


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……





汉语拼音:zhòng zhuāng






  1. 犹重载。

    《史记·淮南衡山列传》:“重装富贾,周流天下,道无不通。” 明 唐顺之 《重修宜兴县学记》:“﹝ 宜兴县 ﹞地僻以简,冠盖文綉之所不衝,大贾重装之所不輳。”

  2. 重新装裱、装订。

    宋 陆游 《跋<韩非子>》:“《韩非子》一卷…… 淳熙 己酉,某重装而藏之。”

  3. 重新安装(设备零件等)。



  1. See that? Pulled out six teeth yesterday. Soon I'll have to get another plate. That's what you get working for a living.


  2. When it did, I first gave it a test run to see that everything was working proberly.


  3. The Force-A-Nature has only two shots to a clip and takes a while to reload. Take advantage of this and attack the Scout between reloads.


  4. She wants to retire so she can take a nap. She wants to remodel her house and garden and sit on one of the white rockers on her front porch.


  5. He did so by lengthening opening hours, refurbishing restaurants, broadening menus and revitalising the company's jaded marketing.


  6. Remember that these can't attack air units, so it might be a good idea to mix it up instead of having four Zone Troopers.


  7. An Adaptive Server Enterprise database can be unloaded and reloaded as long as the system is quiet and the transaction log is fully scanned.


  8. Unable to afford the expensive heavy armour of a western style knight, many nobles stick to their nomadic roots as heavy horse archers .


  9. Trained and hardened warriors protected by a large shield and mail. Armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears.


  1. 称重装填机

    weight filler.

  2. 你并没有重装骑兵。

    You have no heavy cavalry.

  3. 拆钟容易, 重装难。

    It is easy to take apart a clock but it is difficult to resemble it.

  4. 拆钟容易,重装难。

    It is easy to take apart a clock but it is difficult to resemble it.

  5. 抱歉,我重装上阵,但认真

    Sorry I reloaded this but seriously.

  6. 重装的警察骑着名贵的马匹。

    Heavy-coated policemen astride noble horses.

  7. 尝试重装或升级网卡驱动程序。

    Try to reload or upgrade the NIC driver.

  8. 蒸汽坦克铠甲模式变为重装得。

    Steam Tank armor type changed to Fortified.

  9. 蒸汽坦克铠甲模式变为重装的。

    Steam Tank armor type changed to Fortified.

  10. 她想让我免费给她重装房子

    She wants me to redo her place with no money.

  11. 一辆重装汽车。用重武器武装。

    A soldier, especially a medieval cavalryman supplied with heavy arms.

  12. 当他们试图重装的时候,他们惊慌了。

    When they attempted to reassemble it, they panicked.

  13. 我们可以预计周边被军方重装防备。

    We can expect the military perimeter to be heavily guarded.

  14. 这次换人尝试让蓝军重装上阵。

    It was an attempt to spark the performance into life.

  15. 经维修重装后做了动平衡试验。

    After repaired and installed and tested for dynamic equilibrium.

  16. 现在把你的枪拆开重装一遍!

    Now disassemble your weapon and continue!

  17. 我带着重装武器去破坏一个巢。

    I'm taking the heavy armor to destroy a Hive.

  18. 这个领子你可以重装一下,这没问题吧。

    Surely you can reset the collar.

  19. 但也有很多业主是拆除重装的。

    But also having a lot of owner demolish reshipment.

  20. 你可能需要重装操作系统或驱动程序。

    You may need to reinstall Your OS or Drives.

  21. 绞缆机重装后对它做运转试验。

    This machine is assembled. We are now going to try it.

  22. 他们是重装骑兵,我想他们通常穿着鳞甲。

    They were heavily armored horsemen in what I believe was usually heavy scale armor.

  23. 动员兵的弹夹数变为6,增加重装时间。

    Conscript clip size 4, increased reload time.

  24. 得把它们都拆掉然后重装管道系统。

    I'm going to have to tear it out and repipe the whole system.

  25. 对于带制动的部件,在重装时要重新制动?

    For the parts provided with lockings, reapply lockings to them, when reassembly.

  26. 避免轨枕不必要的搬运,重装和再分配。

    Avoid unnecessary handling, reloading, and redistribution of the sleepers.

  27. 如果是电脑重装,也必须把证书备份,再重装。

    If be computer reshipment, also must back up certificate, again reshipment.

  28. 意大利重骑兵是装备板甲和骑枪的重装骑兵。

    Well equipped heavy cavalry with plate armour and a lance.

  29. 接下来,如果你有源光盘,你可以重装操作系统。

    Then, presuming you have the original disks, you can reinstall the operating system.

  30. 你们需要跟我们联线,以重装操作软件吗?

    You want us to patch an uplink to reload the operations software, Sparky?


  1. 问:重装拼音怎么拼?重装的读音是什么?重装翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装的读音是,重装翻译成英文是 reassembly

  2. 问:重装配拼音怎么拼?重装配的读音是什么?重装配翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装配的读音是chóng zhuāng pèi,重装配翻译成英文是 reassembly

  3. 问:重装兵器拼音怎么拼?重装兵器的读音是什么?重装兵器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装兵器的读音是,重装兵器翻译成英文是 Heavy Weapon

  4. 问:重装机兵拼音怎么拼?重装机兵的读音是什么?重装机兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装机兵的读音是Zhòngzhuāngjībīng,重装机兵翻译成英文是 Metal Max

  5. 问:重装步兵拼音怎么拼?重装步兵的读音是什么?重装步兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装步兵的读音是,重装步兵翻译成英文是 Heavy infantry

  6. 问:重装武力拼音怎么拼?重装武力的读音是什么?重装武力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装武力的读音是,重装武力翻译成英文是 Serious Sam

  7. 问:重装甲龙拼音怎么拼?重装甲龙的读音是什么?重装甲龙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装甲龙的读音是Zhòngzhuāngjiǎlóng,重装甲龙翻译成英文是 Sauroplites

  8. 问:重装英豪拼音怎么拼?重装英豪的读音是什么?重装英豪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装英豪的读音是Zhòngzhuāngyīngháo,重装英豪翻译成英文是 The Outfit

  9. 问:重装行为拼音怎么拼?重装行为的读音是什么?重装行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装行为的读音是chóng zhuāng xíng wéi,重装行为翻译成英文是 act of reloading

  10. 问:重装货物拼音怎么拼?重装货物的读音是什么?重装货物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装货物的读音是,重装货物翻译成英文是 reshipment

  11. 问:重装甲轰炸机拼音怎么拼?重装甲轰炸机的读音是什么?重装甲轰炸机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装甲轰炸机的读音是zhòng zhuāng jiǎ hōng zhà jī,重装甲轰炸机翻译成英文是 Heavily-Armored Bomber

  12. 问:重装备运输工具拼音怎么拼?重装备运输工具的读音是什么?重装备运输工具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装备运输工具的读音是chóng zhuāng bèi yùn shū gōng jù,重装备运输工具翻译成英文是 heavy equipment transport

  13. 问:重装机兵 沙尘之锁拼音怎么拼?重装机兵 沙尘之锁的读音是什么?重装机兵 沙尘之锁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装机兵 沙尘之锁的读音是,重装机兵 沙尘之锁翻译成英文是 Metal Saga

  14. 问:重装机兵 荒野之眼拼音怎么拼?重装机兵 荒野之眼的读音是什么?重装机兵 荒野之眼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重装机兵 荒野之眼的读音是,重装机兵 荒野之眼翻译成英文是 Metal Max Wild Eyes