








汉语拼音:zhuàn gǎo







  1. 起草;作文。

    清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·杂觚·幕府拟稿》:“ 刘文定公 亦令诸门生撰稿,却不肯袭用一语。” 叶圣陶 《感同身受》:“他们都有撰稿的经验。”



  1. Ben Rhodes, Obama's chief foreign policy speechwriter, said Obama told him "to cast a wide net" in preparing the address.


  2. He made such raped progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper.


  3. Frank A. Drews, one of the Utah study's authors, said he never phones while driving. His reason is more than just the safety issue.


  4. There is nothing to gain from getting a speechwriter to wrap all this up in some cloudy and unconvincing "vision" .


  5. Or, as a writer in The Washington Times lamented last week: "Mr Mubarak may have been a tinpot dictator, but he supported America. "


  6. She said she used it because some contributors did not realize copying and pasting from other sources was unacceptable.


  7. We finished the "Star Sign Guide To Your Legs" by 4 a. m. Downtown was an empty set. I felt like a New York copywriter now as I drove home.


  8. he was no longer an amusing, talented hack writer, just one of a crowd of London journalists.


  9. The contributors to this publication show collectively that armed violence is not always necessary to achieve positive change.


  1. 自由撰稿者

    free lance.

  2. 广告撰稿负责人

    copy chief

  3. 为某杂志撰稿

    write for a magazine

  4. 技术材料撰稿者

    Technical writer

  5. 宣传材料撰稿者

    Publicity writer

  6. 他为许多期刊撰稿。

    He contributed to various journals.

  7. 投稿投稿或撰稿以供出版

    To submit material for publication.

  8. 为环境问题论文集撰稿。

    contribute to a symposium on environmental issues

  9. 他为一本新闻杂志撰稿。

    He writes for a news magazine.

  10. 他为一本新闻杂志撰稿。

    He writes for a news magazine.

  11. 我为他主编的校刊撰稿。

    I wrote for the school magazine, which he edited.

  12. 新闻记者。报纸撰稿人

    Journalist n. A person who works on a newspaper or magazine and writes articles for it

  13. 白宫演讲撰稿人忆旧

    Reminiscences of a White House Speechwriter

  14. 我给报纸和杂志专栏撰稿。

    I worked for newspapers and freelanced for magazines.

  15. 为一位杂志出版社自由撰稿

    Freelanced the article to a magazine publisher.

  16. 她每周为那家报纸撰稿。

    She articles to the newspaper weekly.

  17. 定期为一本杂志撰稿的人

    A regular contributor to a journal

  18. 百科全书编纂者或撰稿人

    A person who writes for or compiles an encyclopedia.

  19. 他为一家大众科学杂志撰稿。

    He writes for a journal of popular science.

  20. 他和他妻子都为商业杂志撰稿。

    Both he and his wife write for a business journal.

  21. 谁拥有自由撰稿者作品的版权

    Who owns the copyright in a freelancers work.

  22. 他为一位杂志出版社自由撰稿。

    He freelanced pieces to a magazine publisher.

  23. 他靠给一些地方杂志撰稿为生。

    He lives on contributing to some local magazines.

  24. 金教授常为那个医学刊物撰稿。

    Professor King often contributes to the medical journal.

  25. 定期为公司内部刊物及出版物撰稿。

    Write for company magazine and business publications regularly.

  26. 她靠做自由撰稿记者来维持生计。

    She earns her living as a freelance journalist.

  27. 他是总统演讲的撰稿人之一。

    He is one of the Presidents speech writers.

  28. 所有的撰稿人都是非裔人士。

    All the contributors were of African descent.

  29. 他好像怠慢了这个新闻撰稿人。

    He seems to slight the news writer.

  30. 此后她给巴黎的报纸和杂志撰稿。

    Thereafter she wrote articles for papers and magazines in Paris.


  1. 问:撰稿拼音怎么拼?撰稿的读音是什么?撰稿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撰稿的读音是zhuàngǎo,撰稿翻译成英文是 To draw up, to write articles; contribute