







汉语拼音:shā dìng






  1. She found her mother vexed with her, for she had wanted to reel yesterday's yarn and had discovered that the spindle was not full.


  2. Every morning when she left home her mother gave her a little basket with a slice of bread and a spindle.


  3. He suddenly thought: If the number of spindles are arranged lengthwise, using a spinning wheel drive, not to be at once more spun yarn it?


  4. " Then she showed her mother today's spindle and said: " See, today I more than a made up for yesterday.


  5. I cried out impatiently, and instantly the yarn [174] disappeared from the spindle as if blown away.


  6. She clasped her hands to her head and looking down at the unfilled spindle she burst into tears.


  7. Her mother said no more but went to milk the goats and Betushka put away the spindle.


  8. She took down the flax and laid it with the spindle in the little basket. Then she called the goats and started home.


  9. In the evening when she got home her mother never had to scold her because the spindle was empty.


  1. 线需缠绕到纱锭上。

    The thread needs to be wound around the spindle.

  2. 线需缠绕到纱锭上。

    The thread needs to be wound around the spindle.

  3. 新型粗纱锭翼综述

    Research on Some Problems of New Type Flyer

  4. 落后纱锭的成因与基础管理

    Draggled Spindles and the Fundamental Management

  5. 她手执纺锤,手指旋转纱锭。

    She puts her hand to the distaff and her fingers hold the spindle.

  6. 一团, 两团, 三团, 纱锭还是满的。

    One skein, two skeins, three skeins, and still the spool was full.

  7. 粗纱锭翼的研究和发展

    Research and Progress of Roving Flyers

  8. 我绕啊绕啊, 但是纱锭一直是满满的。

    I reeled and reeled and the spool remained full.

  9. 一旦她碰触了她刺了她的手指纱锭。

    As soon as she touched the spindle she pricked her finger.

  10. 你的手指会被一个纱锭扎破。

    a spindle should your finger prick.

  11. 插纱锭与纱线通道不在一条直线上。

    Supply spindles out of line with yarn guide.

  12. 浅析粗纱锭速与卷绕张力的关系

    An Analysis on the Relation between Spindle Speed and Winding Tension

  13. 她将在一个纺车的纱锭上扎破她的手指。

    she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel.

  14. 纺纱张力对纺纱锭子动态特性的影响

    Effect of spinning tension on dynamic behavior of ring spinning spindles

  15. 保存在纱锭的速度范围上的预载常数是必需的。

    It is necessary to keep the preload constant over the speed range of the spindle.

  16. 至少,二举止对支持和纱锭桥的指导是必需的。

    At least two bearings are necessary for the support and guidance of the spindle shaft.

  17. 纱锭在地上嗡嗡地旋转,很快就绕满了纱线。

    The spindle hummed along the ground and filled in no time.

  18. 讨论了纺纱张力对纺纱锭子动态特性的影响。

    The effects of the spinning tension on dynamic behavior of ring spinning spindle are discussed.

  19. 多数的被动力化的纱锭桥被有角连络球轴承支援。

    The majority of the motorized spindle shafts are supported by angular contact ball bearings.

  20. 她攥住脑袋,看着地上没纺满的纱锭,又哭了起来。

    She clasped her hands to her head and looking down at the unfilled spindle she burst into tears.

  21. 粗纱锭翼性能参数测试仪变径机构的设计研究

    Research on mechanism of changing cylinder diameter of testing device for parameter of fly frame spindle wings

  22. 本文得计算及测试方法是研究各种粗纱锭翼得有效手段。

    The methods of measurement and calculation are effective to study properties of roving flyer.

  23. 本文的计算及测试方法是研究各种粗纱锭翼的有效手段。

    The methods of measurement and calculation are effective to study properties of roving flyer.

  24. 粗纱锭翼两臂的动态扩张量对纺纱质量有着很大的影响。

    The dynamic expanding of roving flyer has an effect on quality of spinning.


  1. 问:纱锭拼音怎么拼?纱锭的读音是什么?纱锭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纱锭的读音是shādìng,纱锭翻译成英文是 spindle


