


1. 症 [zhèng]2. 症 [zhēng]症 [zhèng]病,病状:病~。~状。~候。不治之~。对~下药。症 [zhēng]〔~结〕a.腹内结块的病;b.喻问题难解决的关键。(癥)……


1. 结 [jié]2. 结 [jiē]结 [jié]系(jì),绾(wǎn ):~网。~绳。~扎。条状物打成的疙瘩:打~。蝴蝶~。聚,合:~晶。~识。~盟。~交。~集。~合。~党营私。收束,完了(liǎo):~账。~局。~案。~果。~论。……



汉语拼音:zhēng jié







  1. 腹中结块的病。

    《史记·扁鹊仓公列传》:“ 扁鹊 以其言饮药三十日,视见垣一方人。以此视病,尽见五藏癥结。”《南史·萧暎传》:“丁父忧,隆冬席地,哭不絶声,不尝穀粒,唯饮冷水,因患癥结。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·褚遂良》:“病癥结,又孤贫,奄然就毙。”

  2. 比喻事物疑难所在或难于解决的关键。

    清 江藩 《汉学师承记·阎若璩》:“年二十,读《尚书》至古文,即疑二十五篇之譌。沉潜二十餘年,乃尽得其癥结所在。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻四》:“ 香畹 首肯曰:斯言洞见癥结矣。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》二二:“他已经知道民族困厄的症结。”

  3. 犹病根。

    鲁迅 《伪自由书·文人无文》附《两误一不同》:“凡有指摘社会全体的症结的文字,论者往往谓之‘骂人’。”



  1. He thought he had lung cancer, but X-rays revealed that it was a plant sprouting inside his windpipe.

  2. "We know what the problems are and we have done nothing. . . somebody's neck has got to be on the line, " says the leader of a bank.

  3. They, in turn, admired his ability to put his finger on the flaws in a script that might sink a whole film when it was shown to an audience.

  4. He said South Korean and Russian experts were trying to find the cause of the problem.

  5. The heart of the problem is debt taken on by local government financing vehicles over two years of huge infrastructure investment.

  6. Is the person worried about work, money, the kids? Try to ask open-ended questions so you can really get a sense of what is going on.

  7. Considered individually, all the players are excellent, but they do not seem to team up so well. That's where the shoe pinches.

  8. However, the top limit for the number of such delivery systems may be one of the main sticking points in the next three months of talks.

  9. The crux of the matter is that, environmental indicators have not become part of the qualification assessment for officials.


  1. 问题的症结

    The knot of the matter

  2. 症结及对策

    obstacles and countermeasures.

  3. 高收费症结

    root of expensive medical costs

  4. 文化心理症结

    cultural psychological crux.

  5. 心理问题症结

    crux of the psychological problem.

  6. 这就是症结所在。

    And this is the crux of it.

  7. 但你抓到了症结

    And you nailed it.

  8. 巴以冲突症结分析

    An Analysis About the Cruxes of the Conflict Between Palestine and Israel

  9. 北京交通拥堵症结分析

    Existing traffic jam in Beijing and countermeasures

  10. 对生态环境症结的思考

    A reflection on the crux of the ecological environment

  11. 那么,问题的症结在哪里?

    So, what is the deal here?

  12. 这正是问题的症结所在。

    Herein lies the nub of the problem.

  13. 这正是问题得症结所在。

    Herein lies the nub of the problem.

  14. 这就是问题的症结所在。

    Therein lies the crux of the problem.

  15. 主要的症结是税收问题。

    The main sticking point was the question of taxes.

  16. 北京交通拥堵的症结分析

    Analysis of the Traffic Jams in Beijing

  17. 这是译诗的症结所在。

    It is the crux of poem translation.

  18. 我们失败得症结在哪里?

    Where does the blame for our failure lie? ie Who or what is responsible?

  19. 我们失败的症结在哪里?

    Where does the blame for our failure lie? ie Who or what is responsible?

  20. 语文教学效率低下症结何在?

    Why Is Chinese Teaching Inefficient?

  21. 房屋问题的症结,是供不应求。

    The crux of the problem is supply.

  22. 这便是问题的症结所在。

    This is the crux of the matter.

  23. 这便是问题的症结所在。

    This is the crux of the matter.

  24. 这是你的症结所在,朋友。

    That's your problem, my friend.

  25. 问题的症结恐怕就在这里。

    Maybe that is where the rub is.

  26. 这就是问题的症结所在了。

    This is where the shoe pinches.

  27. 国有经济债务症结及其化解

    The Key Problem on the Debts of National Economy and the Means to Solve

  28. 我们已触及到问题的症结。

    We have come to the crux of the matter.

  29. 高涨的房价是症结所在。

    Surging property prices have been at the crux of the problem.

  30. 差劲的政府是问题的症结所在。

    The crux is bad government.


  1. 问:症结拼音怎么拼?症结的读音是什么?症结翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症结的读音是zhēngjié,症结翻译成英文是 crux



基本解释 1.[crux] 中医指腹中结块的病,比喻事情弄坏或不能解决的关键 2.[stick] 造成或很可能造成僵局的一个条文(如谈判中的一项条款)