


1. 哗 [huá]2. 哗 [huā]哗 [huá]〔~变〕军队突然叛变。人多声杂,乱吵:~笑。~然。喧~。~众取宠(用言语行动迎合众人,以博得好感或拥护)。哗 [huā]象声词:雨~~地下。……


1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:huá rán








  1. 众议汹汹,人多声杂的样子。

    唐 柳宗元 《与顾十郎书》:“然而中间招众口飞语,譁然譸张者,岂他人耶?夫固出自门下。” 明 归有光 《<孝经>叙录》:“ 隋 刘炫 始自离析增衍,以合二十二章之数,著《稽疑》一篇,当时遂以为《孔传》復出,而儒者固已譁然谓 炫 自作。” 杨玉如 《辛亥革命先著记》第二章第二节:“而 武昌 方面又因 川 、 鄂 、 湘 争路风潮突起,民情譁然。”

  2. 形容消息传开,引起轰动。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九二回:“卑职动身来的那两天,一个姓 张 的署了 山阳县 ,掛出牌来,合省哗然。” 巴人 《点滴集·争论之外》:“我们一听到这话,就全堂哗然失笑了。” 刘宾雁 《一个人和他的影子》:“这件事立即在县城内传开,知识分子为之哗然。”



  1. public opinion was around and the republican spokesman held a press conference to explain away the matter.


  2. The public uproar intensified when he made a self-pitying television statement and reached its peak when the inquest was held in private.


  3. If you were to send the Lincoln Memorial to China, there would be an uproar.


  4. Despite public outcry, the U. S. Census still includes the word Negro, because many older people still use it.


  5. The ensuing online uproar led to his sacking and a criminal investigation.


  6. But from the watchers near the target a roar went up, for his arrow was in the black spot, barely half an inch across.


  7. The film caused a kerfuffle in India with its voyeuristic storyline and CCTV footage of a couple writhing on the floor.


  8. As the uproar grew, lawmakers began crafting bills that would impose taxes of up to 100% on the bonuses.


  9. But his ansewrs had nothing to do with the questions, and soon the court was full of laughter.


  1. 举座哗然。

    The audience burst into an uproar.

  2. 报界舆论哗然

    the clamour of the press.

  3. 终于舆论哗然。

    Public opinion at last became vocal.

  4. 于是, 社会舆论哗然。

    Public opinions were seething with indignation.

  5. 于是,社会舆论哗然。

    Public opinions were seething with indignation.

  6. 法庭上一片哗然。

    The courtroom was in an uproar.

  7. 丑闻传出,举国哗然。

    The scandal titillated the whole country.

  8. 裁决引起一片哗然。

    There is a powerful body of opinion against the ruling.

  9. 整个事务所为之哗然。

    The entire office is excited.

  10. 他的话使全场哗然。

    His words brought on a storm.

  11. 规定一出台,令外界哗然。

    Provides an introduction to the outside world in an uproar.

  12. 于是整个事务所为之哗然。

    The entire office is excited.

  13. 引起公众一片哗然的披露

    disclosures that touched off a puBlic uproar.

  14. 议会上举座哗然, 部长旋即辞职。

    There was a huge row in parliament and the minister resigned.

  15. 突然之间, 整个教室哗然一片。

    Suddenly the whole room broke into a sea of shouting.

  16. 商界因新税法而陷入一片哗然。

    The business community was in an uproar over the new tax law.

  17. 其中烟花宁静已熄灭, 观众会场哗然。

    One fireworks is quiet have gone out, the audience disperses in an uproar.

  18. 想当初, 华南虎照一出, 举国哗然。

    Want at the outset, hua Nahu illuminates, in an uproar of the whole nation.

  19. 世界冠军遭遇惨败,引起了一片哗然。

    The world champions suffered a sensational defeat.

  20. 他的辞职以及由此而引起的公众的哗然。

    His resignation and the consequent public uproar.

  21. 一部有争议的电影使得娱乐界一片哗然

    A controversial film that set the entertainment world on its ear.

  22. 任志强抛实话炸弹众哗然如何不仇他?

    Renzhijiang behind truth bomb of how the public does not act him?

  23. 消息一出, 震动整个司法界, 公众亦为之哗然。

    The news came as a shock to the legal profession and the general public.

  24. 对于此次收购, 业界看法不一, 舆论亦是哗然。

    Regarding this purchase, the field view varies, the public opinion is also in an uproar.

  25. 结果再次导致舆论哗然,引发广大民众之强烈愤慨。

    The results again lead to a public outcry sparked strong indignation of the general public.

  26. 可以证明,天空中任何有趣式样都可以引起一片哗然。

    Heres proof that anything funnylooking in the sky can cause an uproar.

  27. 但是他的回答与问题毫不相关,法庭上一片哗然。

    But his answers had nothing to do with the questions,and soon the court was full of laughter.

  28. 之后,老师排队领到了一张借款收据,现场一片哗然。

    Afterward, teacher lined up has received one loan receipt, a scene piece in an uproar.

  29. 但在一片哗然声中,政府又放弃了这个决定。

    But the ministry quickly backtracked amid a political uproar.

  30. 旁听席一片哗然,吕某 得姐妹对此说法十分愤怒。

    A visitors'gallery piece, Lu's sisters are very in an uproar angry to this view.


  1. 问:哗然拼音怎么拼?哗然的读音是什么?哗然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:哗然的读音是huárán,哗然翻译成英文是 in uproar




【拼音】huá rán

【英文】[in commotion;in an uproar]
