


强迫,威胁:~迫。~促。~命。~使。~问。~租。~债。切近:~近。~真。~视。~肖(xiào )(很相似)。狭窄:~仄。~侧。~狭。……





汉语拼音:bī jǐn








  1. 犹逼进。

    茅盾 《子夜》二:“ 赵伯韬 立刻逼紧一步;看他那神气,似乎要马上定局。”

  2. 犹逼近。

    郭沫若 《归去来·鸡之归去来》:“屋后逼紧着是一道木板墙,大门开在墙的东北角上。”

  3. 犹赶紧。

    林斤澜 《春雷》:“歇完晌,心里留意了,手脚上逼紧一些。”



  1. Robert knew that he, Lester, could sue and tie things up, and also that he would be very loath to do so.


  1. 她不能太逼紧了,找这么个大东西不是件很容易的事。

    She mustn't push him too hard, for he certainly hadn't been so easy to nab!

  2. 战士们紧逼敌人。

    The soldiers pressed the enemy hard.

  3. 紧逼对方进攻队员

    Close up on an attacker

  4. 紧逼不放的对手

    a tenacious adversary

  5. 当你们紧逼的时候

    When you guys are pressing.

  6. 那紧逼有几种呢?

    And how many kinds of press are there?

  7. 对付对方的全场紧逼

    defend against pressure

  8. 我们总是争论,紧逼对方。

    We used to argue and push each other's buttons.

  9. 我们总是争论,紧逼对方。

    We used to argue and push each other's buttons.

  10. 肌肉紧逼着我的身体。

    All that muscle and sinew pressed against my body.

  11. 气候变化向我们步步紧逼。

    Climate change is barreling towards us.

  12. 她步步紧逼,他节节败退。

    As she moved threateningly forward he shrank back from him.

  13. 红桃套有紧逼得可能性。

    There is squeeze possibility in heart.

  14. 不要紧逼她接受你的意见。

    Don't press your opinions upon her.

  15. 除此之外还有一个紧逼和双人紧逼。

    Others are one man press and two man press.

  16. 那紧逼得种类也有传球那么多吗?

    Are there as many kinds of press as pass?

  17. 那紧逼的种类也有传球那么多吗?

    Are there as many kinds of press as pass?

  18. 速度慢的优秀前锋可以采用贴身紧逼。

    Good Strikers with poor pace you can mark tightly.

  19. 速度慢得优秀前锋可以采用贴身紧逼。

    Good Strikers with poor pace you can mark tightly.

  20. 马克斯韦尔应该用方块紧逼对方。

    Maxwell shall give a squeeze to the opponents diamond.

  21. 剩下的时间不多了, 我们必须打全球紧逼。

    As there is little time left, we must play full court press.

  22. 剩下的时间不多了, 我们必须打全场紧逼。

    There is little time left, we must play full court press.

  23. 紧逼动作进攻型防守策略,全场选手密切防守对方

    An aggressive defense tactic in which players guard opponents closely,often over the entire court.

  24. 由于时间紧逼, 他催著计程车司机使劲往前赶。

    As he was hard pressed for fime, he urged the taxidriver to go it.

  25. 我们越是紧抓任何形式的安全,生活就越是步步紧逼。

    The closer we cling to security in any form, the more life comes and pushes us.

  26. 当练习全场紧逼或者练习破全场紧逼时, 从罚中后开始。

    When practicing full court presses or attacking full court presses, start with a made free throw.

  27. 红桃套有紧逼的可能性。她打出红桃十赢了一墩。

    There is squeeze possibility in heart. She made her ten of hearts.

  28. 他们的脚步现已把我紧逼,瞪著眼务要将我推倒在地。

    Now they surround me and track me down, their eyes eager to see me overthrown.

  29. 被逼得很紧

    be hard pressed.

  30. 别逼他太紧。

    You gotta cut him some slack.