




1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……



汉语拼音:yī zhuǎn












  1. 转动一次;旋转一圈。

    南朝 梁武帝 《白紵辞》:“短歌流目未肯前,含笑一转私自怜。” 唐 顾况 《悲歌》之二:“我心皎洁君不知,轆轤一转一惆悵。” 元 王实甫 《西厢记》第一本第一折:“怎当他临去秋波那一转!”《儿女英雄传》第四回:“且説那女子把那石头撂倒在平地上,用右手推着一转,找着那个关眼儿伸进两个指头去勾住了。”

  2. 提炼一次。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·金丹》:“其一转至九转,迟速各有日数,多少以此知之耳。”

  3. 计算一遍。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·文学》:“尝算浑天不合,诸弟子莫能解。或言 玄 ( 郑玄 )能者。 融 ( 马融 )令算,一转便决。”

  4. 四周。


  5. 转换勋阶一次。

    《新唐书·太宗纪》:“从伐 高丽 无功者,皆赐勋一转。”

  6. 表数量。

    清 翟灏 《通俗编·数目》引 李翊 《俗呼小录》:“ 杭州 以柴四圆箍为一转。”



  1. A few moments later, the view switched and you see the referees talking a bit, before they led the players out of the catacombs.


  2. The bill of the little household, which had been settled weekly, first fell into arrear.


  3. Shot a turn, Sam and his wife out of the hospital, Sam's wife, Desperate to leave, leave behind do not know how Sam and small Lucy.


  4. Then, squinting his eye he said: 'The light is dim. Read the letter to me'.


  5. The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds. Then, squinting his eyes, he said: 'The light is dim. Read the letter to me.


  6. He rose to go, but suddenly sat down again and turned to look into Tseng Tsang-hai's face, which betrayed His rage and mortification.


  7. It took me a week before I could walk around the block.


  8. Mundungus shrugged and grimaced; the magical eye swerved sideways to glare at him out of the side of Moody's head.


  9. Helen once the eye pupil son turn, arranging up the gun in the hand the great direction is to the farmland: "You, cover up in Sa. "


  1. 把话锋一转

    switch the conversation to some other subject.

  2. 幽微极致, 期待一转

    Delicate Point of No Return, Longing for a Diversion

  3. 眼珠一转, 计上心来

    He rolled his eyes and hit upon an idea

  4. 话锋一转要起钱来

    worked in a request for money.

  5. 话音一转,竟又千娇百媚起来。

    Once the words sound turn and unexpectedly and quite fascinating get up.

  6. 向左一转,你就会看到邮局。

    Turning to the left, you will see the post office.

  7. 可是这位总理话锋一转, 气氛顿变。

    But then the Premier introduced a jarring note.

  8. 刘玉英眼珠一转,很妖媚地笑了。

    She rolled her eyes at him and smiled seductively.

  9. 风向突然一转,森林大火就被遏制了。

    A sudden change of wind checked the forest fire.

  10. 她听见了医生的话, 眼珠一转, 眼泪涌了出来。

    On hearing what the obstetrician had said, she shut her eves with relief.

  11. 她话锋一转,锐利地指向那对平庸的夫妇。

    She aimed her voice very pointedly at the colourless couple.

  12. 他词锋一转,我根本反应不过来该说什么。

    After he changed the topic, I really didn't know what to say.

  13. 他词锋一转,我根本反应不过来该说什么。

    After he changed the topic, I really didn't know what to say.

  14. 一天, 我和他乘车转了一转, 看看船如何卸货。

    I rode around with him one day seeing how the ships unloaded.

  15. 杜洛埃把话题一转, 开始谈她想买的衣服。

    Drouet turned to the subject of the clothes she was going to buy.

  16. 杜洛埃把话题一转,开始谈她想买得衣服。

    Drouet turned to the subject of the clothes she was going to buy.

  17. 内维尔话题一转,赞扬起了阿兰的勇敢。

    Neville also took time out to hail Smiths courage following his horrific injury in the final stages of the match.

  18. 一转按揭贷款可以帮助你得到现金的资产在您的家。

    A refinance mortgage loan can help you get cash for the equity in your home.

  19. 不过话锋一转,基恩还是对维埃拉大赞了一番。

    Changed the subject, however, Keane or Patrick Vieira to sing praises of a lot.

  20. 然后话锋一转说今天不谈公事要带她去喝酒。

    Then but she immediately added a turn today not said to talk about business to take her to drink.

  21. 这么一转,我相信至少半年六个月的安静是有的。

    After that, I think we can be sure of peace and quiet for six months at least.

  22. 等小猫把身子一转,老虎立即张开血盆大口朝小猫扑来。

    Such as the body a kitten, tiger immediately turn toward small Japan to open toothy maw.

  23. 一转过崖头,看见?岩下有一间小土屋,我们就跑了进去。

    As we rounded the top of the mountain path, we noticed a small earthen hut under the overhanging face of the cliff, and rushed inside.

  24. 老鸨眼珠子一转, 那就宽限十日, 只盼他筹足银子, 大家都欢喜。

    Procuress eye pupil once the son turn and that extend time limit the tenth, hope him to raise foot silver, and everyone be happy.


  1. 问:一转眼拼音怎么拼?一转眼的读音是什么?一转眼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一转眼的读音是yīzhuǎnyǎn,一转眼翻译成英文是 A very short time.