


1. 苦 [kǔ]苦 [kǔ]像胆汁或黄连的滋味,与“甘”相对:甘~。~胆。~瓜。感觉难受的:~境。~海(原为佛教用语,后喻很苦的环境)。~闷。含辛茹~。吃~耐劳。~恼。为某种事所苦:~雨。~旱。~夏。~于(a.对某种情况感到苦脑;b.表示……





汉语拼音:kǔ zhàn







  1. 拼死战斗。

    《史记·高祖本纪》:“天下匈匈,苦战数岁,成败未可知,是何治宫室过度也!”《陈书·周文育传》:“顷之, 彪 又来攻, 文育 悉力苦战, 彪 不能克。” 唐 韩愈 《论淮西事宜状》:“知国家必不与之持久,併力苦战,幸其一胜。” 明 沉德符 《野获编补遗·礼部·议革张浚祀》:“当此盛夏,摇扇於清凉,且犹不堪,况烈日中被甲苦战乎!” 毛泽东 《第十八集团军总司令给蒋介石的两个电报》二:“经过我们八年的苦战,夺回了近百万平方公里的土地,解放了过一万万的人民。”



  1. As nothing less than control of the federal government was at stake, the convention was a bitter affair from the beginning.


  2. Clearly they are a team who are doing well and are not easy to score against, so it will be a tough game like always in Europe.


  3. We knew it was going to be a hard-fought game as Villa are a tough team to beat at home but we played terrifically well.


  4. The enemy finally issued a document of surrender, after fighting for three days and three nights.


  5. S. occupied Japan and effectively colonized the island of Okinawa, seized in a bitter battle shortly before Tokyo surrendered. The U.


  6. As the NI crisis drags on, in the form of criminal investigations and the public inquiry, it could do Mr Cameron much harm in this slow way.


  7. But it is a difficult year to be an incumbent, and doubly so to be a proudly moderate incumbent, as Ms Lincoln is.


  8. Italy is at last reaping the benefits of a two-year campaign to regain smuggled antiquities.


  9. And the battle was hard fought till the sun went down: and Demetrius was slain that day.


  1. 苦战三局之后

    after three set harding work.

  2. 棋到中盘,我还是苦战。

    Middle of a chess game, I still worked hard.

  3. 苦战失利后, 船长降旗投降。

    After hard but unsuccessful fighting, the captain of the ship struck the flag.

  4. 克瑞托斯的士兵们在苦战。

    Kratos soldiers are shown battling with everything they have.

  5. 经过90分钟苦战,最终双方握手言和。

    The two sides finally shook hands, and tied the game after fighting for 90 minutes.

  6. 经过90分钟苦战,最终双方握手言和。

    The two sides finally shook hands, and tied the game after fighting for 90 minutes.

  7. 在一次苦战之后,战神睡着了。

    After a hard battle, the war God fell asleep.

  8. 他们在苦战时,你们怎么可以袖手旁观?

    How could you watch with folded arms when they were fighting bitterly ?

  9. 看来马斯坦斯要经历一场苦战了

    This could be a long game for the Mustangs.

  10. 科克队苦战莫纳亨队,以10获胜。

    Cork scrambled a 10 win over Monaghan.

  11. 经过七天苦战, 义军终于攻下京城。

    After fighting for seven days, the righteous army finally captured the capital of the country.

  12. 经过七天苦战,义军终于攻下京城。

    After fighting for seven days, the righteous army finally captured the capital of the country.

  13. 他们苦战了六昼夜来抢救他的生命。

    For six days and nights they battled to save his life.

  14. 那支队一番苦战离开球场,虽败犹荣。

    The losing team left the field bloody but unbowed.

  15. 经过几天的苦战, 总算把涵洞修好了。

    After days of hard work, the culvert was at last completed.

  16. 经过几天的苦战,高低把涵洞修好了。

    After days of hard work, the culvert was at last completed.

  17. 你的攻击实在不留余地!刚才真是苦战。

    Your attacks are relentless!That was a painful battle.

  18. 真得啊, 这对洋基队将是一场苦战。

    Well, this will be a tough game for the Yanks.

  19. 经过四天四夜的苦战他们终于战胜了洪水。

    They conquered the flood after a strenuous fight lasting four days and four nights.

  20. 真的啊,这对洋基队将是一场苦战。

    Well, this will be a tough game for the Yanks.

  21. 你的威能帮助队友保持战意, 使得敌人苦战。

    Your powers help keep your allies fighting and your enemies struggling.

  22. 穆帅期待着周六在富勒姆足球俱乐部的苦战。

    Jose Mourinho is expecting a tough battle at Fulham Football Club on Saturday.

  23. 穆帅期待着周六在富勒姆足球俱乐部得苦战。

    Jose Mourinho is expecting a tough battle at Fulham Football Club on Saturday.

  24. 经过多次苦战,我们的部队终于粉碎了敌人所有的抵抗。

    Eventually, after much dogged fighting, our troops born down all resistance.

  25. 在第二局中我陷入苦战,我的对手太厉害了。

    I really had a hard time in the second round, the man I played against was too much for me.

  26. 打个比方,英文是目前很多人都在苦战的对象。

    For example, English is what most of us today struggling with.

  27. 一群不死之身的傀儡兵,让鸣人一行人陷入苦战。

    Puppet of a group of immortal soldiers, to Naruto, a pedestrian into a bitter struggle.

  28. 如果这两点你都能做到,那么其余的球队将陷入苦战。

    And if you've got that mixture, the rest of us are in a hell of a fight.

  29. 经过我军三天三夜的苦战, 敌人终于抵挡不住了, 送来了降表。

    The enemy finally issued a document of surrender, after fighting for three days and three nights.

  30. 经过我军三天三夜的苦战,敌人终于抵挡不住了,送来了降表。

    The enemy finally issued a document of surrender, after fighting for three days and three nights.


  1. 问:苦战拼音怎么拼?苦战的读音是什么?苦战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苦战的读音是kǔzhàn,苦战翻译成英文是 hard fighting; struggle hard

