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1. 辽 [liáo]辽 [liáo]远:~远。~阔。中国朝代名:~代。中国辽宁省的简称。……
1. 宁 [níng]2. 宁 [nìng]3. 宁 [zhù]宁 [níng]平安,安定:~静。~谧。息事~人。已嫁的女子或在外子女回家省视父母:~亲。归~。守父母之丧,丧假:“前博士弟子父母死,予~三年”。中国江苏省南京市的别称。中国宁……
1. 省 [shěng]2. 省 [xǐng]省 [shěng]地方行政区域:~份。~会。节约,不费:~钱。~事。~吃俭用。简易,减免:~略。~称。~写。中国古官署名:中书~(a.魏晋开始设置,总管国家政务,历代有所沿革,唐初设“中书、尚书……
汉语拼音:liáo níng shěng
Ask being able to deliver goods directly from USA to Chinese Liaoning province Da Lian City or not please?
请问是否可以从美国直接发货到中国辽宁省大连市?Application of Liaoning Province, interview survey method to understand the relevance of college physical education.
应用访谈调查法了解辽宁省高校体育教学的相关情况。Xinhua said the plane crashed into a house in a rural area of Liaoning Province, which borders North Korea.
新华社说,飞机栽进了辽宁省农村地区的一座农舍中,其位于中国和朝鲜边境。Recently, more than six thousand students guaranteed that they would be far away from net bars in Jinzhou city, Liaoning Province.
最近,辽宁省锦州市六千多名学生保证远离网吧。Sea gulls fly over a dump site looking for food as the sea freezes in Dalian, in northeastern China's Liaoning province.
中国辽宁省沿海地区的海水结冰后大量海鸟飞到大连市的垃圾场寻找食物。最近的一次调查显示,大部分中国人目前非常关心环保问题。Aim at the media literacy actuality of the college students of Liaoning Province to carry through the local investigate.
针对辽宁省大学生媒介素养现状进行本土化调查。Official registration of the company Address: Shenyang City, Liaoning Province Shenyang City district, a road 262.
公司法定注册地址:辽宁省沈阳市沈河区市府大路262号甲。In the meantime she takes up other social positions like the vice president of Liaoning Overseas Friends Sodality .
同时出任辽宁省海外联谊会副会长等多项社会职务。Liaoning Province is an importance base of old industry, and its mainstream industry is equipment manufacturing.
He was transferred to work in Liaoning province owing to the needs of his work.