


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……







汉语拼音:bù rú yì









  1. 不符合心意。语出《汉书·京房传》:“臣疑陛下虽行此道,犹不得如意,臣窃悼惧。” 宋 陆游 《追忆征西幕中旧事》诗之二:“不如意事常千万,空想先锋宿 渭桥 。”

  2. 指不符合心意的事情。


  3. 死的讳称。




  1. What did she mean by such a statement? Well, he guessed he'd just have to expect her to have her good days and bad ones, like everyone else.


  2. This reversal has been a setback on your journey but think of it as a diversion rather than a halt.


  3. This situation is profoundly unsatisfactory, but neither Bacon nor any of his successors have found a way out of it.


  4. Often "do not always satisfactory, unsatisfactory things up to 89. "


  5. Things got bad for a while, till the black family that lived down the road brought my mother some food, including some good corn.


  6. It was also a difficult time personally and one reason it was not finished may be because fact came too close to the fiction.


  7. Your day has started terrible. As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse.


  8. Of life, and see that most of them unhappy, how can unhappy stay in all day, with knitted brows and locking it?


  9. If I could choose to have a bad day, then I could choose to have a good day; despite what was going on.


  1. 大家对你这么好,还不如意?

    Everyone's been so good to you – are you still not satisfied?

  2. 如果你生活得不如意, 你有力量去改变它。

    If your life is not what you wanted it to be, you have the power to change it.

  3. 虽然事情进行得不如意, 玛丽还是继续尝试。

    Though things went against Mary, she went on trying.

  4. 他曾经进行了这么一次长期的、不如意的斗争。

    He had put up such a long, unsatisfactory fight.

  5. 不过也许披肩会鼓起来 那就最不如意了

    There's nothing worse than, you know, getting up there and the cape is bunching up or something like that.

  6. 拉丽莎40几岁,徐娘半老,既爱喝酒,婚姻也不如意。

    A fading woman in her 40 s, Larisa had both drinking and marital problems.

  7. 无论再多得不如意,总是远山与白云,那个远方。

    That is always mountain and white cloud no matter how he is frustrated, in the distance.

  8. 不如意的时候不要尽往悲伤里钻,想想有笑声的日子吧。

    Do not put yourself in the deep of sorrow when you feel unpleasant, think about the days with laughter.

  9. 不如意的时候不要尽往卑伤里钻,想想有笑声的日子吧。

    Do not put yourself in the deep of sorrow when you feel unpleasant, think about the days with laughter.

  10. 目前,我不太如意,原因你是知道的,我的处境。

    momentarily, I am not as well as I should be, but you already understand the circumstances why.

  11. 人不可能事事如意。

    You can't always get what you want.

  12. 然而这一次他们似乎不太可能如意。

    Yet this time they do not seem to be working.

  13. 应该对你的命运感到满足, 人不可能事事如意。

    While making headway, startups like Jiepang have to contend with a number of big players whove decided to enter the market.

  14. 但倘若看到的是一只啄木鸟的话那她就不会找到如意郎君。

    But if it's a woodpecker she will find no man at all.

  15. 他景况很不如意。

    His situation is not at all to his liking.

  16. 她们说你过得很不如意

    They said you were going through a rough time.

  17. 她们说你过得很不如意。

    They said you were going through a rough time.

  18. 可是往往不如意, 说起来皱着眉头。

    He was often disappointed, however, and would frown as he related what had happened.

  19. 宠坏了的孩子一不如意就会不高兴。

    Spoiled children turn sulky if they cannot have their own way.

  20. 应当记住,生活中并不是一切都那么如意的。

    It's to be remembered that life is not a bed of roses.

  21. 那种什么问题也不会出的轻松如意的信念。

    The comfortable belief that nothing is likely to go.

  22. 同时,他不是事事如意的。

    But in the meantime, nothing comes easy.

  23. 我不能够事事尽心,仍事事如意。

    I can't do everything and have everything.

  24. 谢小姐说, 她坚持找到如意郎君, 但是她也知道时间不多了。

    Xie says she's holding out for Mr. Right, but she knows the clock is ticking.

  25. 就个人而论,伊丽莎白并不完全像她父亲那样遂心如意。

    Elizabeth did not quite equal her father in personal contentment