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一种金属元素,富延展性。导电性和导热性都很强,它的合金是电气、机械和国防工业的重要原料:紫~(纯铜。亦称“红铜”)。青~。黄~。~矿。~器。~币。~臭(ch恥 )(指铜钱的臭味,用以讥讽唯利是图的人,如“浑身~~”)。~墙铁壁(喻十分坚固,……
汉语拼音:tóng bì
He took out the bronze coins from his knapsack and filled it with silver coins.
他把铜币从背包里拿出来,把银币装了进去。He had only a few coppers in his pocket when he came here.
他到这是口袋里只有几枚铜币?He had only a few coppers in his pocket when he came to Detroit.
他来到底特律时,口袋里只有几枚铜币。The Mint began to make copper, silver, and gold coins in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
铸币厂在宾夕法尼亚的费城开始铸造铜币、银币和金币。If I strike the flint once, that dog with eyes as big as tea cups will appear and bring me copper coins.
如果我敲击打火石一次,那只眼睛有茶杯般大的狗就会出现,并且为我带来铜币;These ancient copper coins probably come from a pirate's treasure. Copper and silver can be combined to make a.
这些铜币大概来自海盗的财宝。铜和银结合可以制造电池。He came over to you with this coin safe and unharmed in his small little hands.
他用他的小手,小心翼翼的拿了这枚铜币来找你。With the two copper coins, he bought sweet cakes, and waited by the side of the road with them and some water.
行人用这两枚铜币买了数个甜饼,然后拿着饼,并准备了些饮用水,到路旁守候。The third was a one-cent copper coin and my grandfather told me that he used another kind of copper coin to buy sweets.