎn lǐ,后任遗产管理翻译成英文是 administration de bonis non

  3. 问:后任遗产管理人拼音怎么拼?后任遗产管理人的读音是什么?后任遗产管理人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后任遗产管理人的读音是hòu rèn yí chǎn guǎn lǐ rén,后任遗产管理人翻译成英文是 administrator de bonis non




拼音:hòu rèn基本解释[successor] 被选举或委派担任公务、要职以补前任之缺的人;在原来担任某项职务的人之后担任这个职务的人。