




1. 王 [wáng]2. 王 [wàng]王 [wáng]古代一国君主的称号,现代有些国家仍用这种称号:~国。~法。公子~孙。~朝(cháo )。中国古代皇帝以下的最高爵位:~公。~侯。一族或一类中的首领:山大~。蜂~。~牌(桥牌中最大的……



汉语拼音:jūn wáng








  1. 古称天子或诸侯。

    《诗·小雅·斯干》:“朱芾斯皇,室家君王。” 郑玄 笺:“室家,一家之内。 宣王 将生之子,或且为诸侯,或且为天子。”《楚辞·招魂》:“君王亲发兮惮青兕。” 王逸 注:“言 怀王 是时亲自射兽,惊青兕牛而不能制也。” 唐 白居易 《长恨歌》:“天生丽质难自弃,一朝选在君王侧。” 清 谭献 《<箧中词>序》:“ 昇元 、 靖康 ,君王为之;将相大臣, 范仲淹 、 辛弃疾 为之。”

  2. 诸王之尊称。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《还都口号》:“君王迟京国,游子思乡邦。”按,此指 临川王 刘义庆 。 南朝 梁 沉约 《游钟山诗应西阳王教》之五:“君王挺逸趣,羽斾临崇基。”



  1. For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.


  2. They dispatched orders to stop the sack of the city, which had already commenced, and to assemble their scattered troops.


  3. POET IS a dethroned king sitting among the ashes of his palace trying to fashion an image out of the ashes.


  4. And he took gold, and silver, and raiment, and many other presents, and went to the king to Ptolemais, and he found favour in his sight.


  5. And the king answering, shall say to them: Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me.


  6. In feeding the people who came out to hear him, Jesus assumes the role of the Shepherd-King prophesied by Jeremiah.


  7. In a later revision he used the word Jockey (that's dated around 1529) to mean "little man" of the dead Scottish king.


  8. Lao Zi's "not contending" is not a more sophisticated sort of contending. He was not promoting the craftiness of monarchy.


  9. A man of faith was asked to leave by a heathen king!


  1. 君王的风度

    a kingly bearing.

  2. 君王的崇拜

    The Adoration of the Kings.

  3. 先知与君王

    The Story of Prophets and Kings.

  4. 赢得君王的赞许

    Won the favor of the monarch

  5. 吻君王的手

    kiss the hand.

  6. 君王最高权力法

    act of supremacy

  7. 已故君王之妻

    queen dowager

  8. 你是荣耀君王

    You are the King of Glory.

  9. 荣耀和恩典得君王!

    The King of glory and of grace!

  10. 荣耀和恩典的君王!

    The King of glory and of grace!

  11. 荣耀和恩典的君王!

    The King of glory and of grace!

  12. 君王的伟大和尊严

    The greatness and dignity of a sovereign.

  13. 他们必须服从君王。

    They must obey the throne.

  14. 君王掩面救不得

    Covering his face with his hands, he could not save her

  15. 我们得以瞥见君王。

    We caught a glimpse of the monarch.

  16. 君王发狂, 百姓遭殃。

    Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.

  17. 君王发狂,百姓遭殃。

    Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.

  18. 君王发狂,百姓遭殃。

    Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.

  19. 從此君王不早朝。

    The emperor neglected his morning levee ever since.

  20. 橡树是森林之君王。

    The oak tree is the monarch of the forest.

  21. 王冠和权杖的君王标志。

    The Royal insignia of crown and sceptre.

  22. 王袍加身的君王。

    the king in full regalia

  23. 王袍加身得君王。。

    The king in full regalia.

  24. 我当时是君王的酒政。

    For I was the king's cupbearer.

  25. 从你而立, 君王从你而出。

    And I will make nations of thee, and kings.

  26. 君王之心也测不透。

    So the mind of kings is unsearchable.

  27. 我知道他是一位君王。

    And I know he is a king.

  28. 他是两代君王的辅弼。

    He assisted two generations of emperors.

  29. 他是两代君王的辅弼。

    He assisted two generations of emperors.

  30. 他说话的时候没有君王的威严。

    He was speaking without the prince's authority.


  1. 问:君王拼音怎么拼?君王的读音是什么?君王翻译成英文是什么?

    答:君王的读音是jūnwáng,君王翻译成英文是 monarch

  2. 问:君王的拼音怎么拼?君王的的读音是什么?君王的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:君王的的读音是,君王的翻译成英文是 kinglike



“君王”是个多义词,它可以指君王(词语解释), 君王(词语), 君王(游戏)。