


养牲畜的圈(juàn ):虎~。亡羊补~(喻事后补救还不为迟)。~笼。古代称作祭品的牲畜:太~(古代帝王、诸侯祭祀社稷时,牛、羊、豕三牲全备之称)。少~(诸侯宗庙,用羊、豕之称)。监禁犯人的地方:监~。坐~。结实,坚固,固定:~固。~稳(a……


住人或放东西的建筑物:~屋。~产。~舍。~租。库~。楼~。书~。结构和作用类似房子的东西:蜂~。莲~。心~。量词:两~儿媳。家族的一支:大~。长(zhǎng )~。星名,二十八宿之一。姓。……



汉语拼音:láo fáng







  1. 囚禁犯人的房间。亦泛指监狱。

    《说岳全传》第六十回:“丞相为了 岳爷爷 ,新造十间牢房。” 李强 杜印 《在风雨中长大》八:“他自打来到这个牢房的那天起,难友们就无微不至地照顾他。”



  1. While sitting on a metal toilet in his cell attempting to fix his small TV set, he bit into a wire and was electrocuted .


  2. While Martha Stewart made a profit from her cell, another wealthy inmate was one of this year's biggest losers.


  3. The relation of the various Nixon aides to one another was like that of prisoners in adjoining cells.


  4. Don't get distracted by how much you are or aren't getting done. I put myself in jail.


  5. Lincoln examines the pill under a feeble stream of light coming through a vent in the dark cell.


  6. Sucre walks behind T-Bag as a new inmate, Annie the Trannie, saunters out of his cell wearing his shirt tied in a knot around his stomach.


  7. He opened the door of the cell with a bunch of keys he picked up from a wooden board nailed to the wall.


  8. When the critic returned from prison , the king showed him some of his stories again and asked him what he thought of them .


  9. Eva. Eva: But I can't get too close to your cell. You'll have to figure a way out of there yourself. I'll be in touch.


  1. 带他去牢房。

    Take him to the cells.

  2. 带她去牢房。

    Take her to the cells.

  3. 带他去牢房。

    Take him to the cells.

  4. 毁坏他们的牢房。

    tearing up their cells.

  5. 牢房里发生斗殴

    Fighting broke out in the prison cells.

  6. 锁他在牢房里。

    Lock him in the brig.

  7. 把他带去牢房。

    Take him to the cells.

  8. 牢房的气味令人作呕。

    The smell in the cell was revolting.

  9. 将罪犯关入牢房。

    To incarcerate a prisoner in a cell.

  10. 囚犯们逃出了牢房。

    The prisoners broke out of their cell.

  11. 牢房内突然发生斗殴。

    Break out Fighting broke out in the prison cells.

  12. 牢房中有四个床位。

    There were four bunks in the cell.

  13. 你在我的牢房乱搞。

    You dig in my cell while I'm there.

  14. 这间单人牢房没有床。

    The cell was bedless.

  15. 这间单人牢房没有床。

    The cell was bedless.

  16. 你可以回去你的牢房了。

    You may go back to your cell now.

  17. 有偿为狱友打扫牢房。

    You charge another inmate to clean his cell.

  18. 派逊斯走进了牢房。

    Parsons walked into the cell.

  19. 不允许探访者进入牢房。

    Visitor is not allowed into the prisoners cell.

  20. 舞台设计成牢房得样子。

    The stage was designed to imitate a prison cell.

  21. 舞台设计成牢房的样子。

    The stage was designed to imitate a prison cell.

  22. 没有人听说过牢房没有厕所。

    No one had ever heard of a cell without a toilet.

  23. 他们把你放进女牢房。

    They put you in the women's cell.

  24. 所有人回到你们的牢房

    Everyone back in your cells!

  25. 他因侵吞公款进了牢房。

    He was jailed for pocketing public funds.

  26. 黄昏时囚犯们被关进牢房。

    The prisoners were fastened up at nightfall.

  27. 我整个晚上被拘留在牢房。

    I was held overnight in a cell.

  28. 在一个牢房里有八个人。

    There were eight men to a cell.

  29. 那囚犯被关在单人牢房内。

    The prisoner was locked in a cell.

  30. 我知道,我们在他的牢房这。

    Yeah, I know. We're at his cell.


  1. 问:牢房拼音怎么拼?牢房的读音是什么?牢房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牢房的读音是láofáng,牢房翻译成英文是 prison cell; cell




拼音:láofáng 基本解释 [limbo] 囚禁犯人的房间 把旅行者诱入缺少空气的牢房 详细解释 囚禁犯人的房间。亦泛指监狱。

《说岳全传》第六十回:“丞相为了 岳爷爷 ,新造十间牢房。” 李强 杜印 《在风雨中长大》八:“他自打来到这个牢房的那天起,难友们就无微不至地照顾他。”