




1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……



汉语拼音:rùn sè








  1. 修饰文字,使有文采。

    《论语·宪问》:“为命, 裨諶 草创之, 世叔 讨论之,行人 子羽 修饰之, 东里 子产 润色之。” 宋 王安石 《西垣当直》诗:“讨论润色今为美,学问文章老更醇。”《玉娇梨》第一回:“昨赖老先生大才润色,可谓点铁成金。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·伤逝》:“我的工作果然从此较为迅速地进行,不久就共译了五万言,只要润色一回,便可以和做好的两篇小品,一同寄给《自由之友》去。”

  2. 使增加光彩。

    《汉书·终军传》:“夫天命初定,万事草创,及臻六合同风,九州共贯,必待明圣润色,祖业传於无穷。” 晋 左思 《吴都赋》:“其奏乐也,则木石润色;其吐哀也,则凄风暴兴。” 章炳麟 《国故论衡·原儒》:“自 太史公 始以儒林题 齐 鲁 诸生,徒以润色 孔氏 遗业,又尚习礼乐弦歌之音,乡饮大射,事不违艺,故比而次之。”

  3. 犹加工,使更完美。

    晋 陶潜 《述酒》诗题注:“ 仪狄 造, 杜康 润色之。”

  4. 装饰点缀。


  5. 粉饰。


  6. 湿润。

    老舍 《四世同堂》六三:“他的嘴张得更大了些,往往被烟呛得咳嗽一下,他才用口液润色它一下。”



  1. The speech he gave had been touched up by his staff.


  2. A waxwork of French President Nicolas Sarkozy gets a few final touches before going on display at Madame Tussaud's in London.


  3. Elinor perceived not the language, not the professions of Colonel Brandon, but the natural embellishments of her mother's active fancy.


  4. Your essay is good, you just need to polish it a bit.


  5. John has the speech written but he wants to polish it up a bit before he delivers.


  6. (An Expense Application) I did not want to talk about it yet because the sample will be shipped in a week or so as we put the final touches.


  7. Later, if I please, I can regard these ramblings as rough notes for a more coherent account.


  8. And it says she's doing some final touches. . . on an extra special presentation for you, and she'll be right here.


  9. The senior editor especially said that this article needs to be polished.


  1. 增添细节以润色

    touch in

  2. 活颜润色眼霜

    vitabolic yeux dark circle eye treatment

  3. 现在是时候开始润色。

    Now is time to start retouching.

  4. 这幅画尚欠润色。

    This painting lacks the finishing touches.

  5. 这篇文章需要润色一下。

    This article needs polishing.

  6. 这张画是经过润色得。

    The painting was touched up.

  7. 这张画是经过润色的。

    The painting was touched up.

  8. 只要略加润色就行了。

    It only needs a few more touches.

  9. 对某物做最后的润色

    to put the finishing touches to something

  10. 他给图画作最后的润色。

    He finished up a painting.

  11. 我再润色一下就付印了。

    I will give it another brush to the print.

  12. 他给小说作了最后润色。

    He's added a few finishing touches to his novel.

  13. 最后一幕还需要加以润色。

    The last act needs to be touched up.

  14. 这是一个未润色的故事。

    This is a raw story.

  15. 他对这幅画进行了润色。

    He touched up the painting.

  16. 这张照片已被润色过了。

    This photograph has been retouched!

  17. 华丽的润色是完全没有必要的。

    Embellishment and fluff are not necessary.

  18. 你需要给这首诗润色一下。

    You need to touch up the poem.

  19. 你把文章再润色一下好吗?

    Would you polish up the article a bit?

  20. 我们要他为我们润色这篇文章。

    We ask him to round off the essay for us.

  21. 他的报告经过他办公室人员的润色。

    The speech he gave had been touched up by his staff.

  22. 爱的大手笔怎样给造物润色。

    How that great work of Love enhances Nature's.

  23. 这篇文章需要润色一润色下。

    This article needs ploishing.

  24. 他的发言总是要经过仔细润色的。

    His speech was always polished to a nail.

  25. 他对这幅画作最后的润色。

    He went over the painting, giving it the finishing touches.

  26. 对书的修饰, 建筑物的装饰, 言语的润色。

    The embellishment of a book, a building, a speech.

  27. 你的文章很好,只需要稍加润色。

    Your essay is good, you just need to polish it a bit.

  28. 约翰尼正在对他的报告作最后的润色。

    Johnny was putting the finishing touches to his report.

  29. 画家对这张画作了几次润色。

    The artist retouched the painting several times.

  30. 这张画经过润色,色调明朗了一些。

    The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter.


  1. 问:润色拼音怎么拼?润色的读音是什么?润色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:润色的读音是rùnsè,润色翻译成英文是 polish




【拼音】rùn sè

【基本解释】 修饰文字,使有文采。