


1. 都 [dū]2. 都 [dōu]都 [dū]大都市:~市。~会。通~大邑。一国的最高行政机关所在的地方,京城:首~。国~。京~。建~。美好:“雍容闲雅,甚~”。~丽。~雅。总:~为一集。居:“~卿相之位”。古代称头目、首领。姓。都 [……


1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……



汉语拼音:dōu shù






  1. 总数。

    唐 张九龄 《敕安西节度王斛斯书》之三:“卿状但言都数,其中不列姓名,已令勘责,可速以实报。” 宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·技艺》:“ 唐 僧 一行 曾算棊局都数,凡若干局尽之。” 清 冯桂芬 《均赋税议》:“有零数,无都数,可分不可合,或盈或缩,甚或隐匿,百弊丛生。”



  1. And Moses numbered, as the LORD commanded him, all the firstborn among the children of Israel.


  2. she knows enough about my past to figure out that she can't count my lovers on her fingers.


  3. Grey Wolf: My darling, don't count it, you can't finish doing it even for a year.


  4. When I talked to her mother, I found out she has 30-something cats. She reckons she lost count.


  5. God loves you so much that he has counted your hair; you are priceless in His eyes.


  6. When he had talked both hands three times each, he grasped the slender handle and twisted .


  7. The more modern face of China reasserts itself a few hours later in the district of Kundu.


  8. My veins in spreading fire, my heart beats me count is countless.


  9. And he has a lot of collection in his room, I can't Count this.


  1. 连师傅都数不过来了。

    Even local fishermen can't count them.

  2. 我的心多次破碎,数都数不过来了。

    My heart has been crushed so many times before, I have almost lost count.

  3. 麻烦了,人太多了我都数不过来了

    Now, unfortunately, there are too many of you for me to do the statistics properly.

  4. 她之前做过这种事,我都数不清了

    She's done this before, more times than I can count.

  5. 她抛弃我的次数之多,我都数不过来了

    who abandoned me more times than I can count.

  6. 俺对您说过绝交的次数数都数不过来。

    I can't count all the times that I've told you we're through.

  7. 几乎每条大街上都有你数都数不清的餐馆。

    Almost every street has more restaurants than you could shake a stick at.

  8. 我比你杀死的人更多,多得我都数不清。

    I killed more men than you before I could jerk off.

  9. 将排泄物的颜色都数了个遍吗?橙色如何?

    Have we accounted for all the fecal colors? What about orange?

  10. 灰太狼老婆, 您就别数了, 数一年都数不完呢。

    Grey Wolf My darling, dont count it, you cant finish doing it even for a year.

  11. 我因此认识到,大都数情况下你需要做的就是开口问问。

    I realized that most of the time, all you have to do is ask.

  12. 我和妈妈在一起微笑的照片一定多得都数不清了。

    I must have a zillion pictures of Mom and me smiling together.

  13. 这不过是沧海一粟, 这辆车上的划痕我都数不过来了。

    Its just a drop in the bucket. That car has more scratches on it than I can count.

  14. 当他每个手的手指都数了三次以后, 他抓住纤细的刀柄, 一扭。

    When he had talked both hands three times each, he grasped the slender handle and twisted.

  15. 每个数都有3个立方根。

    Each number has three cube roots.

  16. 无穷大的比任意大的数都要大的数

    Existing beyond or being greater than any arbitrarily large value.

  17. 她总说她都有数。

    She lobbied that she knew what she was doing.

  18. 我一整晚都在数羊。

    I was counting sheep all night.

  19. 她每天都在数着日子。

    She is counting the days.

  20. 就是你们的头发,也都被数过了。

    Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

  21. 就是你们的头发,也都一一数过了。

    Even all the hairs of your head are counted.

  22. 您很多天都没有数钱了?是吧?

    You haven't counted your money for days, hmm?

  23. 每天都有数以千计的事情发生

    And there are a thousand things a day.

  24. 每个小组的讨论都由数个小组成员带头发言。

    The discussions in each panel were launched by a number of panellists.

  25. 每年都有数以百万人受慢性鼻窦炎之苦。

    Chronic sinusitis affects millions of people every year.

  26. 报上成天都有数以百计的报道和报道连载。

    Every day there are hundreds of stories and parts of stories in the newspapers.

  27. 每一个成功故事的背后, 都有数不尽的失败尝试。

    But for every success story, there are countless other projects that failed fail.

  28. 如果每走一步都要数着,你的旅程就长了。

    If you tell every step, you will make a long journey of it.

  29. 爱更是一种牵挂,每秒都在数着自己的心跳。

    Love is a kind of care, every second with my heart in a few.

  30. 主的恩典样样都要数,必能叫你希奇感谢而欢呼。

    Count your many blessings see what God hath done.