




1. 那 [nà]2. 那 [nǎ]3. 那 [nèi]4. 那 [nā]那 [nà]指较远的时间、地方或事物,与“这”相对:~里。~个。~样。~些。~时。~么。那 [nǎ]同“哪”(一)(中国大陆地区已不用)。那 [nèi]义同(一),“……



汉语拼音:nù nà






  1. 盛多浓厚貌。

    《敦煌变文集·大目乾连冥间救母变文》:“地狱为言何处在?西边怒那黑烟中。” 蒋礼鸿 通释:“怒那,盛多浓厚貌。”



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  1. 我发了怒,打了那孩子一个耳光。

    I lost my temper and belted the boy on the ear.

  2. 那匹马发着怒甩动的尾巴。

    The horse whisked its tail angrily.

  3. 那匹马发着怒甩动得尾巴。

    The horse whisked its tail angrily.

  4. 他大怒起来,挥拳殴打那家伙。

    He became furious and pitched into that fellow with fists.

  5. 那使李勃然大怒,开枪打杨,后来被控行凶和意图谋杀。

    That made Lee so mad that he shot Young and was later charged with assault and attempted murder.

  6. 我当初是赤手空拳起家的。他大怒起来,挥拳殴打那家伙

    In my day I started with nothing. He become furious and pitch Into that fellow with fist

  7. 不出一分钟,那条山溪就波狂涛怒,在大壕沟里面流过去。

    In a minute the mountain brook was raging ditch.

  8. 他那无意义的质疑令我恼怒。

    His pointless questions irritated me.

  9. 他那蛮横的行为使我大怒,我打了他的耳光。

    His insolent manner really got my blood up and I hit him in the face

  10. 那时祂要在怒中对他们说话,在烈怒中惊吓他们

    Then He will speak to them in His anger, And in His burning wrath He will terrify them

  11. 说起他得那个不争气得儿子,老父亲勃然大怒。

    Talking of his disappointing son, the old father flew into a rage.

  12. 他勃然大怒,一句话未说就揍了那流氓一顿。

    He was so infuriated that without a word he let into the rascal.

  13. 那警察讲了些什么使他勃然大怒以致失去自我控制

    What had the COP said to make him angry enough to lose his head

  14. 玛丽看到孩子们在取笑那位残废的女孩时,勃然大怒。

    It made Marys blood boil to see the children make fun of the crippled girl.

  15. 伯莎握紧了双手,为那耻辱的红晕不肯从双颊上消退而躁怒。

    Bertha clenched her hands, furious because the flush of shame would not leave her cheeks.

  16. 那会触怒他。

    That will give offense.

  17. 那会触怒圣人。

    It would be enough to provoke a saint.

  18. 那句话使人恼怒。

    That remark galls.

  19. 那愤怒的麦克呢

    Okay, how'bout angry Mike?

  20. 龙向那位妇人发怒。

    The dragon was enraged at the woman.

  21. 那人因发怒而大打出手。

    The man lost his temper and struck out wildly.

  22. 那女人因愤怒而大吼。

    The woman bellowed with rage.

  23. 那狗发怒向我咆哮着。

    The dog was angry and growled at me.

  24. 也怒斥 怒斥那光明的微灭。

    Rage, against the dying the light.

  25. 那使他恼怒得无法忍受。

    That aggravated him beyond endurance.

  26. 那头动物愤怒得呲牙咧嘴。

    The animal bared its teeth in anger.

  27. 那侮辱激使他愤怒反驳。

    The insult stung him into an angry reply.

  28. 那是个令人愤怒的谎言!

    That's an outrageous falsehood!

  29. 她被那人的玩笑触怒了。

    She was offended at that person's joke.

  30. 那孩子抑制住了他得愤怒。

    The boy dammed up his anger.