


1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……





汉语拼音:shí liáo






  1. 中医指用食物对疾病进行治疗或调理。




  1. The child was diagnosed with autism, and Sears said he showed improvement after going on the GFCF diet, and adding vitamin B12 and zinc.


  2. On the naming of Apple, he said he was "on one of my fruitarian diets. "


  3. Therapeutic health, fitness immune to remove the body of excess, for your life brings health fashion!


  4. Made of Ganoderma Sinense and cut it into slices, can be soaked with water, wine, or used in cook. Necessary of home.


  5. How is remedial lumbar pointed dish highlight and is bone proliferous ? The idea of what dietotherapy to have?


  6. Nowadays, people eat fruits are no longer satisfied with good taste and rich nutrition, but a lot of its unique therapeutic effect.


  7. The best hospital is the kitchen. The best medicine is food - the best curative effect can be achieved by persistence in food therapy.


  8. To this end, we have after years of research diet - health food - a new health sciences therapy.


  9. The combination of these works, the therapeutic effect of bee pollen mainly from the management of nutritional point of focus to highlight.


  1. 食疗胜于医疗

    Diet cures more than doctors

  2. 食疗是最好的治疗。

    Kitchen physic is the best physic.

  3. 食疗是最好得治疗。

    Kitchen physic is the best physic.

  4. 食疗减肥业可谓利润巨大,

    The diet industry is extremely profitable

  5. 道教服食药与中医食疗

    Taoism and Chinese food therapy

  6. 药膳制作丛书食疗妙粥

    Cooking Medical Meals Diet Therapy of Fine Gruel

  7. 食疗是与药疗同源诞生的。

    Food is homologous with the birth of the medication.

  8. 羊肉还具有较高的食疗价值。

    Lamb also has a high therapeutic value.

  9. 过敏性鼻炎咽炎有食疗偏方吗?

    Does irritability rhinitis pharyngitis have dietotherapy folk prescription?

  10. 这种食疗食品有滋补营养的效用。

    This sort of dietetic food has the effect of nourishing the human Body.

  11. 中医食疗方法怎么治疗心理恐惧症?

    Therapeutic method of Chinese medicine treatment of psychological phobia how

  12. 橘饼具有食疗的功效, 应该多吃。

    The orange cake has medical effects and can be eaten more often.

  13. 橘饼具有食疗得功效,应该多吃。

    The orange cake has medical effects and can be eaten more often.

  14. 橘饼具有食疗的功效,应该多吃。

    The orange cake has medical effects and can be eaten more often.

  15. 对本草学, 食疗学 营养学均有贡献。

    It makes a significant contribution materia medica, dietetics and nourishment.

  16. 脚血热怎样通过食疗法治疗?

    How does crural blood heat pass dietotherapy law cure?

  17. 此食疗法适用于酒糟鼻丘疹期。

    This food therapy for rosacea papules period.

  18. 求治疗血糖高的药物和食疗方法?

    Seek the medicaments with remedial tall blood sugar and dietotherapy means?

  19. 凫茈不仅营养丰富而且还具有食疗价值。

    The water chestnut is not only nutritious, it also has medical benefits.

  20. 凫茈不仅营养丰富而且还具有食疗价值。

    The water chestnut is not only nutritious, it also has medical benefits.

  21. 我给你开一个食疗处方,你必须坚持。

    I'm going to give you a diet plan and you must stick to it.

  22. 宁神益智的食疗补品, 男女老少皆宜。

    The dietary tonic for calming the mind and promoting mentality is suitaBle for men and women, old and young.

  23. 治疗抽动症的食疗方法有人知道吗?

    Does cure twitch the dietotherapy method somebody of disease knows?

  24. 水肿,高血压,慢性肾炎患者可作为食疗饮料。

    Patient of oedema, hypertensive, chronic nephritis can regard dietotherapy as beverage.

  25. 蚁王浆对慢性肝炎食疗效果的初步观察

    A preliminary observation on dietetic treatment of chronic hepatitis by ant jelly

  26. 摘要药膳食疗是中医药学的重要组成部分。

    The medicative diet for food therapy is the important component of Chinese medical science.

  27. 有哪些食疗可以改善体虚、贫血和虚火旺?

    What dietotherapy can improve body empty, anaemia and Xu Huowang?

  28. 还好他知道采药补阳既是现代的食疗

    He knew how to build up a strong body from eating herbs

  29. 由于农业的出现,原始的医药、食疗也相继产生。

    Since the agriculture appeared, the original medicine, dietotherapy also emerged in succession.

  30. 他坐在地上, 一个士兵给他备粗食疗饥。

    While he was sitting on the ground, a soldier prepared a coarse meal to appease his hunger.


  1. 问:食疗拼音怎么拼?食疗的读音是什么?食疗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:食疗的读音是shíliáo,食疗翻译成英文是 food therapy

  2. 问:食疗航空食品拼音怎么拼?食疗航空食品的读音是什么?食疗航空食品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:食疗航空食品的读音是shí liáo háng kōng shí pǐn,食疗航空食品翻译成英文是 Cooked Therapeutic in-Flight Meals