




1. 信 [xìn]2. 信 [shēn]信 [xìn]诚实,不欺骗:~用。~守。~物。~货。~誓旦旦。不怀疑,认为可靠:~任。~托。~心。~念。崇奉:~仰。~徒。消息:~息。杳无音~。函件:~件。~笺。~鸽。~访。随便,放任:~手(随手)……



汉语拼音:yīn xìn








  • 音讯;信息。

    《宋书·范晔传》:“吾虽幽逼日苦,命在漏刻,义慨之士,时有音信。” 唐 王维 《送秘书晁监还日本国》诗:“别离方异域,音信若为通。”《红楼梦》第八四回:“ 张 家虽係老亲,但近年来久已不通音信。” 靳以 《别人的故事》:“到我和他们做邻居的时候,他已经两年没有音信了。”



  1. I haven't heard of him for ages; perhaps he is not alive now.


  2. Now I still do not know my dad died or not dead, uncertain of one's life, tidings none.


  3. But if the wife did not hear from her husband for three years, she had the right to marry again.


  4. She suddenly thought of her husband, who had left her and their childrenbehind, and had never been heard of.


  5. A Merseyside Police spokesman said the two cars have been found, but the dog is still missing.


  6. She was growing more and more disturbed that she had not heard from him for a year.


  7. Mr. Lawson. Is something wrong? I got a voice mess getting older telling me to cma goody you could.


  8. To be absent and silent for three years, and never to think of me!


  9. Marta: I haven't heard from Miguel for a week. He must have forgotten me.


  1. 音信断绝。

    News and letters are broken off.

  2. 她走后音信杳无。

    I have not heard from her since she left.

  3. 如果再没有我们的音信。

    But if we are never heard from again.

  4. 好音信受到欢乐的呼喊。

    The good tidings were received with shouts of joy.

  5. 然而艾希礼毫无音信。

    But never news of Ashley.

  6. 如果她没你半点音信。

    And if she hasn't heard from you.

  7. 一从别后,音信全无。

    There has been no news about him since he left.

  8. 你得到他的音信了吗?

    Have you received any word from him?

  9. 信差带来战役的音信。

    The messenger brought tidings of the battle.

  10. 最近几年,他音信全无。

    There's been no news of him for several years.

  11. 信差带来前线的音信。

    The messenger brought tidings from the battle front.

  12. 但是他们到现在音信全无

    And I never heard from them again.

  13. 我给她带了一个音信。

    I carried a message to her.

  14. 奇怪的是我们没有他的音信。

    It's strange we haven't heard from him.

  15. 但仍无娜蒂契达的音信。

    And still no word from Nadyezhda.

  16. 他这一去便渺无音信。

    He has never been heard of since he left.

  17. 你为什么这么没有一点音信呢?

    Why did you keep silent like this?

  18. 火柴和音信一起导致了火灾。

    The match and the fuse together both pilot the fire.

  19. 也许你不想知道我的音信。

    Maybe you don't want to hear from me.

  20. 也许你不想知道我的音信。

    Maybe you don't want to hear from me.

  21. 你有你哥在何处的音信吗?

    Have you any news of where your brother is staying?

  22. 我们很久都没有你的音信了。

    We had lost trace of you for so long.

  23. 再和百度联系, 一点音信都没有。

    Contact with Baidu again, bit message is done not have.

  24. 两星期来我妹妹一点音信都没有。

    There hasn't been a peep out of my sister for a couple of weeks.

  25. 我六年来都没有你们的任何音信

    You know, I don't even hear from you people for six years.

  26. 亲爱的罗,也许你不想知道我的音信。

    Dear R, maybe you don't want to hear from me.

  27. 两个星期过去了,父亲几乎音信全无。

    Two weeks went by with hardly a word from my father.

  28. 从此,玛格丽特再也没有她的音信。

    Margaret has not heard from her since.

  29. 这时候可能转让越南。以后它们没有音信。

    Probably then it is conceivable that this locomotive was transferred to Vietnam.

  30. 我已经有半年没有张明的音信了。

    I haven't heard from Zhang Ming for half a year.


  1. 问:音信拼音怎么拼?音信的读音是什么?音信翻译成英文是什么?

    答:音信的读音是yīnxìn,音信翻译成英文是 news


【读音】yīn xìn
【出处】《宋书·范晔传》:“吾虽幽逼日苦,命在漏刻,义慨之士,时有音信。” 唐·王维 《送秘书晁监还日本国》诗:“别离方异域,音信若为通。”
【示例】明 冯梦龙 《喻世明言》第一卷:“却说陈大郎在下处呆等了几日,并无音信。见这日天雨,料是婆子在家,拖泥带水的进城来回个消息,又不相值。”《红楼梦》第八四回:“ 张家虽系老亲,但近年来久已不通音信。”