







汉语拼音:kào pǔ








  1. She said the best result came from a man who claimed to work in the banking industry. He needed someone to clean his apartment.


  2. More relevant than someone who knew nothing, but only just a bit.


  3. Well, how much trust do you place in government policies to control housing prices in 2010?


  4. The idea that teens need to be encouraged to slap the clown or rock the little man in the boat is bizarre.


  5. The best assumption, and one of the best guesses in this stuff, is that this stuff comes out of this stuff.


  6. In judging researchers early in their career, the h-index seems to be a poor measure.


  7. The smallest of the three, privately held Chrysler, did not say how much it had lost, but an educated guess was about $2 billion.


  8. Meanwhile, urban areas of the US with low ratios of men to women, had a correspondingly high level of short-term relationships and divorce.


  9. He said it was "pointless to think" governments' borrowing costs could be lowered for a protracted period by "external" intervention.


  1. 不靠谱,不诚实

    unreliable and dishonest.

  2. 这些故事不靠谱!

    These stories don't check!

  3. 这两种方法哪种更靠谱?

    Which of these two methods is more valid?

  4. 但是你的答案听着挺靠谱

    But hey, it sounds good.

  5. 显然,那位制作人觉得不靠谱

    Apparently the producer thought it was flimsy.

  6. 他办事就是不靠谱,总是离弦。

    You can't count on him to handle the affairs. He always misses the right way.

  7. 所以电视收视率有时就不靠谱了。

    So the time for appointment television is coming to an end.

  8. 因为不靠谱的人生导师太多了

    because, you know, there are so many flybynight life coaches.

  9. 实习找得怎么样了,有靠谱的吗

    So, how's the internship hunt going? Anything promising?

  10. 把设备借给你会有多不靠谱

    little you can be trusted with this equipment.

  11. 这听上去可能是不靠谱,但我想

    I know it sounds crazy, but I guess.

  12. 最近不靠谱的新闻真是越来越多了。

    There has been more and more unreliable news lately.

  13. 他们都说这太不靠谱了,一点儿都不明智。

    They all said'This is crazy, this makes no sense'.

  14. 特别是她还有一个不靠谱的男朋友

    with an unreliable boyfriend.

  15. 个人储蓄率是个很不靠谱的度量方法。

    The personal saving rate is a very poor metric.

  16. 第二,所谓的常识很多时候是不靠谱的。

    The other lesson is that general wisdom carries no weight.

  17. 你可以另选一个你认为靠谱的信心等级。

    You can choose a different confidence level if you believe it is useful.

  18. 更不靠谱的是,法国希望对金融交易征税。

    Less promisingly, France wants a levy on financial transactions.

  19. 要是多少还有点婉约, 那就更靠谱了。

    Slightly demure would be ideal.Dont be too young, Dont be too complicated.

  20. 认识我有一段时间, 知道我这个人靠谱不靠谱

    David Ko will be taking over mobile, reporting to Schneider interestingly enough rather than to Balogh.

  21. 我知道,这是很不靠谱,但这正是建筑需要的。

    I know it's shocking, right, that architecture would actually say that.

  22. 过程改进乃是开始催生可促生靠谱的人的组织!

    PI keeps evolving organizations which promoting people be good!

  23. 如果你不靠谱但经常摆谱,所有人都认为你很靠谱。

    If are unreliable but always keep up appearances, you will be thought very reliable by everyone.

  24. 这是个不靠谱的行当,经济上不稳定,名声也不好。

    It was a precarious business, financially and for her reputation.

  25. 也许仅仅是不靠谱的事情, 大可不必为此大为不安!

    It may well be just a rumor and may be nothing to get upset about.

  26. 因此, 我们不能说伦敦出租车公司是个靠谱的垄断商。

    So the London Taxi Company cannot claim to be a reliable monopoly.

  27. 这个世界上的产品负责人啊, 你觉得这篇文章靠谱吗?

    So, Product Owners of the world, does this article ring true with you?

  28. 严峻的经济形势越来越不能忍受总统那不靠谱的民粹主义。

    It is in poor shape to endure still more of its presidents erratic populism.

  29. 保持沉默让别人以为你呆, 也比说话做事都不靠谱好。

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

  30. 但是复杂的地方在于怎样才能得到一本靠谱的旅游攻略呢?

    A fine travel guide will be ok. But the complicated part is how to have one.


  1. 问:靠谱拼音怎么拼?靠谱的读音是什么?靠谱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:靠谱的读音是kàopǔ,靠谱翻译成英文是 reasonable; reliable, often used in negative for...

  2. 问:靠谱儿拼音怎么拼?靠谱儿的读音是什么?靠谱儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:靠谱儿的读音是kào pǔr,靠谱儿翻译成英文是 Usually logical in speech.