


1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:hé shàng








  1. As the world darkened, Dany settled in and closed her eyes, but sleep refused to come.


  2. There may not even be a bombing, just a close-up on Nashef's soft eyes, and a white screen. Not even a 'boom.


  3. And if you think I forget it, listen. Open your body in the wind of the night. Close your eyes.


  4. She had not even dared to close her eyes, for fear it would be morning when she opened them again.


  5. She just can't believe it, but she's wiped out and tired, and she closes her eyes and fell asleep.


  6. I closed my eyes, pressed my ear even harder against the door, wanting to hear, not wanting to hear.


  7. She closed her eyes and shook her head, almost a shudder.


  8. One night, I pull curtains to bed when he suddenly took note of purple butterflies on the leaves of both together.


  9. "I'm gonna sleep for one more hour. You take Jon to the babysitter's. " I close my eyes and beginning to feel Morpheus touching my hair.


  1. 她合上书。

    She shut the book.

  2. 伤口得合上

    Okay, we have to close the wound.

  3. 他慢慢合上书。

    Slowly he closed the book.

  4. 跟上口令, 合上拍子!

    Follow the orders and catch the tempo!

  5. 跟上口令,合上拍子!

    Follow the orders and catch the tempo !

  6. 当我合上我的书

    When I close the book

  7. 请合上你得书。

    Close your books, please.

  8. 请合上你的书。

    Close your books, please.

  9. 啪地一下合上盖

    to snap a lid shut

  10. 合上双眼,拉上窗帘。

    Close up your eyes, and draw the curtains close.

  11. 他合上眼睛睡着了。

    His eyes shut and he fell asleep.

  12. 合上书本优雅地坠落,

    To close the book and gracefully decline

  13. 他合上双手,摸摸掌心。

    He put his two hands together and felt the palms.

  14. 好了 把书都合上。

    All right. Put your books down.

  15. 我会给你合上的

    I will be sure to keep the picture close.

  16. 啪地一声打开/ 合上

    to snap open/ shut

  17. 他合上眼睛睡著了。

    His eyes shut and he fell asleep.

  18. 爱已结束, 书将合上

    Love was over, time to close the book

  19. 电池仓盖合上的外表。

    The appearance when you close the battery cover.

  20. 电池仓盖合上得外表。

    The appearance when you close the battery cover.

  21. 这个小孩合上双手祈祷。

    The little child folded her hands in prayer.

  22. 请把所有的书都合上。

    All books closed, please.

  23. 请把所有得书都合上。

    All books closed, please.

  24. 她整整一夜没合上眼。

    She lay awake all night long.

  25. 然后再合上就行了吗?

    And then just close it again?

  26. 她合上眼睛, 似乎她也疲劳。

    She closed her eyes as though she too were tired.

  27. 针对合上屏幕的补丁程序

    Fix for Blank Screen Issue After Closing Notebook

  28. 坐下。打开书。合上书。起立。

    Sit down. Open your books. Close your books. Stand up.

  29. 我合上我的菜单放在桌上。

    I closed my menu and set it down.

  30. 他啪的一声合上文件夹。

    He slapped the file shut.


  1. 问:合上双分式楼梯拼音怎么拼?合上双分式楼梯的读音是什么?合上双分式楼梯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合上双分式楼梯的读音是hé shàng shuāng fēn shì lóu tī,合上双分式楼梯翻译成英文是 double-return stair