











汉语拼音:yì lǎn xīn huī







  • 【解释】:心、意:心思,意志;灰、懒:消沉,消极。灰心失望,意志消沉。
  • 【出自】:元·乔吉《乔梦符小令·玉交枝·头适二曲》:“不是我心灰意懒,怎陪伴愚眉肉眼。”
  • 【示例】:因此上怪他每每不听我说,故我~,说各人散了。


  1. na.
  2. greatly discouraged;be disheartened;discouraged;dispirited;downhearted

  1. 我心灰意冷。

    I lost all hope.

  2. 她心灰意冷。

    Despair prevailed in her mind.

  3. 永不放弃, 永不心灰意冷。

    Never give up, Never lose hope.

  4. 失败之后,他心灰意冷。

    He was sunk in apathy after his failure.

  5. 我吃着罐头, 心灰意冷

    I just hang around and eat from a can

  6. 她心灰意冷想要自杀。

    She was so depressed she felt like doing herself in.

  7. 心灰意冷, 幻想破灭的女人

    a sour and disillusioned woman

  8. 他心灰意冷得想要自杀。

    He was so depressed he felt like doing himself in.

  9. 他一时心灰意冷, 开枪自杀了。

    He shot himself during a fit of depression.

  10. 尼克松已一蹶不振,心灰意冷了。

    Nixon was too shattered to reach out genuinely.

  11. 你也会有心灰意冷的时候。

    Has brought you down to your knees.

  12. 因为你离我而去,我心灰意冷。

    My heart is cold since you left me.

  13. 但我却没有因此而心灰意冷。

    But I did nt let that daunt me.

  14. 他变得孤僻, 心灰意冷, 郁郁寡欢。

    He became insular, emotionally dead, passionless and morose.

  15. 这真的让我有些心灰意冷。

    The vitiligo It really let me some dispirited and discouraged.

  16. 庄稼歉收后,农民们一直心灰意冷。

    Since the failure in the crops, the farmers have been out of heart.

  17. 她的坚决反对使他心灰意冷。

    His spirits were broken by her stubborn opposition.

  18. 几乎处处都是心灰意冷的气象。

    The dejection was almost universal.

  19. 我一定会心灰意冷, 怅然若有所失。

    There comes upon me a sense of chill discouragement of dreary deprivation.

  20. 我觉得自己大大贬值,因而心灰意冷。

    I felt devalued and depressed.

  21. 当时她非常心灰意冷,差点自杀。

    She was so frigid at that time that she almost committed suicide.

  22. 一遇挫折, 便心灰意冷, 丧失信心。

    You easily get upset and lose confidence once you get frustrated.

  23. 我看到考试成绩就心灰意冷了。

    My heart sank when I saw the exam results.

  24. 他心灰意冷,把望远镜递给了副官。

    He was balked as he handed the glasses to the lieutenant.

  25. 如果我的计划再次失败, 我将心灰意冷。

    If any more of my projects fail, I shall lose my spirits.

  26. 那我一定要心灰意冷, 爽然若有所失。

    There comes upon me a sense of chill discouragement, of dreary deprivation.

  27. 也许他疯了。我真的感到心灰意冷。

    Maybe he was insane. I'm really in black despair.

  28. 经不起打击的人心灰意冷, 离职而去。

    Those who could not take the heat, as it were, left their employment feeling disillusioned.

  29. 他再次心灰意冷,在心里恨着这个世界。

    He again downhearted, in the heart of hate in the world.

  30. 他心灰意冷,他的情绪和这里的环境正合拍。

    His feelings were in happy accord with his surroundings.