


1. 噱 [jué]2. 噱 [xué]噱 [jué]大笑。噱 [xué]笑:~头。发~。……


1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:xué tóu









  1. 引人发笑的话或举动。

    秦牧 《艺海拾贝·细节》:“这不是人们在欣赏戏剧时获得了美感,或者被舞台上人物的噱头激发出来的笑声,而是由于大家发觉了事理上的裂缝!”《光明日报》1982.12.20:“目前,对评弹节目中的噱头,穿插注意不够,旧节目中原有的删得太多,新节目则比较少,失之过分严肃。”

  2. 本领;招数。

    周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部十二:“一说出来就不稀奇了。办事就要出其不意,这才有噱头。”

  3. 滑稽,好笑。如:她的表演很噱头。



  1. And a mysterious big-headed role really is dispensable, two sentences on a lens, is estimated to remain a Chaozuo just a gimmick.


  2. Before deleting her account late Monday night she posted a video saying it was all a stunt and she was just a "troll. "


  3. "Betty" seems to be just a gimmick, to be used in a vain , to win some unnecessary criticism and saliva.


  4. Or does it sound like a bit of a gimmick?


  5. anyway , answering my own question , it doesn ' t really matter if it ' s a gimmick : if it makes you think , it works.


  6. "To be honest I think it's a bit of a stunt, " he says.


  7. The big papers had been camping out in Arkansas for weeks, looking for whatever they could find on my record and my personal life.


  8. Although Roberta Smith of the New York Times called the title "repulsive" , it would appear it wasn't revolting enough to be remembered.


  9. And yet there are lots of reasons to see it as vainglory.


  1. 宣传的噱头

    a publicity gimmick.

  2. 不要摆噱头!

    None of your tricks!

  3. 这个丑角噱头真多。

    That clown is full of amusing tricks.

  4. 这是一个广告噱头。

    It was an advertising stunt.

  5. 这完全是个宣传噱头。

    It was all a publicity stunt.

  6. 噱头滑稽的效果或言谈

    A comic effect or remark.

  7. 好像还是有点的噱头?

    Or does it sound like a bit of a gimmick?

  8. 这样得想法作为炒作得噱头。

    The idea of laugh uproariously as speculation.

  9. 这样的想法作为炒作的噱头。

    The idea of laugh uproariously as speculation.

  10. 他不喜欢流行趋势和噱头。

    He didn't favor trends or gimmicks.

  11. 我们销售产品不搞什么噱头。

    We don't use gimmicks to sell our products.

  12. 此举可能噱头大于实际意义。

    The move may be more gimmick than substance.

  13. 还是你们总统的政治公关噱头

    or just a P. R. stunt for your president.

  14. 这个提法当然并非完全没有噱头。

    Of course, the idea is not entirely gimmickfree.

  15. 我想这应该只是炒作噱头吧!

    I think this should only be speculation gimmicks!

  16. 鼓动大众去看电影的新噱头

    a new gimmick to encourage people to go to the cinema

  17. 所有这一切都是营销噱头吗?? ?。

    Is this all marketing hype Of course.

  18. 工作中的乐趣仅仅是个噱头吗?

    Is Fun at Work Just a Gimmick?

  19. 人只是为了这样一个噱头而已。

    People just for such a stunt just.

  20. 乐队扮作披头士作为宣传噱头。

    The band dressed up as the Beatles as a publicity stunt.

  21. 首先,广告是寡头垄断的销售噱头。

    In the first instance, advertising is the sales gimmick to Oligopolies.

  22. 这次的熊猫捐赠是否只是噱头呢?

    Or was the panda donation a gimmick

  23. 然而这些只是噱头的营销传播的神话。

    However these are just marketing gimmicks that propagate the myth.

  24. 攀登教堂钟楼是绝妙的宣传性噱头。

    Climbing up the church tower was a fine publicity stunt.

  25. 攀登教堂钟楼是绝妙得宣传性噱头。

    Climbing up the church tower was a fine publicity stunt.

  26. 后来,我意识到它只是销售噱头之一。

    Later, I realized that it is just one of the sales gimmicks.

  27. 内容和展示文稿比设计噱头更加重要。

    The content and the presentation are more important than design gimmicks.

  28. 我会在销售噱头在后期的这篇文章。

    I shall come to the sales gimmick at the later part of this article.

  29. 金融机构也往往以预期收益率为噱头。

    Financial institutions are also often expected yield of gimmicks.

  30. 但是仍有很多原因证明这只是噱头而已。

    And yet there are lots of reasons to see it as vainglory.


  1. 问:噱头拼音怎么拼?噱头的读音是什么?噱头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:噱头的读音是xuétóu,噱头翻译成英文是 words or act meant to amuse or to excite laughter...


