


物件:物~。产~。赠~。战利~。等级,种类:~名。~类。~色。~位。性质:~质。~行(xíng )。~节(指人的品行节操)。人~。体察出好坏、优劣等:~评。~第(品评优劣而定其等级)。~味(品尝)。指吹弄乐器:~箫。姓。……





汉语拼音:pǐn chá







  1. 品评茶味;饮茶。

    明 杨慎 《和章水部沙坪茶歌》:“君作茶歌如作史,不独品茶兼品士。” 柳亚子 《寄毛主席延安》诗:“云天倘许同忧国, 粤 海难忘共品茶。” 曹禺 《北京人》第二幕:“这两个人懂得什么品茶!”



  1. Without the crowd of a tour surrounding me, I imagined Dickinson had invited me over personally for tea or to share some poetry.


  2. Long road, it is like living Tea, Jiangnan Although the United States, home is still my mind to give up the chairmanship of college.


  3. One minute you're relaxing on the deck with a drink, the next you're jumping around slapping your ankles, yelling for the insect repellent.


  4. Let me tell you it isn't that everyone is capable of tea tasting.


  5. In Afghanistan, new acquaintances drink chai, talk for a few hours and gradually learn about each other's family and personal history.


  6. Locals were treated to calligraphy demonstrations , authentic Chinese tea tasting and a Chinese banquet .


  7. Chinese tea is a deep culture and ideology of the accumulation, the process of drinking tea is one of self-cultivation process.


  8. Mr. likes tea, osmosis, imperceptibly, and I grow to like the tea, but not tea.


  9. The fair into a small cup of tea cup and cup to eight full is appropriate, then could Bong-off tea.


  1. 她在品茶。

    She sipped her tea.

  2. 皇家御品茶

    imperial tea.

  3. 在小后院品茶

    A sip of tea at the small backyard

  4. 品茶师和配茶师

    Tea Taster and Blender

  5. 天台山品茶记

    A Taste of Tea in Tiantai Mountain

  6. 品茶是她的兴趣所在。

    She is interested in tea tasting.

  7. 品茶是她的兴趣所在。

    She is interested in tea tasting.

  8. 联邦茶叶品茶师废止法


  9. 茶文化认为品茶能够清心。

    Tea culture deems that drinking tea can clear one's mind of worries.

  10. 陆游也是深谙品茶的行家。

    He was also an astute connoisseur of tea.

  11. 韩佳会品茶,大牛不服气!

    Han Jia is good at tea tasting?

  12. 我向後靠着舒适地坐着品茶。

    I sat back and enjoyed a cup of tea.

  13. 建议您去江南第一茶楼品茶,

    We suggest you drink tea at the Jiangnan Number One Teahouse

  14. 而品茶的时候,谁也不接见。

    So while having tea, he refuses to see anyone.

  15. 我向后靠着舒适地坐着品茶。

    I sat back and enjoyed a cup of tea.

  16. 告诉你吧,不是谁都会品茶的。

    Let me tell you it isn't that everyone is capable of tea tasting.

  17. 她惊叹于日本精细的品茶仪式。

    She was amazed by the elaborate tea ceremonies in Japan.

  18. 我喜欢盘腿坐,和挚友们一起品茶。

    I like to cross my legs and enjoy tea with close friends.

  19. 品茶一定有很深厚的文化内涵吧。

    Tea tasting definitely has deep culture meanings.

  20. 老年人喜欢静坐品茶,不喜欢吵闹的舞蹈。

    Old people like sitting still and drinking tea; they don't like noisy dancing.

  21. 潮汕功夫茶名誉海内外,品茶之风最盛。

    Chao Shan congou reputation of home and overseas, the wind of article tea is most contained.

  22. 风流韵事与丑闻是品茶聊天时的最佳话题。

    Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea.

  23. 如必须做点杂事, 且静品茶一杯。

    If you must do something else, have some tea.

  24. 我们品茶喝咖啡, 圆满告别上午的聚会时光。

    We have tea and coffee to round off our morning together.

  25. 我们品茶喝咖啡,圆满告别上午的聚会时光。

    We have tea and coffee to round off our morning together.

  26. 老年人可以一整天呆在茶馆里品茶, 打牌。

    Elderly people may speed their whole day in teahouses, sipping tea and playing cards.

  27. 品茶师正在考虑一种东方口味的茶。

    The tastes are coming up with a tea with an oriental flavour.

  28. 茶园常用农药在成品茶中的残留监测试验

    Monitoring test of residue of common use pesticides in made tea

  29. 了解如何评估该如何免费茶品茶的视频茶的干杯。

    Learn how to evaluate a tea's briskness in this free tea video about how to taste tea.

  30. 品茶,就是借助于感觉来感知茶叶的品质高下。

    Sipping tea and appraising its flavor and quality is to define the quality of the tea through personal feelings.


  1. 问:品茶拼音怎么拼?品茶的读音是什么?品茶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:品茶的读音是pǐnchá,品茶翻译成英文是 To taste the flavor of tea; to appraise qual...

  2. 问:品茶员咳拼音怎么拼?品茶员咳的读音是什么?品茶员咳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:品茶员咳的读音是pǐn chá yuán ké,品茶员咳翻译成英文是 tea taster's cough

  3. 问:品茶师联合委员会拼音怎么拼?品茶师联合委员会的读音是什么?品茶师联合委员会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:品茶师联合委员会的读音是Pǐnchá Shī Liánhé Wěiyuánhuì,品茶师联合委员会翻译成英文是 Federal Board of Tea-Tasters



“品茶”是个多义词,它可以指品茶(袁粮钢翻译图书), 品茶(品味茶水的过程)。