


1. 归 [guī]归 [guī]返回,回到本处:~国。~程。~侨。~宁(回娘家看望父母)。~省(xǐng )(回家探亲)。~真反璞。还给:~还。物~原主。趋向,去往:~附。众望所~。合并,或集中于一类,或集中于一地:~并。~功。~咎。由,……





汉语拼音:guī zuì








  1. 将罪过归于某人或某集体。

    《后汉书·段熲传》:“ 郭閎 归罪於 熲 , 熲 坐徵下狱,输作左校。”《资治通鉴·后晋高祖天福二年》:“ 范延光 知事不济,归罪於 孙鋭 而族之。” 鲁迅 《而已集·“意表之外”》:“但我一开口,他却可以归罪于我了。”

  2. 自首认罪。

    《后汉书·陈寔传》:“盗大惊,自投於地,稽顙归罪。”《晋书·蔡谟传》:“ 謨 先帝师傅,服事累世,且归罪有司,内讼恩愆,若遂致之於理,情所未忍。”《资治通鉴·晋安帝隆安三年》:“ 李旱 还,闻 双 死,惧,弃军而亡,至 板陘 ,復还归罪。”



  1. As for Mr Soros, he seems to blame all those who have not listened to him in the past.


  2. For the most part, the public has shown him only kindness and sympathy to his face, refraining from blaming him for the tragedy.


  3. If your mind is just " hire" thought, blame it on the word outside, as the middle is hard to go on.


  4. Yesterday, Sally drove into a tree. She blamed it on the tree, saying that she honked the horn, but the tree didn't get out of the way.


  5. Not to lay all this at the doorstep of a rather trifling video game, you understand.


  6. Chihuahua state police spokesman Fidel Banuelos said the attackers there had left messages accusing the victims of being criminals.


  7. In August, Kenneth Starr lost his first big case, one that reflected just how desperate he and his staff were to pin something on me.


  8. Does any of this matter? Why should we be concerned about the effort to shift the blame for bad policies onto the general public?


  9. They blame him for the fire. They blame the fire on him.


  1. 他归罪于我。

    He fastened the blame on me.

  2. 他们归罪于我。

    They fixed the blame on me.

  3. 他们归罪于他。

    They laid a crime to his charge.

  4. 不是归罪于职员们

    Not they should be blaming

  5. 归咎于归因于,归罪于。

    To put the blame for attribute or impute.

  6. 把某事归罪于某人

    to pin sth on sb

  7. 把某事归罪于某人

    to pin something on somebody

  8. 世界把此事归罪于她。

    The world charges it upon her.

  9. 这个计划失败被归罪于他。

    The failure of the plan was laid at his door.

  10. 他把谈判失败归罪于泄密。

    He blamed leaks for breakdown in the negotiations.

  11. 你怎敢把失败归罪于我?

    How dare you impute the failure to me?

  12. 这次失察不该归罪于他。

    The oversight was not imputable to him.

  13. 我不是把过错归罪于另一方。

    I'm not accusing the other side.

  14. 拙劣的工匠总是归罪于他的工具。

    a Bad workman always Blames his tools.

  15. 他们想把那件事归罪于我们。

    They're trying to pin it on us.

  16. 把生命的丧失归罪于司机的粗心。

    Charge the loss of lives to the driver's carelessness.

  17. 你不能把那件事归罪于我。

    You can't pin that on me.

  18. 你把整个医院的衰退归罪与它

    You blame this whole hospital's decline on it.

  19. 我不会让你把这事归罪于我!

    I won't have you say such thing.

  20. 别想把这种混乱局面归罪于我。

    Don't try and stick the blame for this mess on me!

  21. 对于把罪行归罪于他,他是无辜的。

    He was innocent of the crime imputed to him.

  22. 我可没有你归罪于我得这些欲望。

    I have no aspirations such as those you impute to me.

  23. 我可没有你归罪于我的这些欲望。

    I have no aspirations such as those you impute to me.

  24. 休把他的缺乏自信归罪于他的母亲。

    Hugh blames his mother for his lack of confidence.

  25. 当前的危机不能完全归罪于政府。

    The government is not wholly to blame for the current crisis.

  26. 这都归罪于松树甲虫的幼虫。

    They are standing dead trees because of the larvae of the beetle.

  27. 她没把她父亲的死归罪于任何人。

    She doesn't blame anyone for her father's death.

  28. 实验失败不能归罪于他一个人。

    The failure of the experiment cannot be blamed on him alone.

  29. 沉默权与反对自我归罪特权之比较

    The Comparison of Right to Silence and The Privilege against Self Incrimination

  30. 你是否将这个意外事故归罪于他呢?

    Do you blame the accident on him?


  1. 问:归罪拼音怎么拼?归罪的读音是什么?归罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归罪的读音是guīzuì,归罪翻译成英文是 To pass the blame to others.

  2. 问:归罪地拼音怎么拼?归罪地的读音是什么?归罪地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归罪地的读音是,归罪地翻译成英文是 imputatively

  3. 问:归罪的拼音怎么拼?归罪的的读音是什么?归罪的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归罪的的读音是,归罪的翻译成英文是 imputative

  4. 问:归罪证据拼音怎么拼?归罪证据的读音是什么?归罪证据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归罪证据的读音是guī zuì zhèng jù,归罪证据翻译成英文是 incriminating evidence

  5. 问:归罪陈述拼音怎么拼?归罪陈述的读音是什么?归罪陈述翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归罪陈述的读音是guī zuì chén shù,归罪陈述翻译成英文是 incriminating statement

  6. 问:归罪型陈述拼音怎么拼?归罪型陈述的读音是什么?归罪型陈述翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归罪型陈述的读音是guī zuì xíng chén shù,归罪型陈述翻译成英文是 incriminating statement

  7. 问:归罪因果关系拼音怎么拼?归罪因果关系的读音是什么?归罪因果关系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归罪因果关系的读音是guī zuì yīn guǒ guān xì,归罪因果关系翻译成英文是 imputable causation


