




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:sù shuō







  1. You've got to sit down with a patient and talk with him, listen to him, touch and smell him.


  2. What if you do not happy, I wish to tell, I am willing to share with you.


  3. A man, telling me about his solitude not long ago said. "Last winter I got to the point of missing the flies. "


  4. The ancient city gates and well-preserved city walls with signs of erosion seem to be telling of the beautiful legends in ancient times.


  5. Soldiers were told they came from an oppressed class and that the nature of the war they were fighting was to end exploitation.


  6. The haulting ballad expressed all the fears of a soldier far from home, yearning to be in his love's arms.


  7. That housewife just continued on with some sort of story about her family. I knew I must be caught in such a conversation.


  8. The brook is murmuring as if it were telling a touching story.


  9. This year, Jerry came out his second photo album, which tells the stories of his sadness and happiness to be a star.


  1. 倾听和诉说

    hearken and pour out.

  2. 预防滥诉说

    prevention of abusive suit

  3. 诉说无数故事

    Can tell a thousand tales.

  4. 倾听他人诉说。

    To lend an ear to sb.

  5. 无法再去诉说?

    Nothing more to say.

  6. 她诉说肚子痛。

    She complained of a stomachache.

  7. 她诉说她的冤屈。

    She complained of her wrongs.

  8. 我会对他诉说。

    To him I will bring my plaint.

  9. 向他们的医生诉说

    Their doctors.

  10. 诉说烦恼等于增加烦恼。

    Telling your troubles is swelling your troubles.

  11. 经历千年的诉说。

    Go through the thousand years plaint.

  12. 经历千年得诉说。

    Go through the thousand years plaint.

  13. 诉说着分别的忧伤

    Sobbing the grief of parting

  14. 因为你没有诉说真相。

    Because you're not telling the truth.

  15. 因为你没有诉说真相。

    Because you're not telling the truth.

  16. 病人诉说他食欲不振。

    The patient complained of inappetence.

  17. 靠近我,指引我,向我诉说。

    Stay close enough to guide me, confide in me.

  18. 没人可以求助,没人可以诉说。

    There was no one to turn to, no one to tell.

  19. 她诉说她所受的冤屈。

    She complained of her wrongs.

  20. 诉说呻吟或哀叹地说

    To utter with moans or a moan.

  21. 向宠物诉说心事的人。

    And whisper secrets to their pets.

  22. 向宠物诉说心事的人。

    And whisper secrets to their pets.

  23. 对俗人诉说我们的爱情。

    To tell the laity our love.

  24. 诉说自己痛苦经历的人

    very painful that happened to you.

  25. 她诉说她遭受过的冤屈。

    She complained of the wrongs she had suffered.

  26. 你可曾在意世界的诉说

    Did you ever let in what the world said

  27. 当你听我诉说的时候。

    When I had you listening.

  28. 诉说心事可能暴露真我。

    To express feelings is to risk exposing your true self.

  29. 心灵是诉说潜意识的嘴。

    Inner voice is the voice mouth of the subconscious mind.

  30. 再到你窗外诉说情怀。

    Ill confide my love still by your window.


  1. 问:诉说拼音怎么拼?诉说的读音是什么?诉说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诉说的读音是sùshuō,诉说翻译成英文是 tell

  2. 问:诉说衷肠拼音怎么拼?诉说衷肠的读音是什么?诉说衷肠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诉说衷肠的读音是Sùshuō zhōngcháng,诉说衷肠翻译成英文是 to bare one's soul

  3. 问:诉说症状结构性面谈拼音怎么拼?诉说症状结构性面谈的读音是什么?诉说症状结构性面谈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诉说症状结构性面谈的读音是sù shuō zhèng zhuàng jié gòu xìng miàn tán,诉说症状结构性面谈翻译成英文是 Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms...



元郑光祖《倩女离魂》第三折:“叙问寒温,诉说真实。”明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第五十七回:“屈巫将庄王及公子婴齐欲娶之事,诉说一遍……”《东周列国志》第九十七回:“范雎将旧事诉说一遍。众客曰:‘如此亦难怪丞相发怒。’”《水浒传》第三二回:“次日辰牌起来,诉说路上许多事务,又说 武松 如此英雄了得。”周而复《上海的早晨》第一部三:“等阿英她娘把不幸的遭遇一一从头诉说给她听,她才了解个中情况。”