




1. 乐 [lè]2. 乐 [yuè]乐 [lè]欢喜,快活;快~。~境。~融融。~不可支。其~无穷。~观(精神愉快,对事物的发展充满信心)。~天(安于自己的处境而没有任何忧虑)。使人快乐的事情:取~。逗~。对某事甘心情愿:~此不疲。~善好……







汉语拼音:jí lè shì jiè








  • 【解释】:佛教指阿弥陀佛居住的地方。后泛指幸福安乐的地方。
  • 【出自】:《阿弥陀经》:“从是西方,过十万亿佛土,有世界名曰极乐。”
  • 【示例】:细观此景,与我大唐何异!所为~,诚此之谓也。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作主语、宾语、定语;含褒义,用于书面语


  1. Remained at guxiang years, if I could give up growing up in mountains and rivers in Paradise, I would like to reclaim my love.

  2. Arhats are monks who have reached Nirvana, and, for a moment, I felt that I had as well.

  3. some of you , while attending my lectures , have seen the lecture hall turn into a world of extremely brilliant light.

  4. Only upon hearing our names called, are our souls allowed to enter into a blissful eternity.

  5. Buddhism in the "Nirvana" leaves into a Paradise, Taoism Shun "Heaven" to death, there be the end of the implication.

  6. was now faced with a choice: he could either enter Nirvana, or forsake this, and instead travel the world preaching the law.

  7. The souls of gods reach the summit, go outside and stand upon the surface of heaven, and enjoy celestial bliss.

  8. This picture illustrates Amitabha, the ruler of the happiest world, and the performances around the pool.

  9. He dreams to create a Western Paradise filled with art and dream and seeks truly happiness with a merciful and altruistic heart.


  1. 去极乐世界

    Go to a better world.

  2. 那些极乐世界的仙女们。

    Those fairy forms of bliss Elysian.

  3. 他现在已在极乐世界。

    He is now in golden hence.

  4. 他在自己的极乐世界。

    He was in his seventh heaven.

  5. 他在自己的极乐世界。

    He was in his seventh heaven.

  6. 他们感觉到了极乐世界。

    They were in seventh heaven.

  7. 佛把他们带入了极乐世界。

    Buddha took them all to paradise.

  8. 你真的相信有极乐世界吗?

    Do you really believe there is a Pure Land?

  9. 在极乐世界, 根本没有时间的概念。

    That is no time in bliss.

  10. 他们以为已经到了西方极乐世界。

    They thought they had died and gone to heaven.

  11. 极乐世界是有快乐和悲伤的吗?

    Is Elysium there are joy and sadness?

  12. 极乐世界的光辉在他身影中凝结。

    He is glory of Nirvana distilld.

  13. 你们说他会去一个极乐世界吗?

    Do you think he went to a happy place?

  14. 后面小洞内供西方极乐世界阿弥陀佛。

    A small niche in the rear houses Amitabha of Sukhavati.

  15. 佛说在极乐世界里时刻都响彻天乐

    Buddhist theories always say that in the nirvana, holy musicnever ceases for a moment.

  16. 人间不能没有歌舞, 极乐世界尤其少不了音乐。

    The earthly world can not live without music and dance, neither can the nirvana.

  17. 无量佛陀在极乐世界无穷尽的生命普度众生。

    E.g. Amitabha Buddha has infinite life for helping countless beings in Pure Land.

  18. 无量佛陀在极乐世界无穷尽得生命普度众生。

    E. g. Amitabha Buddha has infinite life for helping countless beings in Pure Land.

  19. 不,只是一个关于如何到达极乐世界的说明书。

    No, more of an instruction book on how to reach this ethereal plane of existence.

  20. 他去了西天极乐世界,可以活一百万年啊!

    He was reborn in a high heaven world, to live a life a million years long!

  21. 等同于被称之为天堂、极乐世界及伊甸园的情形。

    Some have equated such a state with paradise, heaven or the Garden of Eden.

  22. 法官们说我现在可以去极乐世界, 那里会很美好。

    The judges say I have to go now to Elysium and that it will be nice there. I miss my family.

  23. 不特此也, 侥幸的话, 兴许还能爬进极乐世界哩。

    Perhaps he could even climb all the way to Paradise!

  24. 众生往生西方极乐世界以后属于十界中的哪一界?

    All west land belongs to the world after another ten ?

  25. 其他宗教里的天堂和我们极乐世界的概念是不一样的。

    The concept of heaven in other religion and the concept of pure land in Buddhism is totally different.

  26. 欢乐, 圣洁之光。你是极乐世界得女儿。圣者将归于天堂!

    Joy, lovely divine light, Daughter of Elysium. Holy One, to thy holy kingdom.

  27. 欢乐,圣洁之光。你是极乐世界的女儿。圣者将归于天堂!

    Joy, lovely divine light, Daughter of Elysium. Holy One, to thy holy kingdom.

  28. 苏丹的妻子正在哈瓦那吃香蕉,她打算明天到极乐世界去。

    The sult ana is eating ban ana in Hav ana, she will go to nirv ana man ana.

  29. 当地动处各有五百亿宝花。一一宝花庄严高显。如极乐世界。

    Wherever the earth trembles, five hundred kotis of jewelled flowers appear, each as beautiful and brilliant as a flower in the Land of Utmost Bliss.

  30. 那天,她提着嗓门再次高歌,她的嗓音如此像她父亲的,山腹回荡着《到极乐世界去》的歌声,那歌声飘呀飘,飘向无垠的天宇。

    Once more that day her voice, so like her father 's, lifted in song, and the mountainside echoed the chorus of ' Joy to the World ', on and on into infinity.


  1. 问:极乐世界拼音怎么拼?极乐世界的读音是什么?极乐世界翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极乐世界的读音是jílèshìjiè,极乐世界翻译成英文是 Champs Elysées -main boulevard of Paris



“极乐世界”是个多义词,它可以指极乐世界(权在雄执导2003年上映的韩国电影), 极乐世界(阿弥陀佛的国土名), 极乐世界(郑钧演唱的单曲)。