







汉语拼音:bō fú






  1. But silver seems to have taken on a more manic stripe, while gold has retained a degree of restraint.


  2. Prices of some commodities, such as corn and wheat, are now fluctuating as much in a single day as they did in a year in the early 1990s.


  3. There would certainly be much volatility associated with this, which might be magnified through derivative products.


  4. While higher risk funds may be more volatile, over the long-term a higher risk fund may have better potential for higher returns.


  5. The suggestion that Beijing might widen the renminbi's daily trading band also misses the point.


  6. The CMAP amplitude of patients gradually decreased with the progression of disease, and finally led to adverse reactions.


  7. Growth is three times greater in emerging-market economics, but there's three times as much volatility.


  8. keeping amplitude of channels and Re number constant, the drag coefficient increases with increase in distance of channels.


  9. In all cases, amplitude of muscle response was significantly decreased, with prolonged distal latency and slowed conduction velocity.


  1. 波幅型扫描

    amplitude mode scanning.

  2. 波幅校验范围

    Volatility Scan Range

  3. 每日波幅限额

    Daily Fluctuation Limit.

  4. 波幅畸变因数

    amplitude distortion factor

  5. 诱发电位波幅

    wave amplitude of evoked potent

  6. 让波幅对你有利。

    Use the volatility to your advantage.

  7. 有限波幅测深声纳

    finite amplitude depth sonar

  8. 扩大人民币汇率日波幅评析

    Analysis on broadening amplitude of RMB exchange rate

  9. 察看变数限价, 最大价格波幅。

    See also Variable Limit, Maximum Price Fluctuation.

  10. 一颗雨滴 波幅会逐渐增大

    A single drop of rain increasing amplitude.

  11. 波幅是量度相关资产风险的标准方法。

    Volatility is a standard measure of risk on the underlying.

  12. 最初的无线电广播设备采用的是波幅调制。

    The first radio broadcasts were made using amplitude modulation.

  13. 应力波幅值高于该极限就不能通过。

    This limit is essentially a stress amplitude value over which higher stresses can not be transmitted.

  14. 音乐电疗对人脑电阻图波幅影响的观察

    Effect of musical electrotherapy on amplitude of rheoencephalogram

  15. 目的探讨重建心阻抗容积图的波形、波幅。

    Objective To investigate the wave shape and wave amplitude of reconstructed impedance volume cardiogram.

  16. 耳鸣掩蔽对耳鸣患者听觉脑干电位波幅的影响

    Effect of Masking on ABR Wave Amplitude in Patients with Tinnitus

  17. 船闸灌泄水引航道内波幅与比降研究

    Test on Wave Amplitude and Slope During Lock Filling and Emptying in Approach Channel

  18. 给出了艏前波波幅预报算法及舰船运动姿态预报算法。

    The prediction algorismsfor the wave amplitude and the ship motion posture are given.

  19. 历史波幅是对过去的期货价格运动的实际测量。

    Historical volatility is the actual measure of futures price movement from the past.

  20. 神经传导速度和波幅各用药组好于对照组。

    Nerve conduction velocity and amplitude every treatment groups were better than the control group.

  21. 岩石动力学中离散元程序处理波幅的新方法

    A New Method of Processing of Wave Amplitude Using Discrete Element Modeling in Rock Dynamics

  22. 脑干听觉诱发电位波幅声强函数曲线的研究

    Functional curve between amplitude and sound intensity of brainstem auditory evoked potential

  23. 提出了首波波幅的识别与追踪方法及其适用性。

    It also discusses the recognition, tracing and applicability of head wave amplitude.

  24. 这些慢波起初很强但波幅随时间推移逐渐减弱。

    At first, these waves are big and powerful, but their size decreases through the night.

  25. 耳鸣掩蔽对耳鸣患者脑干听觉诱发电位波幅的影响

    Effect of tinnitus masking on auditory brainstem response wave amplitude in patients with tinnitus

  26. 波幅愈大,相关资产风险愈高,因此权证价格会愈高。

    The higher the volatility, the higher the risk on the underlying and therefore the more expensive the warrant will become.

  27. 纤颤电位的波幅与肌纤维的横截面积呈正相关。

    The fibrillation potential amplitude correlated well with the fiber cross sectional areas.

  28. 当前的长期摆幅确实比以往任何时期的波幅都长得多。

    Indeed, the current secular swing is much longer than any previous wave.

  29. 引申波幅是评估期权或认股证价格最重要的因素。

    Implied Volatility is the most important factors to evaluate the price of option.

  30. 失神经喉内肌纤颤电位波幅的变化及临床意义

    Clinical significance and changes of fibrillation potential amplitude following denervation of laryngeal muscles


  1. 问:波幅畸变拼音怎么拼?波幅畸变的读音是什么?波幅畸变翻译成英文是什么?

    答:波幅畸变的读音是bō fú jī biàn,波幅畸变翻译成英文是 amplitude-distortion


