







汉语拼音:zhà měng






  1. 蝗属农业害虫。形似蝗而略小,头呈三角形,善跳跃,常生活在田陇间,吃食稻叶。

    宋 杨万里 《题山庄草虫扇》诗:“风生蚱蜢怒鬚头,紈扇团圆璧月流。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十二回:“这一打开,里面跳出了无数的蚱蜢来。” 王统照 《沉船》:“沿山小径,全是荦确碎石与丛生的青莎,有许多灰黑点的蚱蜢跳来跳去,因为天旱,这些小动物便日加繁殖。”

  2. 船名。极其小而灵便。

    明 唐寅 《桃花庵与祝允明黄云沉周同赋》诗之三:“寄情聊蚱蜢,随手奏觥船。” 清 曹寅 《岸上水牯》诗:“平滩无蚱蜢,烟火足黄昏。” 清 周亮工 《桐江阻涨》诗:“笭箵暮集喧如市,蚱蜢朝吹乱若云。”



  1. The grasshopper laughed at the little ant and went on his way.


  2. Ant and grasshopper On a cold, frosty day an ant was dragging out some of the corn which he had laid up in the summertime, to dry it .


  3. The implication seems to be that grasshoppers should at least benefit from an inflow of often unrequited resources.


  4. The Ants inquired of him. "Why did you not treasure up food during the summer? "


  5. At best, agency and information problems in financial markets make it hard for ants or grasshoppers to understand what is going on.


  6. "Oh, it was only a grasshopper. " said the girl.


  7. A grasshopper can leap over obstacles 500 times its own height. In relation to its size, it has the greatest jumping ability of all animals.


  8. That, in turn, tends to raise the real value of debt, worsening the plight of the grossly overindebted grasshoppers.


  9. Grasshopper, had perished with hunger, besought the Ant to give him a morsel of it to preserve his life.


  1. 蚱蜢坐了下来。

    The grasshopper sat down.

  2. 好极了, 小蚱蜢

    Excellent, grasshopper.

  3. 蚱蜢在秋天死去。

    Grasshoppers die in fall.

  4. 好极了,小蚱蜢。

    Excellent, grasshopper.

  5. 蚂蚁和蚱蜢是快乐的。

    Ants and grasshoppers are happy.

  6. 我们吃了炸蚱蜢,然后

    Well, we ate these fried grasshoppers and.

  7. 那只蚱蜢转向了陪审团。

    The grasshopper turned to the jury.

  8. 蚱蜢侵入田野, 吃掉庄稼。

    Grasshoppers invade fields and eat the crops.

  9. 难道你们情愿听蚂蚱、蚱蜢

    And hear the locust and the grasshopper

  10. 那只蚱蜢走到她面前。

    The grasshopper bounded up to her.

  11. 你自己都要吃蚱蜢了

    Are you seriously gonna bug me about lard.

  12. 现在大家都开始吃蚱蜢了!

    People are eating grasshoppers nowadays!

  13. 我听见蚱蜢在欢快地歌唱。

    I hear the merry grasshopper then sing.

  14. 稻田里通常有许多蚱蜢。

    There are usually a lot of grasshoppers in the rice fields.

  15. 防治蝗虫和蚱蜢灾害国际会议

    International Conference on Locust and Grasshopper Infestation

  16. 蚱蜢窝得土地价格最终见顶。

    Land prices finally peak in the grasshopper colonies.

  17. 你不喜欢蚱蜢和蚂蚁的故事?

    You don't like the story about the grasshopper and the ant?

  18. 都怪那些蚱蜢,我给你拿点。

    Bad grasshoppers. I'm just gonna get you some.

  19. 你试一只蚱蜢我就吃一只蜜蜂。

    I'll have a bee if you try a grasshopper.

  20. 我刚接到一大笔蚱蜢订单

    I just got a huge order of locusts.

  21. 螳螂和蚱蜢是田地里的小动物。

    The mantis and grasshopper are small animals in the field.

  22. 蚱蜢窝的土地价格最终见顶。

    Land prices finally peak in the grasshopper colonies.

  23. 蚱蜢能跳过自己身高500倍得障碍物。

    A grasshopper can leap over obstacles 500 times its own height.

  24. 蚱蜢能跳过自己身高500倍的障碍物。

    A grasshopper can leap over obstacles 500 times its own height.

  25. 因此蚱蜢窝陷入了严重的衰退。

    So grasshopper colonies go into a deep recession.

  26. 饥饿得蚱蜢跑来,向他们乞讨食物。

    A Grasshopper,perishing with famine, passed byearnestly begged a little food.

  27. 饥饿的蚱蜢跑来,向他们乞讨食物。

    A Grasshopper, perishing with famine, passed by earnestly begged a little food.

  28. 今天是蟋蟀和蚱蜢王国向你们讲话。

    It is the Cricket and Grasshopper Kingdoms that address you today.

  29. 新大陆的移栖的蝗虫和常见的美洲蚱蜢。

    New World migratory locusts and common American grasshoppers.

  30. 新大陆得移栖得蝗虫和常见得美洲蚱蜢。

    New World migratory locusts and common American grasshoppers.


  1. 问:蚱蜢拼音怎么拼?蚱蜢的读音是什么?蚱蜢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蚱蜢的读音是zhàměng,蚱蜢翻译成英文是 grasshopper

  2. 问:蚱蜢效应拼音怎么拼?蚱蜢效应的读音是什么?蚱蜢效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蚱蜢效应的读音是,蚱蜢效应翻译成英文是 Global distillation

  3. 问:蚱蜢火箭拼音怎么拼?蚱蜢火箭的读音是什么?蚱蜢火箭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蚱蜢火箭的读音是,蚱蜢火箭翻译成英文是 Grasshopper

  4. 问:蚱蜢 (鸡尾酒)拼音怎么拼?蚱蜢 (鸡尾酒)的读音是什么?蚱蜢 (鸡尾酒)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蚱蜢 (鸡尾酒)的读音是,蚱蜢 (鸡尾酒)翻译成英文是 Grasshopper

  5. 问:蚱蜢 (动画短片)拼音怎么拼?蚱蜢 (动画短片)的读音是什么?蚱蜢 (动画短片)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蚱蜢 (动画短片)的读音是,蚱蜢 (动画短片)翻译成英文是 Grasshoppers



“蚱蜢”是个多义词,它可以指蚱蜢(直翅目蝗科动物), 蚱蜢(由Bruno Bozzetto执导的动画短片)。