







汉语拼音:yuán chū







  1. 原先,最初。

    明 高攀龙 《讲义·人之生也直章》:“为物欲所蔽,自家污坏了他,失了他原初本色,所以要修。”如:这件出土文物经过清理仍然是原初的样子。



  1. What was the original experience of Christianity, in contrast with that of the Greek cosmos and its human microcosmos?


  2. He thought that civilisation fills "man" with unnatural wants and seduces him away from his true nature and original freedom.


  3. It constitutes the subject in his freedom in relation to all meanings, but this does not mean that it is not determined in it.


  4. Only a sliver of the original paper remained where it had once adhered to the binding.


  5. And that behind them the primary hope for a normal, self-growth-promoting milieu is still alive.


  6. Under the right circumstances, the very sight of a Garou is enough to conjure primal memories of fear and bloodshed.


  7. In order to show the original question of "Sein" , Martin Heidegger used means of phenomenology.


  8. An original type , form, or instance that serves as a model on which later stages are based or judged .


  9. As the original form of art, the poetic quality is in nature a return to the common sense.


  1. 原初宇宙线

    primary cosmic ray.

  2. 原初攻击性

    primary aggression.

  3. 原初记忆像

    primary memory image.

  4. 原初核合成

    primordial nucleosynthesis.

  5. 侵权原初形态

    Original Tort Form

  6. 原初典型星系

    primary typical galaxy

  7. 原初状态理念

    the idea of the original position

  8. 原初纺锤体

    initial spindle.

  9. 原初同位素成分

    primary isotope composition

  10. 其原初化合物为苯。

    The parent compound of this class is benzene.

  11. 这是你原初的想法?

    Is this your original thought?

  12. 让我们返回原初的混沌!

    Let us return to original chaos!

  13. 夜是原初的时间,神话的时间。

    The night is the fundamental time and the mythical time.

  14. 他们因此而崇拜原初能量。

    Therefore they worship the Primal Energy.

  15. 本文诗学是诗学的原初形态。

    Textual poetics is an original form of poetics.

  16. 我们已经达成了原初的目标。

    We have achieved what we set out to do.

  17. 让我们想象原始的喧嚣,原初的漩涡!

    Let us imagine the primordial din, the original vortex!

  18. 精子在它的原初状态中是个强盗。

    Sperm is a bandit in its pure state.

  19. 新柏拉图主义原初的大便是最好的大便。

    Neoplatonism The First Shit is the best shit.

  20. 他就是阴影,是荣格的自我的原初同伴。

    He was the shadow, a primitive companion for Jung's ego.

  21. 精神官能症就是起源于那个原初情感情境。

    The neurosis arose from the original affective situations.

  22. 创造、道道成肉身都属于神原初的计划。

    Creation and incarnation, then, belong together to God's original plan.

  23. 多尺度分析在原初粒子分辨上的应用

    Application of multiscale analysis in the discrimination of primary particles

  24. 我想从原初的状态创造出一个环境。

    I want to create the environment from scratch.

  25. 原初的武力攻击,必须被视为决定性的时刻。

    The commission of the original armed attack must be considered to be the defining moment.

  26. 种下去的是原初天然的身体,长出来的是复活的身体。

    The one sown is the original, natural body, and the one grown up is the resurrected body.

  27. 未来、过去和现在的原初一体组成真正的时间性。

    The original unity of the future, the past, and the present which constitutes authentic temporality.

  28. 远古原初世界的记忆还潜伏在人类的下意识里。

    Memories of a far more primitive world lurk deep within the human subconscious.

  29. 有一长条的原初页面停留在它装订的地方。

    Only a sliver of the original paper remained where it had once adhered to the binding.

  30. 这都与诗歌作品原初的意识形态功能直接相关。

    This is all original works of poetry and ideology directly related to the function.


  1. 问:原初受体拼音怎么拼?原初受体的读音是什么?原初受体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原初受体的读音是yuán chū shòu tǐ,原初受体翻译成英文是 primary acceptor

  2. 问:原初状态拼音怎么拼?原初状态的读音是什么?原初状态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原初状态的读音是yuán chū zhuàng tài,原初状态翻译成英文是 original position

  3. 问:原初细胞拼音怎么拼?原初细胞的读音是什么?原初细胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原初细胞的读音是yuán chū xì bāo,原初细胞翻译成英文是 naive cell

  4. 问:原初生物体拼音怎么拼?原初生物体的读音是什么?原初生物体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原初生物体的读音是yuán chū shēng wù tǐ,原初生物体翻译成英文是 protoorganism

  5. 问:原初淋巴细胞拼音怎么拼?原初淋巴细胞的读音是什么?原初淋巴细胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原初淋巴细胞的读音是yuán chū lín bā xì bāo,原初淋巴细胞翻译成英文是 naive lymphocyte

  6. 问:原初低卷入模型拼音怎么拼?原初低卷入模型的读音是什么?原初低卷入模型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原初低卷入模型的读音是yuán chū dī juǎn rù mó xíng,原初低卷入模型翻译成英文是 original low-involvement model