







汉语拼音:qíng miàn








  1. 含情的面容。

    唐 马湘 《题龙兴观壁》诗:“徒夸美酒如琼液,休恋娇娥似玉颜。含笑谩教情面厚,多愁还使鬢毛斑。”

  2. 情分和面子。多指私人间的关系。

    清 侯方域 《豫省试策五》:“明法之不振也,其弊有二:曰情面,曰贿赂。今天下则并於一途,究之情面可破,而贿赂不可破。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·安贫乐道法》:“事实是毫无情面的东西,它能将空言打得粉碎。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第六章:“他能够撕破情面,又敢说话,封门、挖财宝,他都跟着干。”



  1. Of people could not understand, Chavez does not always seem to leave some feelings to each other.


  2. Koplan was more blunt, calling it a waste of taxpayer money to develop a program that works and then dismantle it.


  3. My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your folly.


  4. "We are going to be merciless to these shebeens, gangsters and all those involved in drugs and substance abuse, " he said.


  5. Then David accepted from her hand what she had brought him and said, "Go home in peace. I have heard your words and granted your request. "


  6. In the following week, on a conference of the company, the general manager lectured zhang chong without any mercy for the first time.


  7. It is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the innocent of justice.


  8. If it is due to the tough Norwegian friends do not open, I remember AA system.


  9. His sensibilities about market competition, quality, frugality, and especially cost-benefit considerations for the entrepreneur are superb.


  1. 他一点不讲情面。

    He's completely ruthless.

  2. 福斯特不留情面。

    Foster took exception.

  3. 就别怪我不讲情面。

    I will make this very personal.

  4. 他的话直截了当, 不留情面。

    His remarks were straight from the shoulder.

  5. 但对你我总留几分情面。

    I have a sort of bug for you.

  6. 我父亲是个不讲情面的人。

    My father was a hard man.

  7. 你们要徇神的情面么?要为争论么?

    Will you be partial to him? Will you contend for god?

  8. 他不顾朋友的情面, 怫然而去。

    He left in a huff without considering his friends feelings.

  9. 他不顾朋友的情面,怫然而去。

    He left in a huff without considering his friends' feelings.

  10. 对错误一定要揭发, 不讲情面。

    The mistakes must be exposed without sparing anyone's sensibilities.

  11. 有时他神志冷峻,甚至不留情面。

    He had a peremptory blunt butting even bullying manner.

  12. 审判时看人的情面, 是不好的。

    It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment.

  13. 我必不看人的情面、也不奉承人。

    I will show partiality to no one, nor will I flatter any man.

  14. 老师如何贬低他们 同学如何不留情面

    how a teacher shut them down or how a student was particularly cruel to them.

  15. 他不留情面的批评终于让我懊丧不已。

    His remorseless criticism finally started to get me down.

  16. 这是对失败原因毫不讲情面的分析评估。

    This was an uncharitable assessment of the reasons for the failure.

  17. 你就说他们那么办, 是给我个人的情面。

    You tell them I'd consider their doing that as a personal favor.

  18. 用现代科学排除占星术,似乎太不讲情面了。

    It does not seem very gracious for contemporary science to dismiss astrology.

  19. 我给约翰讲了我对他的看法,我直言不讳,不讲情面。

    I told John what I thought of him, and I didn't mince my words, either.

  20. 在温格与皮尔斯之间并无任何情面好讲。

    There is no love lost between Wenger and Pearce.

  21. 瞻徇恶人的情面,偏断义人的案件,都为不善。

    It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to overthrow the righteous in judgment.

  22. 我本来就是不讲情面很直接的人,这个没有办法。

    I can’t help it, I’m just a brutally honest person.

  23. 她因为总是不顾情面毫无保留地提意见而被降职。

    She was demoted because she always speaks up.

  24. 妈的!我就知道今年我仍旧收到没有意义的情面巧克力。

    Darn! I just know all I am going to get again this year is meaningless platonic chocolates.

  25. 这本传记留给我印象的是其不讲情面的诚实。

    What impressed me about this biography is its unsparing honesty.

  26. 以下也是智慧人的箴言。审判时看人的情面,是不好的。

    These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment.

  27. 你还是给他留点情面吧,为什么非要把他置于死地呢?

    You'd better spare his feelings to some extent; why must you destroy him?

  28. 一听到病友曾经卖过血,毫不留情面的进行数落。

    I hear people who have sold blood to face relentless chatter.

  29. 说,你们审判不秉公义,徇恶人得情面,要到几时呢。

    How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked Selah.

  30. 说,你们审判不秉公义,徇恶人的情面,要到几时呢。

    How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.


  1. 问:情面拼音怎么拼?情面的读音是什么?情面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情面的读音是qíngmiàn,情面翻译成英文是 feelings