


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……





汉语拼音:yào zhī






  1. 犹总之。

    《史记·张仪列传论》:“要之,此两人(指 苏秦 、 张仪 )真倾危之士哉!” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷七:“ 剑门关 皆石,无寸土; 潼关 皆土,无拳石。虽皆号称天下险固,要之 潼关 不若 剑门 。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·脸谱臆测》:“‘重枣’是怎样的枣子,我不知道,要之,总是红色的罢。”



  1. It is suggested that this road, the cold can Andhra, heat can get along, the wind has come, the rain has to be.


  2. Depression comes from a sense of being deprived of something you want and do not have.


  3. The state also to hong, ask the ride, a cloud: "known as the foot problems, to take the blue and, also from the foot. "


  4. How to be persuasive with a gentle touch. Knowing how to get what you want will make you more savvy.


  5. Big government and a culture of dependency and entitlement is a recipe for disaster.


  6. The situation lies in the blur, the meanings are various, therefore, interpretations to the poetry are very different.


  7. This paper would like to do on this system on a summary of minutes.


  8. Because of this inefficiency, Internet backbone routers maintain huge tables of where to send information for any given address.


  9. Experience is what you get when you didn' t get what you want.


  1. 要之, 美是形象悦情功能的属性。

    To summarize, beauty is the pleasing functionality of image.

  2. 大自然,简朴的生活,这就是我迫切想要之物。

    Nature, the simple life, that's what I need desperately.

  3. 要学会受痛苦而不怨,这是我教你的至要之事。

    Learn to suffer without complaining; that is the best thing I can teach you.

  4. 他对之要高价。

    He charges high for it.

  5. 渴望心是通往天国之要

    A Longing Heart Is the Key to the Kingdom of God

  6. 李笠翁相信文章之要在于韵趣。

    Li Liweng believed that the important thing in literature is charm and interest.

  7. 咒语是声音的根本之要, 是真理的化身。

    Mantra is the essence of sound, the embodiment of the truth in the form of sound.

  8. 要民主之争

    controversy over whether to practice democracy.

  9. 凡此十端, 皆救国之大计, 抗日之要图。

    These ten proposals are essential measures for saving the nation and winning the war.

  10. 你要为之努力。

    You need to work your network.

  11. 他要为之付出代价的

    And he's gonna pay for it.

  12. 又何必要永生之父呢

    Then what is the good of the Eternal Father

  13. 噢, 他们想要白热之魂?

    Oh is the White Hot Soul they want?

  14. 光典深知,为政之要在于政府与人民互相监督。

    He clearly knew that the most important thing in statecraft is mutual checks and balances between government and the people.

  15. 该部门被告之要想出新办法来减少日常管理费。

    The department was told to devise a new method to reduce overhead.

  16. 该部门被告之要想出新办法来减少日常管理费。

    The department was told to devise a new method to reduce overhead.

  17. 那时, 我不知道孩子们被告之要躲在某物体的下面。

    I didn't at the time know that the children were told to hide under something.

  18. 那时,我不知道孩子们被告之要躲在某物体得下面。

    I didn't at the time know that the children were told to hide under something.

  19. 要与之进行交互的服务名。

    The name of the service with which you want to interact.

  20. 他威胁要将之在美国释放。

    Which he has threatened to deploy here in the United states.

  21. 为此, 网络用户必须要防杀之。

    Therefore, the network users must prevent and kill them.

  22. 邀请是给所有要来之人的。

    The invitation was to whomsoever may come.

  23. 男儿立志, 要建百世之功。

    A man should have the ambition to do something that changes the world for the better and benefits generations after him.

  24. 男儿立志,要建百世之功。

    A man should have the ambition to do something that changes the world for the better and benefits generations after him.

  25. 所以我要为之努力,努力学好德语。

    So I want to try to be, try to study German.

  26. 赛隆人也想要朱庇特之眼。

    The Cylons want the eye.

  27. 你要将之卖给维塔甘道夫?

    You wanted to sell them to Vidal gandolfo?

  28. 然而, 更为重要的是不要为之满足。

    However, it is important not to be complacent.

  29. 你在它们结算时决定是否要利用之。

    You choose whether to use them when they resolve.

  30. 绘图页上没有要与之同步得里程碑。

    There are no milestones on the page with which to synchronize.