


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……





汉语拼音:cóng mǎ






  1. 谓将马随行。

    《史记·匈奴列传》:“乃粟马,发十万骑,负私从马凡十四万匹,粮重不与焉。” 王念孙 《读书杂志·史记六》:“‘负私从马’文不成义,当依《汉书》作‘私负从马’,写者误倒耳。负从马者,负衣装以从之马也,非公家所发,故曰私负从马( 颜师古 曰:‘私负衣装者,及私将马从者。’分私负与从马为二事,亦非)。”



  1. At last the sheriff pulled her out of the back end of the Bronco and carried her to the waiting ambulance.


  2. Because a horse's teeth tells its age and how much it's worth.


  3. He's learned a lot about ranching since that first year when he tried to milk the horse. What's worse, it was a male horse.


  4. Just carry those big brains of yours up out of the Mascarpone center and go on home. You're no longer needed.


  5. Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the police officer that the horse was not blind in the right eye.


  6. The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur.


  7. The actor threw himself from the horse, as if shot.


  8. Any number of times we've seen Heinz push Tex aside to get him out of the horses way.


  9. We proposed a sort of string kernels which derived from MM-SVM synthesis model.


  1. 你可以说你有直接从马的嘴的信息。

    You could say you got the information straight from the horse's mouth.

  2. 在街道上从马的身旁经过是违法的。

    It is against the law to pass a horse on the street.

  3. 下马,下车离开或向下,如从马或车辆上。

    To get off or down, as from a horse or vehicle.

  4. 抗蛇毒素包含从马或者羊动物身上的维生素。

    Antivenom contains proteins from animals such as horses or sheep.

  5. 医生表示他们不得不从马的左后蹄摘除受损的组织。

    Doctors say they've been forced to remove damaged tissue from the horse's left hind hoof.

  6. 她抱着孩子从马车上下来,一付哀婉动人的样子。

    She was a pathetic figure as she stepped out of the cab with the baby in her arms.

  7. 一种类似马钱子碱的苦味生物碱毒药,从马钱子提取。

    a bitter alkaloid poison resembling strychnine and extracted from nux vomica.

  8. 一种类似番木鳖碱的苦味生物碱毒药,从马钱子中提取。

    A bitter alkaloid poison resembles strychnine and extracted from nux vomica.

  9. 猎手们骑着马从麦田里走过去。

    The hunters rode over the cornfield.

  10. 她把马具从马头上取下。

    She harness over the horse's head.

  11. 我突然看见一个人骑着一匹小马从街那头过去了。

    I caught sight of a man riding a pony down the street.

  12. 我们必须把病马从马群中剔除。

    We must cut out the sick horses from the herd.

  13. 马猛然后腿直立把他从马背上摔下来。

    The horse reared violently, dinging him off.

  14. 马绊了一下,骑者就从马头上面跌了下来。

    The horse stumbled and the rider was shot over its head.

  15. 这些马套从马项背压下,从而限制了马的全力。

    These harnesses press back on the neck of the horse thus limiting the full strength of the animal.

  16. 她在花园骑马时被马从马背上掀了下来。

    She was unhorsed while riding in the garden.

  17. 马停得太突然了, 他几乎从马背上翻下来。

    It'stopped so short that he was about to fall down head over heels.

  18. 马把骑马的人掀翻下来。她把马具从马头上取下。

    She lifted the harness over the horse's head.

  19. 这匹马从来不惊, 也不会把人从马背上摔下。

    This horse has no vices of shying and tossing.

  20. 他从牛、马和农夫旁边溜走。

    He runs away from a cow, and a horse, and a farmer.

  21. 基诺卡特从他的马得到下来

    Keno Carter got down from his horse.

  22. 已知习惯作为亡灵仆从, 骷髅马遵循主人的任意命令。

    Tricks Known As an undead minion, the skeletal horse follows any command its master gives.

  23. 把他从一匹小马饲养长大,国王对他充满了感情。

    He had raised him from a colt, so he loved him.

  24. 马把头从马厩的门上伸了出来。

    Horses were poking their heads over their stall doors.

  25. 马把头从马厩得门上伸了出来。

    Horses were poking their heads over their stall doors.

  26. 马把头从马厩的门上伸了出来。

    Horses were poking their heads over their stall doors.

  27. 马先生从街头摊贩买了一副眼镜。

    Mr. Ma bought a pair of glasses from a street vendor.

  28. 于是惠勒家的马车队从独立城启程。

    And so the Wheeler party rolled out of lndependence.

  29. 马教授从1992年开始在南大电机与电子工程学院就职。

    The professor has been with NTU s School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering since June 1992.

  30. 从未得奖的马

    a maiden horse


  1. 问:从马卸下来拼音怎么拼?从马卸下来的读音是什么?从马卸下来翻译成英文是什么?

    答:从马卸下来的读音是,从马卸下来翻译成英文是 unhorse