


1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……





汉语拼音:tóu fà yóu






  1. 抹在头发上的油状或膏状化妆品。

    张天翼 《移行·包氏父子三》:“这里东西可多着:香水,头发油,雪花精什么的。”



  1. Your hair is so greasy, if you went for a swim in the sea, they'd think you were an oil slick.


  2. Peter, your hair is so greasy, and you could fry a chicken in it.


  3. a TV commercial in which a well-known sportsman endorses a hair cream


  1. 她的头发总是油黑如夜,细软如丝。

    Her hair was always dusk as night, and fine as silk.

  2. 乔治对了,我的头发蛮油的,而且头皮屑令我很困扰。

    George Say, my hair is kind of oily, and dandruff bothers me very much.

  3. 凯伊尚伟他的头发很油,皮肤又差,再看看他那副眼镜!

    Kate Shawn He has greasy hair, bad skin and look at those glasses.

  4. 他头发上的油

    the grease in his hair

  5. 头发也总是油光闪闪

    Keeping his hair so well oiled that it sparkled

  6. 找个头发不那么油的。

    Find somebody with IESS oii in his hair.

  7. 不要在我的头发上抹油。

    Don't put any oil on my hair.

  8. 她用手指梳了梳自己的长发,头发摸起来又油又脏。

    She ran her fingers through her hair; it felt lank and dirty.

  9. 胳膊肘上都是烧烤酱,牙齿上有肉屑,头发油烘烘的。

    Up to your elbows in barbecue sauce, meat hanging from your teeth, and grease in your hair.

  10. 他强调,有时可能还会造成反效果,头发会越洗越油。

    He stresses that sometimes this will have reverse effects, and hair may even become oilier.

  11. 用润发油使他的头发光滑

    sleeked his hair with pomade.

  12. 抹油的头发

    hair plastered with oil.

  13. 头发光亮如抹过椰油

    Hair smeared with coconut oil

  14. 他厚厚地用油涂了头发。

    He plastered his hair with oil.

  15. 头发出油真是个大麻烦。

    Oily hair can be a real annoyance.

  16. 涂了润发油的滑而黑亮的头发。

    black hair plastered with pomade.

  17. 你的头发得洗了有点太油了

    Your hair needs washing. it's kind of greasy

  18. 她在头发上抹了一种芳香油。

    She rubbed a scented oil into her hair.

  19. 鳄梨油可以直接使用于皮肤和头发。

    AVOCADO OIL REFINED may be directly applied as the skin and hair.

  20. 一种能使头发产生香气的油状物质。

    a perfumed oil or ointment for the hair.

  21. 我要拔掉你的头发。直接蒸汽拔头汽缸油

    I'll unhair your head. SR cylinder oil

  22. 椰子油是为众人所知的天然头发护理素。

    Coconut oil is known for it's natural hair conditioning property for generations.

  23. 一些人头发刚洗过几个钟头, 就又脏又油。

    For some guys, their hair starts looking greasy and dirty just a few short hours after its washed.

  24. 洗发香波中的硅油在头发上的沉积与性质

    Study the Nature and Deposition of Silicone of Shampoo on Hair

  25. 你的头发就像金黄油煎的炒面,你的眼睛像闪耀的牡蛎。

    Your hair is like golden fried chow mein and your eyes like glistening oysters.

  26. 加州宝宝纯的精油也让头发散发美妙的香味。

    California Baby's pure essential oil blend leaves hair beautifully scented.

  27. 一种能使头发既容易管理又富有光泽的润发油。

    A pomade to make the hair manageable and lustrous.

  28. 他的头发已经变灰了,于是他在上面抹油让它闪亮。

    His hair had turned gray, so he put grease on it to make it shiny.

  29. 等头发干了以后,搽上一点油,使其顺滑而有光泽。

    When hair is dry, rub in a little oil to make it smooth and glossy.

  30. 不洁头发上的污垢、油分混和香水后,也可能产生异味。

    After the bilge on feculent hair, oil divides mix up perfume, produce peculiar smell possibly also.