


1. 塞 [sāi]2. 塞 [sài]3. 塞 [sè]塞 [sāi]堵,填满空隙:堵~漏洞。~尺。~规。堵住器物口的东西:活~。~子。塞 [sài]边界上险要地方:要~。关~。~外。边~。~翁失马。塞 [sè]义同(一),用于若干书面语……


向前或向上移动、发展,与“退”相对:前~。上~。推~。跃~。~退。~取。~击。~驻。~行(xíng )。~而。入,往里去:~见。~谒。~谗。吃,喝:~食。~餐。滴水未~。收入或买入:~账。~货。日~斗金。奉上,呈上:~言。~奉。~献。旧式房……



汉语拼音:sāi jìn







塞进 [sāi jìn]
  1. 指使用外部借助的物品或者东西,使用自身施加的力量将一个物品或者东西,放入需要填补住的一个漏洞或者缺口。



  1. Wrapped in a voluminous white blanket, and partly crammed into one of the cribs, there sat an old man apparently about seventy years of age.


  2. She took off her clothes and, with her belongings in a nylon bag held above her head, she stepped into the chilling, neck-deep water.


  3. I got handcuffed and thrown into a police car. The kid stood there laughing and pointing at me.


  4. Many people, he said, seem to be buying a few key parts for their home PC to squeeze more out of it.


  5. I decided to make her a card instead, and then I could stick it in her mailbox, or leave it off at her room.


  6. Tuck the end of A behind the overlapping layers and pull it up through the neck loop. Pull it all the way through.


  7. "Simple, " she said, taking the fat report from his hand and feeding it into the shredder.


  8. But still he could not get away, there was nothing for it but to let himself be thrust into a black-pudding with the bits of bacon.


  9. Hilariously, Redvers squeezed into a tight dress, padded his mother's bra with toilet paper and wore a black wig.


  1. 再塞进鞋子里。

    Again into the shoes.

  2. 把羽毛塞进袋子

    Stuff feathers into a bag

  3. 将塞子塞进洞口。

    Wedge the plug into the hole.

  4. 把食物塞进肚子里

    tuck into

  5. 把许多钱塞进钱包

    to stuff money into a wallet

  6. 把衣服塞进衣柜中

    crowded the clothes into the closet.

  7. 她把衣服塞进袋子。

    She packed her clothes in the bag.

  8. 她把信件塞进抽屉。

    She crammed the letters into a drawer.

  9. 把衣服塞进手提箱里

    rammed the clothes into the suitcase.

  10. 她把衣服塞进手提箱。

    She packed her clothes into the suitcase.

  11. 塞进了我的书包里

    and shoved'em in my backpack.

  12. 衣服随便塞进手提箱里

    clothes stuffed anyhow into the suitcase.

  13. 我把信塞进邮筒里。

    I drop the letter into the mailbox.

  14. 偷偷地把糖塞进嘴巴

    Sneak candy into one's mouth

  15. 他们把人们塞进公共汽车。

    They crowded people into the buses.

  16. 他把苹果塞进袋子里。

    He stuffed the apples into the bag.

  17. 我们被塞进了汽车里。

    We were being squeezed into the car.

  18. 我们被塞进了汽车里。

    We were being squeezed into the car.

  19. 她把钱塞进皮夹里面。

    She tucked her money into her wallet.

  20. 他把衬衫塞进裤子里。

    He tucked his shirt into his trousers.

  21. 我把衣服塞进手提箱里。

    I packed my clothes in suitcases.

  22. 我把衣服塞进手提箱里。

    I packed my clothes in suitcases.

  23. 她把文件胡乱塞进抽屉。

    She stuck the papers in a drawer.

  24. 他将衣服胡乱塞进抽屉。

    He shoved his clothes into the drawer.

  25. 把你的裤脚塞进靴子里

    tuck your trousers into your boots

  26. 那个人把信塞进裤腰里。

    The man tucked his letter in.

  27. 把你的衬衫塞进裤子里。

    Tuck your shirt into your pants.

  28. 她把瓶子塞进了篮子里。

    She jammed the bottle into the basket.

  29. 她的牙缝里塞进了东西。

    She had got something stuck between her teeth.

  30. 她把衣服塞进箱子里了。

    She squashed her clothes down into the suitcase.


  1. 问:塞进拼音怎么拼?塞进的读音是什么?塞进翻译成英文是什么?

    答:塞进的读音是sāi jìn,塞进翻译成英文是 tuck