







汉语拼音:fēi qǐ







  1. 向上飞离。

    晋 王嘉 《拾遗记·颛顼》:“有曳影之剑,腾空而舒,若四方有兵,此剑则飞起指其方,则剋伐。” 宋 孙光宪 《八拍蛮》词:“孔雀尾拖金线长,怕人飞起入丁香。”

  2. 扔起。

    孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·吴召儿》:“她飞起一块石头,那颗枣儿就落在前面地下了。”



  1. The paper, as if trying to tease them all , first flew downwards and then went back up , like being possessed.


  2. It is going to be very hectic but im hoping to squeeze a week in somewhere with my family.


  3. And suddenly the hinges started to unhitch. Just then, the witch to satisfy an itch went flying on her broom stick, thumbing for a hitch.


  4. For thus saith Jehovah: Behold, he shall fly as an eagle, and shall spread out his wings against Moab.


  5. A large asteroid hit Earth's surface some twelve million years ago, causing enough dust to rise to block the heat of the sun.


  6. The creature in terror lifted me high in the air and began to circle the castle.


  7. As he started to jump, he flung his elbow back and elbowed me, unintentionally, right in the middle of the forehead.


  8. Suddenly, cued by some imperceptible signal, a thousand birds rise as one thing. They lift themselves into the air in a great thunder.


  9. Kratos was surprisingly lifted out of the water back to the top of the cliff.


  1. 风筝乘风飞起。

    The kites blew away.

  2. 直升机垂直向上飞起。

    The helicopter flew up vertically

  3. 在空中高飞起18米

    Soar 18 metres high in the sky

  4. 鸟从草地上飞起。

    The bird flew up from the grass.

  5. 把足球踢得高高飞起

    to balloon the football

  6. 苍蝇黑压压地成群飞起。

    Flies rose in thick black swarms.

  7. 当人们看到树叶飞起。

    When people see the leaves churning.

  8. 飞机上升并向前飞起。

    The aircraft rises as it travels forward.

  9. 让人们疾奔,让飞机飞起。

    Make people scurry, or airplanes fly.

  10. 扑棱一声, 飞起一只小鸟。

    There was a flutter of wings and up flew a bird.

  11. 我的神呀 好吃到飞起!

    Oh, my God, this is delicious!

  12. 当天已破晓我的班机已飞起

    And as the day was dawning my plane flew away

  13. 经验使小鸟学会用翅膀飞起。

    Experience helped the young birds to find its wings.

  14. 我想知道, 为什么气球可以飞起?

    Balloons can fly. I wander why.

  15. 高高飞起的球成弧形飞向看台

    The high fly ball arched toward the stands.

  16. 用火烧, 立刻飞起千丈烈焰。

    Set fire to it and instantly it bursts into rampant, uncontrollable flames.

  17. 在粼粼的闪光中飞起, 寻觅缀满

    Rose up besprent and sought the flaming red

  18. 从空中急速冲下,从地面快速飞起。

    From the air, fast down, and from the ground, fast up.

  19. 她飞起一脚踢中了他胯部。

    She gave him a swift kick in the groin.

  20. 一只小鸟突然飞起, 盘旋着飞上天空。

    A small bird shot up, spiralling into the sky.

  21. 或者凌空飞起,将这一切慢慢地转动

    Or fly up, and revolve it all slowly

  22. 她飞起一脚踢中了他的腹股沟。

    She gave him a swift kick in the groin.

  23. 球高高飞起, 在空中画了一条弧线。

    The ball looped high up in the air.

  24. 我看不见你, 你在我附近无息飞起。

    Though you are not in my sight, near me you are silently fluttering.

  25. 鸽子腾空飞起, 翅膀拍打出扑噜得声音。

    The pigeon fluttered its wings and flew into the sky.

  26. 鸽子腾空飞起,翅膀拍打出扑噜的声音。

    The pigeon fluttered its wings and flew into the sky.

  27. 鸽子腾空飞起,翅膀拍打出扑噜的声音。

    The pigeon fluttered its wings and flew into the sky.

  28. 一群呱呱鸣叫的乌鸦从她面前飞起。

    A flock of cawing ravens had just flown up from in front of her.

  29. 卡西山上地巨石飞起了12米高句号。

    Card on the west the megalithic fly high 1.2 meters.

  30. 我在外面的足球球场上, 追一个飞起的足球。

    I am out there in the football field and running after the flying ball.