


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……



汉语拼音:bù tiáo








  1. 不协调。


  2. 特指音调不和谐。

    《韩非子·难三》:“且 中期 之所官,琴瑟也。弦不调,弄不明, 中期 之任也。”《汉书·董仲舒传》:“窃譬之,琴瑟不调甚者,必解而更张之,乃可鼓也。”

  3. 与人合不来。

    《楚辞·东方朔<七谏·谬谏>》:“不论世而高举兮,恐操行之不调。” 王逸 注:“调,和也……恐不知於俗而见憎於众也。”

  4. 未得升迁。

    《汉书·张安世传》:“有郎功高不调。” 颜师古 注:“调,选也。”

  5. 犹言不才。

    唐 苏鹗 《杜阳杂编》卷下:“时京城不调少年相效,谓之拍弹。” 宋 王禹偁 《谢赐侄男大理评事表》:“伏以法寺美官,圣朝好爵,凡云选授,必择器能。岂期不调之材,遽忝起家之命。” 宋 范仲淹 《与中舍书》:“如子弟不调,或在襄邑作过逃来,即发遣他去,恐相负累,请仔细相度。”



  1. Rapid maxillary expansion is a method which is often being used to treat the transverse discrepancy of widths of maxilla.


  2. Gui Shen Wan produces a good curative effect and has no harmful effect.


  3. Menstruation besides can cause infertility outside, or other disease of department of gynaecology early signal.


  4. Jing-Yue Zhang used to medication in irregular menstruation, preferred choosing cooked rehmannia.


  5. This article summarized the classification of intermaxillary discrepancy and reviewed the treatment plan of this kind cases.


  6. In addition, if inflation in China picks up, the central bank will have to raise interest rates and a hard landing may be unavoidable.


  7. Menstruation may be irregular, absent, or excessive. The ovaries are usually enlarged and contain cysts.


  8. If be adolescence normal, if not be, do not move for menstruation.


  9. 'Invaders' such as wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness factor into illness, so can five phases known as fire, earth, metal, water and wood.


  1. 琴瑟不调。

    The stringed instruments clash.

  2. 不调和褶皱

    inharmonious fold.

  3. 不调和生境

    disharmonic habitat.

  4. 蓝和绿不调和。

    Blue does not go with green.

  5. 她唱的不调和。

    She is singing out of tune.

  6. 同周围环境不调和。

    It jars with the surroundings.

  7. 这颜色和那颜色不调和。

    This color does not go with that.

  8. 壁纸与地毯不调和。

    The wallpaper and the carpet clash.

  9. 原来就月经不调吗?

    Do you usually have an irregular cycle?

  10. 雨雪不调,五谷价高。

    If there be neither snow nor rain, then will be dear all sorts of grain.

  11. 月经不调是什么引起得?

    What causes menstruation is not moved ?

  12. 月经不调是什么引起的?

    What causes menstruation is not moved?

  13. 月经不调怀孕的几率大不大?

    Doesn't menstruation move pregnant odds big?

  14. 月经不调是不是很难怀孕?

    Is menstruation moved be pregnant very hard?

  15. 不是月经不调,就是思觉失调。

    not the abnormal menstruation, is psychosis.

  16. 月经不调的定义, 病因病机。

    Definition, etiology and pathogenesis of Irregular Menstruation.

  17. 这种红色沙发和紫色墙壁不调和。

    The red sofa did not blend with the purple wall.

  18. 掌握月经不调的定义, 辨证治疗。

    Master the definition, syndrome differentiation and treatment of Irregular Menstruation.

  19. 少数民族女大学生月经不调的防治

    Protection and Treatment of Abnormal Menstruation of Minority Female Students

  20. 如果不调高工资,他们将号召罢工。

    They will call a strike if they don't get more money.

  21. 这几种布的缺点是颜色不调和。

    The defect of these cloths is clash of colors.

  22. 这几种布得缺点是颜色不调和。

    The defect of these cloths is clash of colors.

  23. 经候不调,经水忽来忽断,经水或多或少,月使不调

    irregular menorrhea

  24. 假如是青春期正常,如不是为月经不调。

    If be adolescence normal, if not be, do not move for menstruation.

  25. 上海哪家妇科医院,治疗月经不调好?

    Which Shanghai department of gynaecology hospital, cures an abnormal menstruation well ?

  26. 选择窗帘和地毯时,尽量避免颜色不调和。

    Try to avoid colours that jar when choosing curtains and rugs.

  27. 这种中药对治疗女性经血不调很有效。

    This kind of traditional Chinese medicine is very effective in treating menstrual disorders.

  28. 这种中药对治疗女性经血不调很有效。

    This kind of traditional Chinese medicine is very effective in treating menstrual disorders.

  29. 任意千分尺不调零位的快准测算

    Measurement of Micrometer Without Zero Set

  30. 我们担保这些颜料不褪色。这颜色和那颜色不调和。

    We guarantee the fastness of these dyes.


  1. 问:不调和拼音怎么拼?不调和的读音是什么?不调和翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不调和的读音是bù tiáo hé,不调和翻译成英文是 discordance

  2. 问:不调匀的拼音怎么拼?不调匀的的读音是什么?不调匀的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不调匀的的读音是,不调匀的翻译成英文是 unequable

  3. 问:不调和地拼音怎么拼?不调和地的读音是什么?不调和地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不调和地的读音是,不调和地翻译成英文是 disharmoniously

  4. 问:不调和律拼音怎么拼?不调和律的读音是什么?不调和律翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不调和律的读音是bù tiáo hé lǜ,不调和律翻译成英文是 law of disharmony

  5. 问:不调和的拼音怎么拼?不调和的的读音是什么?不调和的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不调和的的读音是,不调和的翻译成英文是 disharmonious

  6. 问:不调和生境拼音怎么拼?不调和生境的读音是什么?不调和生境翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不调和生境的读音是bù tiáo hé shēng jìng,不调和生境翻译成英文是 disharmonic habitat

  7. 问:不调和性复听拼音怎么拼?不调和性复听的读音是什么?不调和性复听翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不调和性复听的读音是bù tiáo hé xìng fù tīng,不调和性复听翻译成英文是 disharmonic diplacusis