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汉语拼音:míng dí
I don't know at the time, I hear the train whistle sounds, far and near, like the music of the birds, marked forest distance.
我不知道那时几点钟了;我听到火车鸣笛的声音,忽远忽近,就象林中鸟儿的啭鸣,标明距离的远近。The large, easy-to-read display shows at a glance the time and the loud buzzer can be heard in busy areas.
有大而易读、一目了然的时间显示屏和响亮的鸣笛器,方便您在繁忙的工作区听到报时。It was on the street side right next to a flag pole with a light on it all night. Could hear the Trolley until it ran way past midnight.
我那间房临街,正对着带灯的旗杆,灯要亮一晚上,半夜电车经过时,也会听到鸣笛声。Supporters of Colonel Gaddafi drove through the city, keeping horned, holding the green flag in what looked like an orchestrated scene.
卡扎菲上校的支持者驾车在城市里穿行,不断鸣笛,手持绿色的旗帜,看上去就好像是乐队演奏的情景。For a moment, the only sound in the room was the blaring of a car horn on Roosevelt Avenue two stories below.
过了一会儿,房间里唯一的声音,就是二楼下面罗斯福第二大街上汽车鸣笛的声音。The red-and-yellow diesel engine was beginning to curve through Dashwood Pass, and the driver had to alert workmen on the track.
红黄两色的柴油车头开始驶入达旭沃山口的弯道,司机须要鸣笛警告在轨道上工作的工人。She said fireworks were also set off and cars drove through the city at high speed, their horns blaring.
她说,也有人燃放烟花,许多汽车鸣笛高速驶过整个城市。And the appearance of a white cloud above a distant ship or train tells us, before anything is heard, that its whistle has sounded.
远处的轮船或火车上方出现的一团白汽在我们还没有听到任何声音之前就告诉我们,轮船或火车已经鸣笛了。Just to hear the train whistle sound, was going to start at once.