







汉语拼音:bái zhǐ






  1. 香草名。夏季开伞形白花,果实长椭圆形,根入药,有镇痛作用,古以其叶为香料。

    《楚辞·招魂》:“菉苹齐叶兮,白芷生。” 唐 陆龟蒙 《药名》诗:“白芷寒犹採,青箱醉尚用。” 唐 陆龟蒙 《采药赋》序:“葯,白芷也。香草美人得此比之。” 宋 张孝祥 《菩萨蛮》词:“蘼芜白芷愁烟渚,曲琼细卷 江 南雨。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草三·白芷》﹝释名﹞引 徐锴 曰:“初生根榦为芷,则白芷之义取乎此也。”



  1. Overview: The Division tincture Angelica Angelica produced mainly in Zhejiang, with the ethanol extract obtained Angelica tincture.


  2. It was suitable for measuring the total content of coumarin in Chuan Baizhi.


  3. Conclusion: The best extract method of Angelica dahurica as decolorant is extracting with water and deposit with alcohol.


  4. Methods: Thin layer chromatography on safflower, chuan xiong, angelica and the qualitative identification jujube.


  5. OBJECTIVE To optimize the microwave-assisted extraction process for coumarins in Angelica dahurica as guided by the contents of imperatorin.


  6. RESULTS The main identification characteristics of the leaves and stems of Chuan Baizhi was obtained.


  7. Odor Characteristics: Angelica features with aromatic, slightly spicy sweet and sour nuts.


  8. Objective: To analyze the chemical constituents of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction products of the Radix Angelicae Dahuricae.


  9. To research the angelica and expand production, the author carried out a series of research and Tissue Culture on Angelica Dahurica Radix.


  1. 白芷黑斑病

    Angelica black spot.

  2. 白芷提取物

    Bai Zhi Dahurian Angelica Root.

  3. 白芷斑枯病

    Angelica leaf spot.

  4. 白芷应用四则

    Four Cases of Dahurian Angelica Root Application.

  5. 白芷香豆素

    Coumarin of Angelicae dahuricae.

  6. 白芷环斑病毒

    Cowparsnip ring spot virus.

  7. 白芷镶脉病毒

    Cowparsnip veinbanding virus.

  8. 白芷壳针孢

    Septoria dearnessii.

  9. 白芷搽剂的制备

    Preparation on dahurian angelica root liniment

  10. 川白芷总香豆素

    total coumarin of Radix Angelice dahuricae

  11. 白芷花叶弹状病毒

    Cowparsnip mosaic rhabdovirus

  12. 种植白芷要特别加强施肥管理。

    Fertilization requires special attention when growing angelica.

  13. 种植白芷要特别加强施肥管理。

    Fertilization requires special attention when growing angelica.

  14. 白芷外敷治疗乳腺炎30例

    Treatment of 30 Patients of Mastitis by External Compressing with Dahurian Angelica Root

  15. 川白芷地上部分的组织学研究

    Histology study on the overground parts of Chuan Baizhi

  16. 白芷为我国常用大宗药材之一。

    Angelica dahurica is one of medicinal material of our country in common use.

  17. 白芷治疗胃脘久痛及药用鉴别

    Identification of Dahurian Angelica Root and Its Application in Treating Intractable Gastric Pain

  18. 白芷细菌性叶斑病病原细菌的鉴定

    Pathogen Identification of Bacterial Speck of Angelica dahurica

  19. 汤泡胗球堂煮川芎白芷鱼头锅

    Stewed fish head with hemlock parsley and Angelica

  20. 目得考察复方白芷胶囊得长期毒性。

    Objective To investigate the chronic toxicity of Compound Radix Angelicae Dahuricae capsule.

  21. 目得对中药白芷得提取工艺进行优化。

    Objective To optimize the extracting procedure of Radix Angelicae dahuricae.

  22. 其余抑菌作用依次为白芷、芦荟、生姜。

    The other antimicrobial effects are Angelica dahurica, Ginger and Aloe in turn.

  23. 中药白芷乳剂大鼠鼻腔给药的体内研究

    Study on rat nasal administration with emulsion of Chinese herb Angelica dahurica.

  24. 目的观察白芷痤康散外敷治疗痤疮的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the clinical effect of acne treatment by Baizhicuokang.

  25. 氮肥平衡施用,白芷的早期抽苔率低、产量较高。

    Rational and balanced application of nitrogenous fertilizer also curtailed earlier bolting and resulting in a higher yield.

  26. 氮肥平衡施用,白芷得早期抽苔率低,产量较高。

    Rational and balanced application of nitrogenous fertilizer also curtailed earlier bolting and resulting in a higher yield.

  27. 结果找出了川白芷茎,叶组织上的主要鉴别特征。

    RESULTS The main identification characteristics of the leaves and stems of Chuan Baizhi was obtained.

  28. 川白芷提取物异欧前胡素大鼠体内药动学研究

    Phamacokinetic Study of Isoimperatorin in Rats After Drug Administration.

  29. 白芷香豆素组分对兔体内氨茶碱药动学的影响

    Effect of Total Coumarins from Radix Angelicae Dahuricae on Pharmacokinetics of Aminophylline in Rabbits


  1. 问:白芷拼音怎么拼?白芷的读音是什么?白芷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白芷的读音是báizhǐ,白芷翻译成英文是 A perennial grass that gives a distinct fragran...

  2. 问:白芷树拼音怎么拼?白芷树的读音是什么?白芷树翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白芷树的读音是báizhǐshù,白芷树翻译成英文是 Devil’s Walking Stick; Aralia spinosa

  3. 问:白芷素拼音怎么拼?白芷素的读音是什么?白芷素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白芷素的读音是bái zhǐ sù,白芷素翻译成英文是 byak angelicin

  4. 问:白芷脑拼音怎么拼?白芷脑的读音是什么?白芷脑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白芷脑的读音是bái zhǐ nǎo,白芷脑翻译成英文是 byak angelicol

  5. 问:白芷内酯拼音怎么拼?白芷内酯的读音是什么?白芷内酯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白芷内酯的读音是bái zhǐ nèi zhǐ,白芷内酯翻译成英文是 angelicone

  6. 问:白芷壳二胞拼音怎么拼?白芷壳二胞的读音是什么?白芷壳二胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白芷壳二胞的读音是báizhǐké'èrbāo,白芷壳二胞翻译成英文是 Ascochyta phomoides

  7. 问:白芷壳针孢拼音怎么拼?白芷壳针孢的读音是什么?白芷壳针孢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白芷壳针孢的读音是báizhǐkézhēnbāo,白芷壳针孢翻译成英文是 Septoria dearnessii



白芷(拉丁文名:Angelica dahurica (Fisch. ex Hoffm.)Benth. et Hook. f. ex Franch. et Sav),多年生高大草本,高1-2.5米。下辖种有杭白芷、祁白芷、白芷(原变种)、台湾独活。 以根入药,有祛病除湿、排脓生肌、活血止痛等功能。主治风寒感冒、头痛、鼻炎、牙痛。赤白带下、痛疖肿毒等症,亦可作香料。北方的一些省区有栽培,多自产自销,少数调省外。一般生于林下、林缘、溪旁、灌丛和山谷草地。