







汉语拼音:bǔ shǔ






  1. The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught.


  2. Strongly adhesive, odorless, easy to use, safe and sanitary, an ideal product for catching mouse and rat.


  3. When I was busy making a new kind of rats equipment, Mark came up and dragged me to see the flower show.


  4. "She was a very generous person and when I was nine she signed 'The Mousetrap' over to me, " Pritchard said.


  5. That very night a sound was heard throughout the house - like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.


  6. I was busy making a new device for catching rats, mark came and dragged me to see the flower show.


  7. He attempted to wake Larry to spur him into action, but all the feline could manage was to open one eye and duly didn't budge an inch.


  8. I was busy making a new device for catching rats when Mark came and dragged me out to a flower show.


  9. I was busy making a new device for catching rats when Mark came and dragged out to a flower show.


  1. 猫喜欢捕鼠。

    Cats like to catch mice.

  2. 不会捕鼠的猫

    a poor mouser.

  3. 蒙眼猫难捕鼠。

    Muffle cat catch no mice.

  4. 猫带手套难捕鼠。

    A cat in gloves catch no mice.

  5. 猫戴手套难捕鼠。

    The glove cat does not catch the mouse.

  6. 捕鼠动物, 尤指猫

    An animal, especially a cat, that catches mice.

  7. 这只狗很会捕鼠。

    This dog is a good ratter.

  8. 雷是善於捕鼠得狗。

    Terriers are good ratters.

  9. 雷是善於捕鼠的狗。

    Terriers are good ratters.

  10. 春天他们用猎狗捕鼠。

    In the spring they went ratting with terriers.

  11. 春天他们用猎狗捕鼠。

    In the spring they went ratting with terriers.

  12. 雷是善于捕鼠得狗。

    Terriers are good ratters.

  13. 雷是善于捕鼠的狗。

    Terriers are good ratters.

  14. 猫和猫头鹰夜里出去捕鼠。

    Cats and owls go mousing at night.

  15. 我想出了捕鼠的方法。

    I devised how to catch mice.

  16. 我想出了捕鼠得方法。

    I devised how to catch mice .

  17. 我装置了一个捕鼠器捕鼠。

    I have set a trap for mouse.

  18. 任何的培育用来捕鼠的猎犬。

    any of several breeds of terrier developed to catch rats.

  19. 捕鼠夹用来捕捉老鼠的器具

    A device for trapping rats.

  20. 很多狗是很好的捕鼠动物

    Many terriers are good ratters.

  21. 一种新型鼠夹捕鼠效果的观察

    Observation on the Effectiveness of Capturing Rodent by a New Kind of Snap Trap

  22. 捕鼠寻找或猎捕老鼠, 特指用狗猎捕

    to hunt for or catch rats, especially with the aid of dogs

  23. 他们用变质的乳酪作捕鼠夹的诱饵。

    They bait the mousetrap with stale cheese.

  24. 请描述所有捕鼠, 虫害的物理性工具。

    Describe the physical tools used for mice and pest control.

  25. 那只猫在地窖里徘徊着,伺机捕鼠。

    The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.

  26. 欧洲臭鼬的家养变种, 用于捕鼠和兔子。

    Domesticated albino variety of the European polecat bred for hunting rats and rabbits.

  27. 这个捕鼠人不再需要把烟吹到陷阱里。

    The catcher no longer needs to blow into the trap.

  28. 方法采用笼日法捕鼠,检获鼠体外革螨及恙螨。

    Methods Rodents were captured alive with cages, and the mites parasitized on the rodent were collected and identified.

  29. 捕鼠时不会惊跑鼠, 趾端生有锐利得爪。

    Catches when the mouse cannot startled run themouse, the foot end lives has the sharp fingernail.

  30. 捕鼠时不会惊跑鼠,趾端生有锐利的爪。

    Catches when the mouse cannot startled run themouse, the foot end lives has the sharp fingernail.


  1. 问:捕鼠器拼音怎么拼?捕鼠器的读音是什么?捕鼠器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捕鼠器的读音是,捕鼠器翻译成英文是 mousetrap

  2. 问:捕鼠机拼音怎么拼?捕鼠机的读音是什么?捕鼠机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捕鼠机的读音是,捕鼠机翻译成英文是 rattrap

  3. 问:捕鼠者拼音怎么拼?捕鼠者的读音是什么?捕鼠者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捕鼠者的读音是,捕鼠者翻译成英文是 ratter

  4. 问:捕鼠动物拼音怎么拼?捕鼠动物的读音是什么?捕鼠动物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捕鼠动物的读音是,捕鼠动物翻译成英文是 mouser


