




1. 种 [zhǒng]2. 种 [zhòng]3. 种 [chóng]种 [zhǒng]生物在生态和形态上具有不同特点的分类的基本单位:物~。~差(chā),植物果实中能长成新植物的部分,又泛指生物传代繁殖的物质:~子。~禽。~畜。撒~。……



汉语拼音:huò zhǒng






  1. 某种。

    鲁迅 《华盖集续编·马上支日记》:“因为或种限制,只买了一本 安冈秀夫 所作的《从小说看来的支那民族性》就走了。” 朱自清 《中国歌谣》:“为了或种政治目的,构造歌谣,使儿童歌之,传于闾巷。”



  1. In most cases, a formal education was only available to male children with a sufficiently high status, wealth or caste.


  2. In the past few years, emergent disease episodes have increased; nearly all have involved zoonotic OR species-jumping infectious agents.


  3. As a result, disc and seed become abscisic. The sclerotium falls down into the soil, survives winter and makes infection for next year.


  4. Or the tree might get planted in a park or someplace else where it could help the environment.


  5. Farmers with chickens or coconuts outside the tsunami-soaked zone were never far away.


  6. Cultivate plants or plant house plants in home.


  7. Biology Vestigial or imperfectly developed, especially in comparison with other individuals or related species;


  1. 种皮上留有种脐或种痕。

    The seed coat is marked with a hilum or seed scar.

  2. 原来的柏油操场已经覆上了草皮或种满了鲜花。

    The asphalt playgrounds have been grassed over or sown with flowers.

  3. 泥垢总是积在肚脐眼里。种皮上留有种脐或种痕。

    Dirt gets rolled up in your navel. The seed coat is marked with a hilum or seed scar.

  4. 分类群是指任何一个分类学上的类群,如门,科或种。

    A taxon is any taxonomic grouping, such as a phylum, a family or a species.

  5. 多型种一群相关的异地种或亚种。

    Formenkreis A group of related allopatric species or subspecies.

  6. 他们正逐渐成为会讲两种或多种语言的人。

    They are becoming bilingual or multilingual.

  7. 噬菌体对一些种或一些细菌株来说是特异性的。

    Phages are usually specific to particular species or even strains of bacteria.

  8. 汤都要配两种或三种烧上色的面包一起食用。

    These soups should be allocated two or three of the toast with food coloring.

  9. 在小样方分析中,为出现的每个种或种组测定盖度。

    In small square analysis the coverage is estimated for each species or group of species present.

  10. 噪音混杂, 刺耳的声音, 或多种声音的混合

    A confused or harsh sound or mingling of sounds.

  11. 一种或两种关系或可因此而得以挽回。

    This might save a relationship or two.

  12. 换回的大面额的或不同种的等价货币。

    Money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency.

  13. 可以有一种或几种不同的颜色组合的斑纹。

    May be one of several different color combinations and markings. None is given preference over the others.

  14. 对此, 历来有积极和消极两种看法或两种人生观。

    There are always the positive and negative opinions or outlooks on life.

  15. 以虚弱的残疾之身, 建立一项事业或一种生活。

    Building a business and a life in the face of a debilitating handicap.

  16. 那种资产可能是一间房子, 地皮, 机器, 股票或一种债券。

    That asset could be a house, land, machinery, stock, or a bond.

  17. 以及其他基因的作用, 来增强减弱或改变种皮的颜色。

    colour, as well as modifying genes, that can enhance, attenuate or change colour in another way.

  18. 奥纶一种聚丙烯酸纤维或该种纤维制成的纱线的商标名称

    A trademark used for an acrylic fiber or yarns made from this fiber.

  19. 福建植物之新种或未详知种。

    Species novae vel non satis cognitae e flora fukienensis.

  20. 蚁狮或其它几种昆虫的幼虫。

    The larva of an ant lion or of any of several other insects.

  21. 属于或与印度或其人种, 文化有关的

    of or relating to India or its peoples or cultures

  22. 印度的属于或与印度或其人种, 文化有关的

    Of or relating to India or its peoples or cultures.

  23. 种一或二季

    plant one or two crop a year.

  24. 但是, 这种感觉难道真是或只是一种错觉吗?

    But was that feeling real or just a delusion?

  25. 问题是,到底该使用或集成哪种解决方案呢

    The question is, which is the right one to use or integrate with.

  26. 甲苯酸盐一种苯酸盐或苯酸酯

    A salt or ester of benzoic acid.

  27. 通过生产或销售一种商品或服务等手段使独占

    subside monopoly Exclusive control by one group of the means of producing or selling a commodity or service.

  28. 因此,它确实需要人类推到一个或另一种方式。

    So it did take humans to kind of push it one way or another.

  29. 叶酸一种盐或叶酸酯

    A salt or ester of folic acid.

  30. 测定物质中有那种或那几种元素谓之定性分析。

    The determination of what element or elements are present in a substance is called qualitative analysis.