




1. 角 [jiǎo]2. 角 [jué]角 [jiǎo]牛、羊、鹿等头上长出的坚硬的东西:牛~。鹿~。犄~。~质。形状像角的:菱~。皂~。突入海中的尖形的陆地(多用于地名):成山~(在中国山东省)。几何学指从一点引出两条直线所夹成的平面部……



汉语拼音:hǎi jiǎo









  1. 本指突出于海中的狭长形陆地,常形容极远僻的地方。

    元 范梈 《游南台闽粤王庙》诗:“海角钓龙人杳杳,云间待雁路迢迢。” 元 张雨 《答杨廉夫》诗之二:“詔书宽大到海角, 河 北饥氓争倒戈。”

  2. 许地山 有短篇小说《海角底孤星》。

  3. 用海螺壳作的号角。




  1. He got up at last scaled the low rock-cliff, and made his way down into a sheltered cove.


  2. Rudolf was rounding a bleak, dangerous cape, and his map told him that the nearest harbor was half a day's journey away.


  3. Gorran School, the subject of a book by a former teacher called The School House in the Wind, sits on a headland.


  4. The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part, during which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn.


  5. And flow the corner road, the beauty of bay is all in your eyes.


  6. Be like the promontory against which the waves continually break, but it stands firm and tames the fury of the water around it.


  7. A cape at the southwest tip of Florida. Part of Everglades National Park, it is the southernmost extremity of the U. S. mainland.


  8. I don't know why I still did not go, because I finished a movie called " Cape 7" , the song is very pleasant to hear.


  9. The area's other beaches hide well away from crowds and traffic on a thin peninsula of sand known as Cape San Blas .


  1. 海角一乐园

    The Swiss Family robinson.

  2. 太空猿在海角

    Space Ape at the Cape

  3. 极突出的海角

    a very eminent promontory.

  4. 岬海角或岬

    A cape or headland.

  5. 轮船绕过海角。

    The ship rounded the cape.

  6. 驾船绕过一海角

    to sail around a cape

  7. 在某个海角,在某处河岸

    from a promontory, a riverbank

  8. 不列颠海角大学

    University College Of Cape Breton

  9. 你愿意陪伴我到海角去么?

    Would you accompany me to the edge of the sea?

  10. 从山顶上可以看到海角。

    The tongue of land can be visible from the top of the hill.

  11. 从山顶上可以看到海角。

    The tongue of land can be visible from the top of the hill.

  12. 那艘船顶着风经过海角。

    The ship weathered the cape.

  13. 那艘船顶著风经过海角。

    The ship weathered the cape.

  14. 你说过,你要带我去海角。

    You said, you have to take me to the Cape.

  15. 那艘船现在正在绕过海角。

    The ship is now rounding the cape.

  16. 估计刀片这强有力该当海角。

    A Compute Blade This Powerful Deserves a Cape.

  17. 我最喜欢的电影是海角七号。

    My favorite movie is Cape No. 7.

  18. 他们在海角上雕刻奇形怪状的石头。

    They carved the rocks of their headlands into strange shapes.

  19. 顶级魅力在天涯,极至浪漫于海角。

    The horizon has goes against the level the charm, the cape has.

  20. 还有田野海角的爱心奉献的朋友。

    And the earth's love of friends offer.

  21. 我们屹立于黑暗的海角,监视其通过。

    We stood on the dark headlands to watch them pass.

  22. 阳光的指纹,好似木兰花,开在海角。

    Sunshellone's fingerprint, is like magnolia blossoms in the End of the World.

  23. 我们刚驶过海角就被陆地包围了。

    Scarcely had we passed the heads before the land closed around us.

  24. 从我书房的窗口,我可以俯瞰海湾和海角。

    From my study window I overlook the bay and the headlands.

  25. 拉斯角苏格兰大陆西北端得海角。

    A promontory at the northwest extremitythe scottish mainland.

  26. 拉斯角苏格兰大陆西北端的海角。

    A promontory at the northwest extremitythe scottish mainland.

  27. 因此这海角成为迎接太阳的第一位使者。

    Hence this cape is the first envoy to greet the sun.

  28. 西海角省的大部分居民是有色人种。

    Colored people constitute a majority of the population in Western Cape.

  29. 本人现为海角康足套鞋宝潍坊总代理。

    Myself presently am the cape Kang full overshoe valuable Weifang general agent.

  30. 今生,我站在寂寞左岸,你伫立海角天边。

    This life, I stood lonely Left you standing Cape horizon.


  1. 问:海角拼音怎么拼?海角的读音是什么?海角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角的读音是hǎijiǎo,海角翻译成英文是 cape; promontory; foreland

  2. 问:海角薙拼音怎么拼?海角薙的读音是什么?海角薙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角薙的读音是hǎijiǎotì,海角薙翻译成英文是 Cape Petrel; Daption capense

  3. 问:海角七号拼音怎么拼?海角七号的读音是什么?海角七号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角七号的读音是hǎijiǎoqīhào,海角七号翻译成英文是 Cape No.; 7, a 2008 Taiwanese romance comedic mus...

  4. 问:海角丝雀拼音怎么拼?海角丝雀的读音是什么?海角丝雀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角丝雀的读音是hǎijiǎosīquè,海角丝雀翻译成英文是 Cape Siskin; Serinus totta

  5. 问:海角天涯拼音怎么拼?海角天涯的读音是什么?海角天涯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角天涯的读音是hǎijiǎotiānyá,海角天涯翻译成英文是 the end of the earth; the remotest corners of...

  6. 问:海角攀雀拼音怎么拼?海角攀雀的读音是什么?海角攀雀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角攀雀的读音是hǎijiǎopānquè,海角攀雀翻译成英文是 Cape Penduline Tit; Remiz minutus

  7. 问:海角矶鸫拼音怎么拼?海角矶鸫的读音是什么?海角矶鸫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角矶鸫的读音是hǎijiǎojīdōng,海角矶鸫翻译成英文是 Cape Rock Thrush; Monticola rupestris

  8. 问:海角鸺鹠拼音怎么拼?海角鸺鹠的读音是什么?海角鸺鹠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角鸺鹠的读音是hǎijiǎoxiūliú,海角鸺鹠翻译成英文是 Cape Pygmy 0wl; Glaucidium hoskinsii

  9. 问:海角鹡鸰拼音怎么拼?海角鹡鸰的读音是什么?海角鹡鸰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角鹡鸰的读音是hǎijiǎojílíng,海角鹡鸰翻译成英文是 Cape Wagtail; Motacilla capensis

  10. 问:海角鹧鸪拼音怎么拼?海角鹧鸪的读音是什么?海角鹧鸪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角鹧鸪的读音是hǎijiǎozhègū,海角鹧鸪翻译成英文是 Cape Francolin; Francolinus capensis

  11. 问:海角凤头鹟拼音怎么拼?海角凤头鹟的读音是什么?海角凤头鹟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角凤头鹟的读音是hǎijiǎofèngtóuwēng,海角凤头鹟翻译成英文是 Cape Crested Flycatcher; Trochocercus cyano...

  12. 问:海角喷背鹟拼音怎么拼?海角喷背鹟的读音是什么?海角喷背鹟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角喷背鹟的读音是hǎijiǎopēnbēiwēng,海角喷背鹟翻译成英文是 Cape Batis; Batis capensis

  13. 问:海角山斑马拼音怎么拼?海角山斑马的读音是什么?海角山斑马翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角山斑马的读音是,海角山斑马翻译成英文是 Cape mountain zebra

  14. 问:海角锯白蚁拼音怎么拼?海角锯白蚁的读音是什么?海角锯白蚁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角锯白蚁的读音是hǎijiǎojùbáiyǐ,海角锯白蚁翻译成英文是 Microcerotermes marilimbus

  15. 问:海角马背上的自耕农拼音怎么拼?海角马背上的自耕农的读音是什么?海角马背上的自耕农翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海角马背上的自耕农的读音是Hǎijiǎo mǎbèishàng de zìgēngnóng,海角马背上的自耕农翻译成英文是 Cape Mounted Yeomanry