


阳性的人:~性。~人。~孩。~女平等。儿子:长(zhǎng )~。封建制度五等爵位的第五等:~爵。……


1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……





汉语拼音:nán zhōng yīn






  1. 介于男高音与男低音之间的男声。抒情男中音的音域与音色接近戏剧男高音。戏剧男中音的音色,在低声区与男低声相近。亦指男中音歌者。

    李凌 《音乐杂谈·坐“冷板凳”》:“我认识一个很有舞台经验的男中音。”如:不少人都知道,他是一位声音稳实、质朴,抒情性较强的男中音。



  1. "Everyone gets a piece of the action, " says DiBello, who has deep-set owlish eyes and a Philadelphia-accented baritone.


  2. A calm male voice is heard to say, "Dude, your friends asked me to give you a message: Dump the bitch before you're sorry! "


  3. Yes, the Siberian tiger lives up to his billing as the world's sexiest baritone.


  4. And here's the great baritone James Maddalena as he enters the system.


  5. A baritone who sings Fado and opera, he once auditioned (unsuccessfully) for a Portuguese version of "My Fair Lady" .


  6. In fact, it's the open-top XK, with its baritone growl, thanks to a particularly unrestrictive exhaust, that grows on me the most.


  7. at the other end, the great tower of the Louvre, with its bass.


  8. He spoke in a powerful, baritone voice and had a surprisingly regal air to him despite his readily apparent madness.


  9. Behind the basso profundo may be lurking a Figaro-like baritone, as much in tune with the comedy of life as its tragedy.


  1. 宽厚的男中音

    rich baritone voice

  2. 男中音独唱曲。

    a baritone aria

  3. 响亮的男中音

    a vibrant baritone voice

  4. 威尔第式男中音

    Wills typical baritone

  5. 歌喉极佳的男中音

    A baritone in excellent voice.

  6. 男低音要比男中音低。

    A bass voice is lower than a baritone voice.

  7. 你唱男低音还是男中音?

    Do you sing bass or baritone ?

  8. 他是男低音还是男中音?

    Is he a bass or a baritone?

  9. 我认为那个男中音很差。

    I thought the baritone left a lot to be desired.

  10. 男中音袁晨野饰海王。

    Yuan Chenye Baritone as Dragon King.

  11. 高于男中音的成年男子歌喉。

    the adult male singing voice above baritone.

  12. 男高音不能达到男中音那样低。

    A tenor cannot get so low as a baritone.

  13. 还有你是精灵唱诗班唯一的男中音

    and you re the only baritone in the elf choir

  14. 威尔第歌剧男中音咏叹调演唱风格研究

    The Research on the Singing Style of Baritone Aria in Verdi's Opera

  15. 上海师范大学音乐学院男中音余扬独唱音乐会

    Baritone Yu Yang Vocal Recital

  16. 他用地那豪壮的老年骠骑兵的男中音喊道。

    he roared in his stalwart old soldiers baritone.

  17. 上低音乐器指音域类似男中音的铜管乐器

    A brass wind instrument with a range similar to that of a baritone voice.

  18. 男中音高于低音音域且低于高音音域的男音或男歌手

    A male singer or voice with a range higher than a bass and lower than a tenor.

  19. 大部分男歌手根据音域分为男高音、男中音和男低音。

    We classify most male singers as tenors, baritones and basses according to their registers.

  20. 每天早晨,我都能听到男中音浑厚的声音。

    Every morning I can hear a rich voice of the baritone.

  21. 每天早晨,我都能听到男中音浑厚得声音。

    Every morning I can hear a rich voice of the baritone.

  22. 马来西亚首席男中音谢承钿在古晋城的演唱会。

    Malaysia Baritone Cha Seng Tiang singing a chinese number Along The Song Hua River.

  23. 马来西亚首席男中音谢承钿在古晋城得演唱会。

    Malaysia Baritone Cha Seng Tiang singing a chinese number Along The Song Hua River.

  24. 这么宽洪得声音, 唱个男中音一点问题也没有!

    Such a broad and resonant voice has no problem singing baritone.

  25. 这么宽洪的声音,唱个男中音一点问题也没有!

    Such a broad and resonant voice has no problem singing baritone.

  26. 这么宽洪的声音,唱个男中音一点问题也没有!

    Such a broad and resonant voice has no problem singing baritone.

  27. 同时,论述了解决男中音高音训练的途径和训练的方法。

    Meanwhile, it discusses the approach to solving high pitch training of baritone and training methods.

  28. 男中音詹姆士。希尔死于长年疾病,享年八十三岁。

    Baritone James Hill was dead at 83 after a long illness.

  29. 这套歌曲的原调就是为男中音而设而这也是笔者的声部。

    This song cycle is for baritone, which is also author's voice.

  30. 您的朋友约翰,是船上英国人中的佼佼者,有男中音的歌喉。

    Your friend John, as he is known among the English people on board, has a good baritone voice.


  1. 问:男中音拼音怎么拼?男中音的读音是什么?男中音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:男中音的读音是,男中音翻译成英文是 Baritone

  2. 问:男中音歌手拼音怎么拼?男中音歌手的读音是什么?男中音歌手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:男中音歌手的读音是,男中音歌手翻译成英文是 baritone