


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……





汉语拼音:chóng yáng






重洋 [chóng yáng]
  1. 指远洋。

    清 薛福成 《出使四国日记·光绪十七年二月二十七日》:“游数万里,重洋之外,而华员雅集至三十餘人之多,亦盛事也。” 徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想·祁连山下》:“奇怪的是你要看 中国 的古代绘画,你得远涉重洋,跑到外国去。”

  2. 犹海洋。

    清 鲁一同 《关忠节公家传》:“公至,则亲歷重洋,观阨塞,建臺守,排铁索。” 郭沫若 《题毛主席在飞机中工作的摄影》诗:“像静穆的崇山峻岭,像浩渺无际的重洋。”



  1. Can you think of something the Netherlands is famous for that people might have brought with them?


  2. The wind, the cloud're miles apart over the sea .


  3. Nor would a stronger yuan encourage factories and jobs to return to the U. S. from across the Pacific.


  4. Nokia cannot afford to appoint another hidebound insider. But trying to find a saviour from far away is perhaps even riskier.


  5. One day Nemo is caught by humans. Marlin, Nemo's father, is so worried that he risks crossing the sea to save Nemo.


  6. Thrall: Those pink skins are called humans. They are our enemies from across the sea. They seem intent on keeping us from the peak.


  7. The American people still believed that distance provided adequate insulation between us and any conflict in Europe or Asia.


  8. The terrorist attacks in Britain on 7 July have their origins in an ideology born thousands of miles from our shores.


  9. Animation and simple plots travel far better than adult fare, and localising it with voice-overs is cheap.


  1. 远隔重洋,日复一日。

    Oceans apart day after day.

  2. 这两个国家远隔重洋。

    The two countries are separated by vast oceans.

  3. 人们穿越重洋去见他们。

    People cross oceans to go see them.

  4. 跨越重洋的兄弟姐妹的爱。

    An across the ocean brother and sisterhood kind of love.

  5. 我会跨越重洋吻你的。

    I'll kiss you across the Pacific Ocean.

  6. 因此我就远渡重洋而来到

    And therefore I have sailed the seas and come

  7. 远隔重洋,日复一日,我日渐癫狂。

    Oceans apart, day after day, And I slowly go insane.

  8. 他远涉重洋到澳大利亚去当法语教师。

    He went out to Australia as a French teacher.

  9. 我在远航, 我在远航, 跨越重洋, 重归家园。

    I am sailing, I am sailing. Home again'cross the sea.

  10. 不无悲哀的是,一对有情人远隔重洋。

    The two lovers were, sadly, oceans apart.

  11. 不无悲哀的是,一对有情人远隔重洋。

    The two lovers were, sadly, oceans apart.

  12. 我们在远航, 我们在远航, 跨越重洋, 重归家园。

    We are sailing, we are sailing home again'cross the sea.

  13. 表哥已经做好了远涉重洋留学的准备。

    Brother has already prepared to travel across the ocean and study abroad.

  14. 表哥已经做好了远涉重洋留学的准备。

    Brother has already prepared to travel across the ocean and study abroad.

  15. 在这期间大批青年远涉重洋,赴法留学。

    During this period, a large number of youngers participated in the movement and went abroad.

  16. 假如我远渡重洋只为了和你在一起。

    If I crossed a million oceans just to be with you.

  17. 远渡重洋来菲律宾当家教的替代役男。

    Bio A Taiwanese working and living in Tarlac City, Philippines.

  18. 弗雷德一想要远渡重洋, 就兴奋得要命。

    Fred was all hopped up about going over the ocean.

  19. 对外贸易通常是在远隔重洋的国家间进行。

    Foreign trade is conducted between countries, which are usually separated by sea.

  20. 让我从那里撤退,以便你们横渡重洋,入侵非洲吗?

    And should I withdraw thence, will you cross over into Africa?

  21. 因此,我们所关切的绝不是远隔重洋的某一遥远国度。

    So our concern is not just about some far off land oceans away.

  22. 钱学森远渡重洋,历经艰辛才终于回到祖国。

    Qianxuesin travelled all the way across the ocean, finally returning to his motherland after undergoing various difficulties.

  23. 郑和船队远渡重洋,却没有任何掠夺它国的行为。

    The Zheng He's fleet he sailed the world but didn't rob other countries.

  24. 郑和远渡重洋送去的是中华民族的问候和和平之音。

    The sound of peace and the Chinese people's respects are what Zheng He delivered when crossing the oceans.

  25. 以至于很多学生也或多或少的存在重洋轻中的错误观念。

    That many students also more or less in the light of the existence of the sea of wrong ideas.

  26. 美国人仍相信欧亚两洲,远隔重洋,战火不致延及本身。

    The American people still believed that distance provided adequate insulation between us and any conflict in Europe or Asia.


  1. 问:重洋拼音怎么拼?重洋的读音是什么?重洋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重洋的读音是chóngyáng,重洋翻译成英文是 the ocean