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There was no correlation between the scores of sinusitis degree and the size of concha bullosa of nether perpendicular portion.
鼻窦炎程度积分与中鼻甲垂直部低位气化的大小之间无相关性。Chronic paranasal sinusitis is usually caused by recurrent infection. The case of sinusitis due to craniofacial trauma is rare.
慢性鼻窦炎一般多由反覆感染所引起,经由头颅颜面外伤所引起的病例倒不多见。If I feel congested or sinus problem coming on, I take until symtons clear up, which usually takes only a few application.
如果偶尔有鼻塞或是鼻窦的问题,我就吃这个直到症状消除,通常只用服几次就好了。If you've got yellow drainage, are coughing, congested, have headaches and a bad taste or breath, it could be a sinus infection, Nish says.
Nish说道,如果你的鼻涕是黄色的,一直咳嗽,喉咙有点充血,并且感到头疼,胃口不好,呼吸不顺畅,那么很有可能就是鼻窦感染。Specifically, they looked to see if humming led to greater levels of exhaled nitric oxide, a gas produced in the sinuses.
他们特别观察,哼绵羊音是否会从鼻窦中拍出的更多一氧化氮。You've no doubt experienced a temporary disruption in smell and taste while suffering from a cold or sinus infection.
在伤风或鼻窦炎感染时,你无疑会有嗅觉和味觉的暂时失常。Become aware of the breath moving through the nostrils and the sinuses, behind the eyes and upper jaw.
开始去意识在眼睛和上颚后通过鼻孔和鼻窦的呼吸运动。They noted that the actual function of sinuses is still the subject of debate, and this theory may help clarify their purpose.
他们注意到,鼻窦的真实作用还尚有争议,因此这项理论可能能够帮助揭示鼻窦的作用。abstract: Objective Study of the relationship between symptomatic scores and condition of chronic rhinosinusitis.